DDM Louis

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Age 16

Having Louis Tomlinson as a dad is awesome. I get to go on tour with him and the boys all the time. I see my auntie Lottie. She's like my best friend. So the boys are going on tour again and me and Lottie are joining them. Since Lottie is helping Lou with the makeup and i live with my dad so i kind of have to. Not that I'm complaining. We're all heading to the airport. It took us 7 hours but we are finally where the concert is. The arena was massive. "This place is huge!" I said looking about. There was already a few fans. "Want to go and say hi to them?" Lottie offered. "Lou doesn't need me for another hour. I nodded and we walked on stage. There were girls right in front of the walkway. We walked up to them. The waved. "Hi!" The said. "Hiya!" Then the people who were already here who are sitting further away came running down. "Y/n?" One of them yelled. "Yeah?" You said finding the girl who said it. "What's it like having Louis as a dad?!" "It's amazing! I get to travel the world with him and the boys and of course Lottie." "Yeah she's your auntie isn't she?!" We nodded. "What's it like seeing all the different countries." "It's great there's amazing places I've been to that I've never even heard of!" I said giggling. "Lottie?!" "Yeah?!" "I like your makeup!" "Aw thanks!" "Y/n, would you let Lottie do your makeup!?" "She can if she wants. Not a big fan of makeup though!" "Yeah you and Lottie don't need it! You're both so pretty it's unreal!" You and Lottie chuckled. "OI OI!!" You heard your dad yell. You and Lottie turned round and the girls screamed and gaped. "Hey dad!" he smiled as he walked on stage. "Hey everyone." They waved. "A lot of people are sure here early." He said giggling. "That's what happens at a one direction concert dad. You go to school 3 hours late. Dentist appointment 5 hours late. Goes to a one direction concert 48 hours early." Lottie and Louis giggled. "So you would go to one of my concerts 2 days early?" "No I can't because I go everywhere with you!" Lottie chuckled. "Touché. So what about you lot would you come here a week early?!" "I WOULD COME HERE A YEAR OR TWO EARLY!!" "Wow! Ok well we better go! Lou's waiting for you." He said tapping Lottie's shoulder. She nodded and waved to the fans. "Right my mini me. We better get ready for tonight. Niall is already ready and he's looking for someone to talk to." "Mini you? Dad I'm two feet taller than you." "Just go!" He said trying to be mad but failing as he smiled. You both waved to the fans. "SEE YOU IN A FEW HOURS GIRLS!!" "BYE WE LOVE YOU!!" You both waved and headed towards the dressing room while you headed to Niall.  

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