BSM - harry he likes your twin more

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Personal for Arzoo16199

Age 17.

Carrie my twin sister. It's always about her with Harry. Never pays attention to me. Everyone else does that's the good thing but Harry and Carrie no. They both hate me. And to top things off with a cherry Harry is taking Carrie on tour with home and it's a world wide tour. I've never been on tour Harry. I've never down anything to upset them. At least I don't think I have. Well today is the day they are leaving for tour. We all went to the airport and said your goodbyes. I didn't but not like they cared I'm not going to miss them. We all went back to the car and Gemma pulled me into a hug. "You ok?" I nodded. "I'm not bothered. They're just acting stupid and they need to grow up and get a life." Gemma smirked at you and gave me a fist bump. "It's their loss. Your an amazing person Arzoo and they need to realise that." I smiled and leaned on her shoulder. "Thanks Gem." *10 years later* So I'm officially a married woman and I have a little 6 month old baby girl Kari. Me and my husband Luke were taking her to my mums for today. Me and Harry have not spoken for 10 years because i moved out and a year after that i met Luke. And two years later we got engaged and now we've been married ever since. We finally got to my mums and we walked in. I took Kari out of her pram and went towards my mum. "Hey mum!" I smiled. "Hey sweetie." She said coming over to me. "Hey Kari." She smiled at her and took Kari. Luke then came in with Harry beside him. I looked away and talked to Gemma. "How you doing?" "I'm annoyed." She replied. "Why?" I replied. "Harry and Carrie have been getting on my case. Because the other day when I went over your house they wanted to come but knowing you don't talk to them as much anymore and they were keep getting on my case!" She groaned. "Well they should be glad that they're even seeing me today." I replied. "I know. Anyway how's Luke and you doing?" "we're doing great he's helping a lot with Kari. And when I'm at my work he's ok with watching her." "Oh that's right you got a job what do you do again?" "I work with Apple." She nodded. "Hey Arzoo." Carrie waved. I nodded. "Yeah hey." "Is it ok if I hold Kari?" I nodded. She went towards her and my mum handed her to her. "Mind her head!" "I know, I know." She started bouncing side to side. Then Harry came and sat with me and Gemma. "Hey." He said to me. I waved. Luke was talking to my mum and me and Gemma started talking again and Carrie and Kari. Harry was just sitting there watching the telly. Carrie then came back to me. "Luke said she's due a feed." I nodded. "Sit down." Carrie looked at me confused. "Your feeding her." She nodded and sat down making sure to be careful. I got her bottle out the bag and heated it up. I went back to the living room and saw Harry holding her. "I didn't say you could hold her!" Harry's head snapped up. "I'm allowed to hold my niece Arzoo!" He replied back. "Carrie is feeding her Harry, give her to Carrie!" Harry sighed and gently gave Kari back to Carrie. And walked off. I gave Carrie the bottle and walked to Luke. But before you could say anything he cut you off. "Love, do you not think you should forgive Harry. Because your just now talking to Carrie like 5 minutes ago?" I sighed. "But what if they do it again?" "Look Arzoo. They look really sorry and Harry just walked out to his room nearly in tears!" I sighed. "I'll see what I can do." I walked up to Carrie and apologised. She forgave me and apologised back. She gave me a one arm hug. But I want the biggest apology from Harry. I went up to his room and knocked on the door. He answered and went to shut the door when I stopped it. "Harry, I want to apologise!" He sighed and opened the door and let you in. "Look Arzoo before you say your apologies I want to say mine first. Look I'm sorry for everything I done to you. It was out of order and when we came home and your were gone I finally realised what a jerk I was to you." He sighed. "I'm sorry ok?" "Harry, you made my life a living hell. I hated it when I was left alone. I felt like no one cared. Gemma is the only one there for me. Sometimes mum but she couldn't calm me down like Gemma did. If I forgive you I might still be a bit weird around you but I'm willing to try and I'm sorry for ignoring you all these years." "You've got nothing to apologise for I deserved it. I was being a crap brother to you. And I deserved to be ignored." I sighed and went up to hug him. "So we're going to try?" I asked. "I'm willing to try if you are." I nodded. He smiled and we both went downstairs. Everyone looked at me and Harry and smiled. "Well I'm glad everything is cleared up." My mum said. We both smiled. Then Carrie came up. And handed me Kari. "She's just finished her bottle." I nodded and took her. I turned to Harry. "Want her?" He smiled and took her gently. Luke came up from behind me and hugged me. "Proud of you. You can actually be like a family now." I smiled looking at Harry and saw how happy he is. Luke kissed my cheek and I just smiled at the view in front of me. Well I hoped you enjoyed it Arzoo16199 thanks for reading - Shannz

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