Styles Triplests part 2

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Harry and Marcel, came into the room and saw you sitting watching the telly. They sat beside you one on each side. "So what's going on?" Harry asked. "With what?" "You and Edward." Marcel replied. "You know what happened you were there. The whole school was there." "Y/n, your his sister of course he's going to worry about you, you know?!" "I know he does Harry, but why can't he just let me deal with it myself?!" "Because he doesn't want to see you hurt!" Then Harry walked away leaving you alone with Marcel. "Great now Harry hates me too." You sighed sitting back. "He doesn't hate you love. He's just like Edward. Overprotective." You sighed. "But Marcel, do you ever get tired of it? I mean I'm grateful they help us out but don't you ever want to stand up for yourself?" He sighed and looked at the ground. "Sometimes but I don't think I can. Every time I try to they always laugh and tease me more. Once they nearly broke my glasses. Then they pushed me into the locker and punch me in the stomach." You gasped. "Who did that to you?!" "Bradley and Jason." He mumbled. "What?" He sighed. "Bradley and Jason!" He said louder. You then heard two groan and the door slam. "Who was that?" You asked as you saw Gemma, Edward and your mum standing there. "Harry. He heard what Marcel said and I think he are going after them." "Marcel why didn't you tell us?" Your mum asked sitting down. He looked at Edward who shook his head. "I can't." He said looking down. "Marcel, we can't help you to stop them if you don't tell us." He sighed. Edward kept shaking his head at him. "Edward was helping them." He said almost whispering. You all gasped and you saw Harry come back in. "YOU DID WHAT?!!" Edward jumped around. "You punched your own brother in the stomach?!" Edward looked down and nodded. "I'm sorry." Harry sighed and looked down. "You're dead to me!" Then he grabbed Marcel's hand and took him out. Then Edward sat next to you and started crying while you, Gemma and your mum stared at him in shock.

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