DDM He likes your twin more Harry.

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Your dad hates you. It's always about your twin Rachel. Your mum is getting sick of it as well. Your dad has even took Rachel on tour with him. Never you. You hate him so your not talking to him. Your in your room. And your dad came in. "Hello." You didn't look at him. "Y/n, I said hello?" You raised your eyebrows. "Y/n, answer me right now young lady!" You turned so your back is facing him. He grabbed your shoulder and roughly turned you round. "WHAT?!!" You yelled. "I was talking to you and you ignored me?!" "Yeah well now you know what it feels like. To be ignored by someone you love! It's always about Rachel never me! You HATE me I get it ok! So just go away! Because I hate you too!!" You put your back to him again and you heard him sigh. "I don't hate you?!" "YES YOU DO!!! You never take me on tour with you! You never say you love me! You never kiss me or hug me goodnight anymore!" You started crying. "I want my dad back! The one who loves me not h-h-hates me!!" Tears were streaming down your face and your dad looked at you shocked. "What have I done dad?! What have I done?!" Your dad gave you a bone crushing hug. "I'm sorry! I love you so much! I know I must be a terrible dad. I'm sorry. I'll take you on the next tour your not in school anymore. I'm sorry." Tears were streaming down his face as well. You hugged him back. "Dad what did I do?" "Nothing baby. Nothing. I'm being a shit dad to you. I'll treat you better I promise." You sobbed so did your dad. "I'm going on tour next week and I think Rachel is waiting for me to ask her. But do you want to come?" You nodded as soon as he said it. "Well you better get your bag soon because we are away for a while." You smiled and hugged your dad again. "It's good to have you back dad." He sighed. "I love you." "I love you too."

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