DDM Nouis

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Having two dads isn't as bad as it seems. You get loved by both of them like a normal parent. They just treat you the same. Yeah they spoil you a lot but you're grateful for it. But ever since you got a new little brother Niall has forgotten about you. Not talking to you, doesn't say hi or bye anymore, you can't even remember the last time he said he loved you. Louis says all these everyday and it makes you a little bit happier but you won't be glad until Niall says it. So you and Louis are going out for the day. But he is just going to ask you that now. "Hey, come on we are going out for a daddy - daughter day." "Is dad going to be there?" He shook his head and sighed. "Just us two, he's going to spend the day with Jayden." That's what it's like these days. Just the two of you and Niall goes with Jayden. You want your dad back, but you know that isn't happening anytime soon. "Of course." You said rolling your eyes. "Look Y/n, I know he hasn't talked to you much but he will change soon I promise." "Promises are made to be broken." He just shook his head and gave you, your jacket. You sighed and took it. You headed out. "Where we going?" "Park. Your dads taken Jayden to your gran Jo's for a visit." "Not seen her in a while." He nodded. Just as we were about to head to the park Niall came out with Jayden. "BYE NIALL!!" Louis yelled. "BYE LOU!!" He said waving while holding Jayden. "BYE DAD!" He just turned back round and put Jayden back in the car. You sighed and continued walking when Louis grabbed your arm. "I'll go and talk to him you go and I'll meet you there." You nodded and started walking. As you were walking you got your phone out. Louis shook his head and went towards Niall. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!!" "Don't yell in front of Jayden please Louis." Niall said buckling Jayden in his car seat and making sure he's in it properly. Then he closed the door. "You do remember that's your daughter Niall? You know your first pride and joy?!" Niall sighed and looked at Louis for a second then getting in the car. Starting it up. He was about to drive when Louis stepped in front of the car. Niall came to an immediate stop. He shook his head and got out the car. "WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING AT?!! I COULD HAVE HURT YOU!!" "'Now now, don't yell in front of Jayden." Niall just shook his head and went back to the car while Louis went to catch up to you. You were walking slowly so you're only down the road. Louis saw Niall speeding away but Niall wasn't watching where he was going. So he didn't see you crossing the road as he was getting Jayden's dummy to stop him crying. He got it and sat back up but when he did he didn't stop in time and he ran right into you. He stopped so fast that he nearly went out the window. He unbuckled his seat belt and got Jayden out and rushed towards you. All he seen was Louis running towards you. "YOU IDIOT!!" He said yelling at Niall. "I'm sorry." Louis got out his phone and phoned an ambulance. After he was done he said that they'll be five minutes. "Niall, go home. Your mum is visiting and she could watch Jayden." Niall nodded and went back to the car and driving back to the house. "You'll be ok baby girl." Louis said running his hand through your hair. A few minutes went by and the ambulance arrived. You were lying as still as anything. But the ambulance people came running towards the both of you and put you on the mad bed. They quickly put you into the ambulance and Louis went in as well. They rushed you to the hospital and got you to get checked. Louis waited in the waiting room and Niall came running in. Louis stood up. "Go!" He said pointing towards the main door. "Not until I see my daughter!" Louis shook his head. "No! You nearly killed her Niall!" He looked down and sighed. "Look just go home and get Jayden." Before Niall left the doctor came up to them. "Hi. Now Y/n, is doing ok. She's still unconscious so it might take her a while to wake up. But you can go and see her now if you want?" Louis nodded and said thanks. The doctor smiled and walked away. Louis went straight towards your room and stormed in. There you were. Looking so pale, hooked up to machines, wires all over your arm, looking so still, all you hear is the beeping of your life line machine. Louis ran over to you and Niall slowly walked towards you. Louis grabbed your hands and kissed them. "Please be ok." He said whispering tears streaming down his face. Then he looked at Niall. "Why are you still here? Go and get your son!" Louis said pointing at the doors again. Niall shook his head and sighed. "Fine but I'm coming back later." Louis just shrugged and looked at you again. Niall sighed. He was about to walk out when he hears: "Dad?" Niall snapped his whole body round and saw that you were awake. He smiled and ran towards you. "Thank god your ok!" Niall said smiling. "Why are you here?" "Because I wanted to make sure you were ok." "Well I'm fine.... So bye!" Niall looked at you shocked. Then he looked at Louis who was just looking down. "Fine, I'll go." He said standing up. "I'll see you at home Lou." Louis nodded and Niall left. As he got to the car he held his tears in. As soon as he parked the car at the house he got out and went in. "MUM!" He yells as he remembers she was babysitting Jayden. She came running into the hall. Where she saw Niall in tears and him sliding down the wall making him sit on the floor. "Niall what's wrong?! Is it Y/n?!" He nodded. "She hates me mum. She hates me! I should have been a better dad to her!" Maura and made Niall stand up and hugged him. He may be 33 (in the future) but he's still her little baby boy. "Niall stop the tears she'll come round eventually." "Hopefully. Where's Jayden?" He said walking into the living room and saw him in his bouncy chair. He smiled and crouched down and tickled his hand. "Hey buddy. Were you a good boy for granny?" He said smiling. "Look Niall go back to the hospital. I'll take care of him." "You sure?" She nodded while smiling. He got up and he was about to put his hoodie on when his phone went off. He sighed and grabbed his phone and answered it when he got outside. "Hello?" He said getting into the car. "Niall... It's Y/n." He heard Louis said. "What's wrong with her?!" He said getting scared. "She needs to go into surgery." Niall's breath hitched in his throat. "What do you mean?" "She landed head first when the car hit her." Niall was breathing deeply. He felt like the walls were closing in on him. "Is she going to be ok?" "She's got a very small chance of living." The world felt like it's stopped spinning. "You're lying!" "WHY THE HELL WOULD I LIE ABOUT SOMETHING ABOUT THAT!!?" "Because you're trying to get back at me for leaving her for these past months!" "Niall you're deluded! Just get your arse down here and come and see your daughter and leave Jayden with your mum!" "I did. I'm on my way!" He then hung up. He rushed into his car. He rushed to the hospital but when he got to the car park he parked the car and turned off the car. He sat there for a few seconds. He then just screamed then it turned into cries. He done this for a few more minutes then he decided to go in. He saw that Louis was standing at the door smoking. "There you are I've been wondering- have you been crying?!" I nodded. Then he pushed past Louis and speed walked to your room. Louis close behind. When they got to the room you were sitting up. Niall stormed in and pulled you into a hug. You sat there frozen for a while but you hugged back. Niall cried into your shoulder. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "I'm sorry too." Louis smiled at the sight. But the smile disappeared when he realised that it's going to be the last time he might see this. So he pulled out his phone and took a picture. He wiped his eyes as you and Niall pulled apart. Niall and Louis sat on both sides of you and you just talked the night away. It was already 11 o'clock at night and you three fell asleep. But Niall woke up a few hours later hearing a loud beep. He looked around and saw that Louis was still sleeping snoring a bit. But Niall decided to wake him. "Lou!" He whispered yell. He shook him. He stirred a bit and slowly opened his eyes. He looked around the room. "What's that noise?" Then he looked at you and froze. Niall looked at him confused then looked at you. "What's wrong with her?" "Look at her life line!" Louis said tears streaming. Niall slowly looked at the machine. He saw it was flatlined. "NO!" He said standing up. "She can't be dead she's not had surgery yet!" Louis nodded. "I know. I'll go get the doctor." He ran out and came back 5 seconds flat. The doctors rushed to you and made Niall move out the way. They stood there watching you while holding hands. They were doing everything but it wasn't looking good. The doctor and nurses sighed and stepped back. Then one of them looked at Louis and Niall. "We are very sorry but we did everything we could." He said smiling softly at them. "We'll leave alone." Then they walked out. Louis fell onto the floor and bursted into tears while gripping his hair. Niall just stood there frozen looking at you. Then he whispered. "My baby girl." Tears brimming in his eyes which fell in seconds. "What have I done to my baby girl?" Louis stood up and pulled him into a hug. But Niall pushed him away and ran out. "NIALL!" Louis yelled after him but he ignored him and ran out the hospital. Heading home. His mum would be slapping in the guest room. Like she always does when she stays. He got there 15 minutes later. He got his key and unlocked it. As soon as he went in he closed the door and collapsed on the ground onto his knees. And cried and cried. Until he heard footsteps heading downstairs. "Niall?" He looked up and saw his mum. "She's gone mum. My baby girl is gone." She gasped and ran to Niall. He stood up and she pulled him into a hug. "She's gone. It's all my fault! I should have pulled over to get the fucking dummy!" He said pulling at his hair. Just then Louis came in. "Niall." Louis said pulling him into a hug. Niall hugged back tight. "I should have pulled over to get the dummy. I killed my baby!" Louis rubbed his back. "It's ok." He said kissing his cheek. Niall then pulled back. "How can you say it's ok. Our baby girl just died. Right in front of us. It's all my fault!" Niall then stormed upstairs and slammed his bedroom door shut not knowing Jayden was in there. He instantly started crying. Niall turned round and picked him up. "Shh. Baby it's ok. Everything will be ok. Daddy's sorry." He said softly kissing his cheek. "You're daddies little boy aren't you? You're going to be a big strong boy and you're going to be just like Y/n, our perfect little baby. You already are but you're going to be the most perfect child we've raised and we are going to spoil you." He said rocking Jayden side to side. Louis was standing outside the bedroom door listening to everything he is saying. A few minutes later went by and he walked in. He saw Jayden and made Niall hand him over. "Hey big boy." He said smiling and kissing his cheek. "Your daddy's right. You're already perfect but we are going to make you even more perfect." He kissed his cheek again. *6 months later* It was your funeral last moth and it was the saddest day your family had to go through. It was a massive service. Everyone was in tears. Niall and Louis' tears were falling the most. Everyone put a lot of effort into their speeches. Niall and Louis were crying so much that Liam and Harry had to help them. Niall regrets that day ever since. Jayden is now  10 months old and learned how to say your name. Niall and Louis were crying happy tears and pulled him into a hug. Not a day goes by when the whole family thinks about you. And they miss you more than ever.

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