Nameday - Part 10 - Tyrion x Bronn x Reader

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Tyrion had seen Bronn drunk before. He had seen him drunk on many occasions; but he was sure that he had never seen him this drunk, or this melancholic. Bronn had come banging on his door; the sellsword asking the bleary-eyed little lord, if he would like to accompany him down into Lannisport, to see what the port city really had to offer. Tyrion agreeing, sensing that something was wrong with the sellsword. Bronn remaining tight lipped, until they had found a particularly pleasant looking establishment, and the wine had begun to flow. The sellsword finally telling him that he had found (Y/n) when he had gone to find wine. That they had spoken; that she had even allowed him to see the children................

"Well, if you think about it, at least my sister spoke to you; that has to be a good sign. And you have seen the children............." Tyrion finally said. Bronn just huffing and finishing off his latest drink, before topping up the cup. Red wine spilling over the lip and onto the table.

"She hates me..............." Bronn slurred, as he dropped his chin onto the tabletop. Tyrion shaking his head as the sellsword dipped the tip of his finger into the spilt wine and began to draw patterns with it.

"Believe me when I say that there are many people that hate you, Bronn; and most justifiably so. Even I, on the odd occasion, am not your overtly keen on you. But my dear sister is not one of those people. If she hated you, she would not have allowed you to be at Casterly Rock, never mind stay in her room and see the children..........."

"No.....No!........See, ya ain't smart as ya think ya are. She hates me. I love her, and she hates me..........." Bronn interrupted, pointing a finger at Tyrion, as he raised his chin from the table, and tried to focus on the man in front of him. Tyrion surprised to hear the word 'love' leave the sellsword's lips; the little lord unaware that Bronn even knew what it was. But it would seem obvious that given his preoccupation with (Y/n) and his children on their journey, and now the mention of love; that whatever had happened between his sister and the sellsword, was, in truth, had become more than a mere dalliance on Bronn's part. That (Y/n) had been able to do what so many other women before her, had not managed to accomplish. She had found the heart of the sellsword.

"I wanted ta ask her if would marry me. If she would let me prove I could be a good husband and father; but she told me ta come ta tha brothels instead. So.............." Bronn explained, as he struggled to his feet, bumping the table and knocking over his and Tyrion's drink, as he tried to steady it, and himself.

"Here I am........." He continued, before dropping to the floor in an unconscious heap. Tyrion letting out a sigh, as he wondered how he would get the sellsword back to the castle that sat on the rocky promontory, overlooking the Sunset Sea, in this state.


(Y/n) lay in her bed, her eyes focused on the window through which beams of moonlight, lazily drifted. As much as she did want to sleep while her little ones slumbered; at this moment, she seemed to have lost her ability to rest. The image of a certain sellsword going around and around in her mind. A little part of her had wanted to tell him to leave. That she, that the children were nothing to do with him; that they didn't need him. That they would do just fine without him. Better without him, in fact. But as he had stood there, she found that she couldn't. It had been so long since she had seen him, and as he had looked at her, she had realised just how much she had truly missed him. How much she cared.

In the beginning, it had all been just fun. The time that she spent with Bronn, a way of snubbing her noses at convention, at everything that was expected of her. The lioness quite liking the idea of fucking a simple sellsword, right under her father's nose. But slowly, ever so slowly, she had found that things had started to change; her feelings had started to change. The pair taking to spending the whole night together; (Y/n) finding herself enjoying waking up to find herself still in his arms, after they had talked and laughed into the darkest hours of the night. She had of course not gone out of her way to fall pregnant; she had been careful, taken more than one brew of moon tea. Yet when she had been told of her condition, she had not been unhappy; despite knowing what it could mean. That her father would not take kindly to the news, especially when he knew who the father was. (Y/n) saying no to her father's orders to marry Bronn, as she knew that was what the sellsword would say. That the notion of being wed, was not one that he would relish. It a way of protecting herself, her heart. A heart that she had lost to Bronn, without meaning to.

Slowly, she sat up. She could still see him stood next to the crib, his eyes on Markas. She had a feeling that he had wanted to say something, before she had interrupted him. Perhaps she had been too quick, too curt. She had cut him off and treated him as if he had been no one to her. The thought of him going down into Lannisport, as she had told him, to find women to entertain him, was actually making her feel sick. The lioness hoping that he had not listened to her. That he was in fact, in his room, fast asleep. But knowing Bronn..............(Y/n) shaking her head, before she lay down again. Wondering if perhaps a word with Tyrion might help, when she saw her in the morning. Might help her make up her mind, as to whether or not she should sit down and listen to what Bronn might have had to say.  

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