DDM He loves your twin more - Louis

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Louis, always wanted a son. And now he has one and it is your twin brother Tommy. You hated it. They do everything together. Like play football, have a carry on like play fighting. You actually play football. Tommy doesn't. But your dad doesn't know that Tommy actually hates football he just likes to see you upset. I know some brother right? Well Tommy is like one of those evil twins and you hate him as much as your dad. You have rewards and trophies for your football stuff but does anyone care NO! Your mum cared but she died when you and Tommy were 6 and that's when all of this started. Your dad left you to look after your self when you were SIX!! You were getting ready for your football game when your dad came in. He froze when he saw all your awards and trophies and when he saw you in your outfit. "You play football?" He asked shocked. "Have been since I was 7 dad." "You have been playing for 9 years?!" "Yup but you don't care do you?! It's always about Tommy! He hates football dad HATES it but you never wanted to talk to me about my interests because you were so happy that you got the son you wanted! I wish mum was still here because she is a better parent than you will ever be I HATE YOU!!" Your dad looked at you shocked and you saw tears cloud his vision. "I'm sorry." "Yeah should have told me that when I was six dad. You know when you stopped caring about me? Now if you would excuse me I have a football game to attend." You shoved past him and on your way you saw Tommy. "What would mum have said after you said that to dad?" "'Um, come on Y/n, let's get the hell out of here?' Just a guess." Then you went out. Louis' p.o.v: I must be the worst dad going. I have been ignoring my daughter for 10 years! I must have disappointed Laura (your mum) so much. Y/n, doesn't deserve any of this. But now she thinks I'm the worst dad ever. She hates me. I need to make it up to her. My thoughts were interrupted when Tommy came in. He froze when he saw Y/n's room as well. "Woah!" I nodded. "Dad, don't listen to Y/n, she doesn't know what she is talking about!" I shook my head. "She does Tommy, I have been the worst dad to her for the part 10 years. I blamed your mums death on her. That's why I have been ignoring her. I blamed my wife's death on my own daughter!" I heard a gasp but it wasn't Tommy's. Me and Tommy turned round and saw Y/n. "You think it was my fault mum died?" "I thought you were at football?" I asked. "I forgot there was no game today. But back to my question. You blame mum death on me?" She sounded so broken it killed me. Tears started streaming down her face. "Mum died because she was ill dad. She had cancer. Mum didn't get cancer because of me dad." "I know I'm sorry!" Y/n, shook her head. "I don't want to be here!" Y/n, yelled. She ran out of the house and Tommy ran after her. I put my head in my hands and started crying hard. Tommy's p.o.v: Y/n, maybe a small person but she can sure run fast. She finally stopped at a little park where there was like one kid. Y/n, sat on the swing and just moved back and forth the tiniest bit. I sat next to her. "I remember all the memories here. Mum and dad used to push us so high." I said softly. "No, you mean mum pushed me and dad pushed you. Dad loved you more than me from the start Tommy." "Y/n, dad may have a shit way of showing he loves you but he does!" We heard a little person gasp. "You said a bad word!" The kid from earlier pointed at me. "Yeah well I'm allowed so run along!" He groaned and ran away home. "Tommy you have a shit way of showing you love me too. You love it when you get all the attention from dad!" "No I don't Y/n?!" "Well why do you always smirk at me when dad says something or does something to upset me?!" "Y/n, those are sympathy smiles. And when I tried to make you feel better you always shut me out." Y/n, sighed. "I'm sorry." She said softly. I nodded. "It's cool." "Did mum really get cancer because of me?" Tommy sighed. "No y/n, stop it. Mum got cancer because she drank a lot." "Yeah she got liver cancer because she drunk so much. The only reason she drank so much is probably all the stress I gave her." "No, she drank so much because her and dad were getting a divorce." She snapped her head up. "W-w-what?" "They were getting a divorce Y/n, and they didn't tell us because mum drank so much that dad was getting sick of it. And when mum had a few weeks to live they got a divorce. I don't know why. But they didn't tell us because they knew mum was going to die anyway." "How do you know all this?" "Dad told me." "And he didn't think to tell me? What if I had questions?!" "Y/n, calm down he didn't tell you because how hurt you will be. You were only 6 when this happened and he told me when I was 10." "You've known this for 6 years and you didn't think to tell me!?" "I didn't want to make you more upset because the way dad was treating you!" "SO YOU DIDN'T STOP HIM!? YOUR MY BIG BROTHER TOMMY!!?" I looked down. "Do you know what Tommy don't talk to me. I'm going home and tell dad I won't be talking to him either." She got up and left. I sighed and just sat on the swing in silence. Your p.o.v: some family I have. This really is a mucked up world I live in by the way. I made my way home very slowly and when I got home I heard sobs. I looked in the living room and saw my dad crying. I shut the door over quietly and made my way upstairs when the stair creaked. "Tommy?" Unbelievable he still thinks of Tommy all the time. "Tommy, please say you've got Y/n!" I stayed quiet. Dad sighed and sat back on the couch. I shook my head and made my way up to my room. I shut the door over slightly and sat on my bed. When Tommy texted me. "Please tell me your home! X" i  didn't text back. I put my phone down then i heard footsteps coming upstairs. I pretended i was sleeping when my door opened. "Love?" My dad whispered. He's not called me love in a long time. He sighed when I was still 'sleeping.' He sat next to me and pushed my hair back. "I'm SO sorry. You didn't deserve getting treated like that. It was out of order and you are right. I'm the worst dad ever. You have every right to hate me and be disappointed in me. But I do love you Y/n, I love you so much. Me and Tommy both do. I know you'll never forgive me for a long time. But I hope you know I'm sorry. I love you." He kissed my head and went out. I smiled when the door shut and went to have a little nap. Louis' P.o.v: I actually meant every word I said to Y/n. I know she might not of heard me but I hoped she was pretending to sleep. I was going to make lunch for the three of us when a worried Tommy came in. "Dad please tell me you have seen Y/n!" He had tears in his cheeks and fresh ones in his eyes. "She's sleeping." He sighed in relief. "Thank god." He sat at the table and watched me cook. After I was done I asked him to get Y/n. He nodded and when he came back down Y/n, was behind him both of them have smiles on their faces. "What have you done?" I asked scared. The next thing I knew Y/n, was in my arm and started crying. I rubbed her back. "I'm sorry dad. I'm the worst person ever and I love you too." When she said the last sentence I smiled. She heard me! I hugged her tighter and then Tommy joined the hug. I'm proud of my family. It's a little broken but we still love each other. "I swear from now on Y/n, I'm going to treat you so much better." She nodded then sat down next to me and Tommy for the first time in years eating her lunch.

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