BSM Niall

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You break his guitar..... DUN DUN DUUUUNNN

Age 15

Your quite a load and energetic teenager. But not today. You were earlier on but something happened. You kind of... Broke Niall's guitar. You knew he was going to kill you. He wasn't back yet but he will be in a minute. Ok this is how you broke it. You being weird and energetic was being weird dancing, singing at the top of your lungs, just being you. But when you were dancing you fell and brought the guitar down with you. But it wasn't your fault well not all of it anyway. He shouldn't have his guitar on the wall in the first place. Your thoughts were interrupted when the front door slammed closed. "Y/n I'm home- WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED IN HERE?!!" You were in your room and you were staying quiet. "Y/N! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!!" You hid in your wardrobe. All you heard was his footsteps banging on the stairs. "COME OUT YOU LITTLE BITCH!!" You gasped at what he called you. "WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU, YOU ARE GOING TO GET IT!!" You were breathing heavily but making sure you were staying quiet. Just then you heard you bedroom door being slammed opened making it hit the wall. "COME OUT!! ILL FIND YOU EVENTUALLY!!" You put your hand over your mouth. It was silent for a few moments. You let out a shaky sigh of relief. When your wardrobe door was swung open. "AHHH!!" You screamed. You tried to make a run for it when Niall grabbed your arm. "Ow!" You said. He made you face him but you were looking down. "DID YOU ENJOY YOURSELF!!?BEING THE LITTLE FREAK YOU ARE!!? YOUR LITTLE PERFORMANCE BROKE MY GUITAR!!" He yelled. But you were still looking down. "LOOK AT ME!!!!" You didn't listen. He put his finger under your chin and made you look at him. "When I want you to look at me I want you to look at me. UNDERSTAND?!" You nodded. "Good. Now go on your bed and don't talk to me for the rest of the night." You nodded and sat on your bed. "Your lucky you live with me because mum would kick your ass." You nodded. He groaned and slammed your door. You let out an other shaky breath and went on your phone. When Niall came back in. "I'll be taking that." He said holding his hand out waiting for you to hand your phone over. You just looked at his hand. "Give. Me. That. Phone!" You shook your head and held your phone to your chest. He sighed. "Are you wanting a slap?!" You shook your head. "Then give me the phone." You looked down and handed your phone over slowly. He grabbed it off you. "That wasn't so hard was it?" You shook your head. "Right I'm going to make something to eat. I'll chap on your door. Your only allowed out of this room if you need the bathroom and when your going to brush your teeth. When you are finished your lunch you'll put the plate outside your door. Then I'll do the same thing with your dinner. Ok?" You nodded. "Can I watch my telly?" Niall sighed. "Yes." Then he left. Before he headed downstairs you stopped him. "I'm sorry." You whispered. You were still in your room but he still heard you. He shook his head and headed downstairs. You sighed again and tears brimmed in your eyes. You stood up and closed your door. Then sunk down to the floor. "He hates me." You whispered to yourself. You brung your knees to your chest and rested your arms on them then sobbed into them. "I'm so stupid." You were sobbing hard and your trying to find a way to make Niall forgive you. Just then you heard a knock on your door. You stood up and opened your door. You saw that Niall wasn't there. You looked down and saw a plate with a sandwich on it. You picked it up and saw a little sticky note. "Grounded for two weeks. Don't bother me for the rest of the night. Enjoy your sandwich it has ham on it. Enjoy." You sighed and threw the sticky note in the bin. You put your sandwich next to you on your bed. Not eating as you were planning an apology for Niall. There's going to be a part two. Do you think Niall should forgive her. Or he phones his mum to come and get you.. He forgives you in both of them but he still sends you to go with your mum. But you will put up a fight but he still sends you. So those two choices. He forgives you and you stay or phones mum goes back with her. But he still forgives you.

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