DDM - You get into a fight at school - Louis

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Louis: You were waiting for your dad to come pick you up from school because you got into a fight. Here's what happened. This girl who is an complete bitch said some things that did not make you happy. So you kind of nearly killed her. Not literally obviously but you hit her enough to hurt her. And the principal wasn't to happy and you know your dad is going to be furious. A knock on the door interrupted your thoughts. "Come in!" Your dad stormed in. "Ah Mr Tomlinson, glad you made it. Your daughter here seriously hurt Ms Carson. She almost sent her to hospital." "Yeah, well she deserved it!" You shouted. Your dad glared at you. You did the same. "Ok. Ms Tomlinson, I'm afraid your suspended for three weeks." "Ha just in the nick of! School is finished for the summer and I'm out of this dump!" Your principle looked defeated. "Do you know what Sir?" Louis said. "Ill sort her out when we get home!" Your dad smiled and your principle nodded. Your dad grabbed your arm and made sure the whole school could see you. But you thought back. "IS THIS A FASHON SHOW FOR YOU LOT TURN ROUND!!" Everyone knew not to mess with you after what happened so they looked away. Your dad shook his head. You went home in silence. But when you got home your with your older brother Tommy standing there. You waved but he shook his head. "DO YOU THINK YOU COULD HAVE GOT AWAY WITH THAT STUNT YOU PULLED TODAY?!!!" You shook your head. "Obviously not if I got suspended?" You sassed back. "Look Y/n, you may have got away with this at school but here ohhhh your going to hate it!" You just shrugged. Your brother Tommy went up to you. "This is pathetic Y/n, your being pathetic! You think your better than everyone! When your not! You think everyone is scared from you when in reality they just don't want anything to do with you! Your basically a failure!" You looked at your brother with no emotion like it didn't effect you but deep down it was killing you. "You disappointed me and dad, Y/n. What would have mum said?" You hated when people said that to you. She died when she was ill a few years ago she died in her sleep. You felt like nothing without your mum and you hate it when people bring her up when you do something wrong. "Look, I'm sorry that I'm a failure ok? But please don't bring mum into this Tommy!" "Why it's your fault she got ill!" You pushed Tommy and ran upstairs. Now you were the girl that never cries but when people who say that to you. Who wouldn't? You slammed your door and the tears began to fall. You must have cried yourself to sleep because your dad was shaking you. "Y/n, why you crying?" "I'm sorry! I'm sorry that I'm a bad daughter and a bad sister! I'm sorry that I'm not the daughter you want me to be! I'm sorry that mum died ok? I'm sorry!" You started crying again. Your dad looked at you shocked because you never cry. He brought you into a hug. "Y/n, don't listen to Tommy. I don't know why you are you never listen to him." "Yeah but when he says something like that how am I not supposed to?!" Louis sighed. "TOMMY!!" He came running up. "Yeah dad?" Your dad pointed at you and when Tommy saw the state your in. He ran up to give you a hug. "I'm sorry that was out of order. I'm sorry that I said that about mum. I'm sure that she is so proud of you." You wiped your tears and ran up to Tommy and gave him a hug. "I'll change I promise." Your dad joined the hug and smiled at his little family.

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