DDM Niam part 3

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When Niall got to your room he saw you on your phone. "Hey, can I talk to you?" You looked up and locked your phone. "Sure." You sat up and Niall sat beside you. "It's about the whole dad thing again." You sighed. "You're going to make me do it aren't you?" He sighed and nodded. "But I have a reason." "What?" He cleared his throat. "You know the video of Zayn and Louis when they smoked?" You nodded. "Well they told me that they can't adopt. They think the baby will be in a bad environment." You nodded. "And you believed them?" He looked at you confused. "What?" "Why did you believe them? They could be lying." "Y/n, I don't think they would lie like that." "How do you know? We both know they are desperate for me to call Louis dad that they actually went that far to say that." "You could be right but what made you say that? And why do you think it's true?" "Look at my window." Niall looked and saw it was open. "It's open." "And my room is the front of the house. That means if my windows open I hear what people are saying. And it just so happens that my window was open when they left and I heard them talk to Harry and they said that you bought it and they are waiting to see if I bought it." Niall looked at you shocked. "Are you being serious?" "As a heart attack." He nodded. "Well they're coming back later on and I think they're going to think you're going to call Louis dad." "If he says hi to me I'll just say hi. And then he'll get annoyed and maybe he'll loose it and say hi to me again to see what I'll call him and I'll call him Louis." "Plan." A while later the boys were back. "Y/N!" Niall yelled. You locked your phone and put it in your pocket and headed downstairs. When you went down you saw Liam and Louis in the living room. "Hey." You said sitting on the chair. "Hey. Look Y/n, I want to say sorry for earlier." Liam said. "It's fine let's just put it behind us dad." When you said dad Louis' head snapped up. "Hey Y/n." "Hey." Niall was looking through the door. "Hey Y/n." Louid said again. "Hey Louis?" You said. "That's it! Niall did you even tell her?!" "Yes he did actually and guess what? You told me to." "What?" Louis asked. "Did you forget that my room is at the front and my window was open and my ears aren't painted on?" They both looked at you shocked while Niall stood there shocked. "I-i-i-" "You were just leaving. Now that your little secret is out I'm sure you won't make me call you dad for a long time am I right?" They nodded. "Bye dad." You said waving at Liam. He nodded and gave you side hug while Louis just nodded and headed out with Liam close behind him. "SEE YOU ON FRIDAY!" You yelled. When they left Niall ran up to you and picked you up into the air. "Well you handled that well." Niall said laughing and putting you down. "Well that should teach them not to say anything when their still at the front door." You said laughing. "Now come on I'm wanting a McDonalds." "Same." Then you both headed out laughing at Louis' face when he found out that you heard.

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