The "bannerman" - Part 10 - Jory x Reader

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"Captain Sharpe. Such a pleasure to see you again." Ned said, as he made his way to his chair and took a seat.

"Thank you, my lord...................."

"It would appear that you have thrived during your time at Highgarden. You look much different to the last time we saw you.............."

"Yes, my lord. Lady Olenna has been good to me. Just like me, she is a woman in a man's world. So, with my lady, I have no need to hide who I truly am, for fear of being told that a woman cannot become a bannerman. For fear of being told that I don't belong and should return to my home." (Y/n) replied, the captain repeating the words that Jory had said to her when he had discovered her in the bath house.

"Yes........I am sure. And it would appear that House Stark's lose was House Tyrell's gain. Lady Oleena told me in her correspondence that you have been teaching your father's methods to her guard. That they are progressing well..........."

"Indeed, my lord. All it requires is a little time and patients. The kind of time and patients that my father had with me when he was training me to follow in his footsteps. When he was training me to become a bannerman." (Y/n) continued. Standing proudly before the old wolf. Eddard doing his best to not laugh at the look on the captain of his guard's face. Jory still in shock as he stood behind (Y/n).

"Well, I hope that now you have returned to Winterfell, you will be given all the time and patients that you need to continue your training of Captain Cassel's men. But for now, perhaps the captain will show you to your quarters........." Ned replied. The Lord Paramount of the North doing his best to not laugh once again, as he saw the displeased look in the eyes of Guthrie's daughter.

"If that is what my lord wishes." (Y/n) replied, with another deep, respectful bow. The captain of the Tyrell guard's nodding to Rodrik, before replacing her helmet and turning to look at Jory. Jory dutifully bowing to his lord before leading (Y/n) from the great hall.


The journey to the rooms where (Y/n) would be staying, had been a quiet one to say the least. Jory had so many times wanted to say something. To stop the daughter of the twin blade swordsman and apologies for what he had done and said that night. To tell her that he had gone to look for her so that they could return to Winterfell together. That he wanted to try and fix his mistake. That he had missed her and was so glad to see her safe and well. But he had sensed from the chill to her glare, that anything he tried to say, would fall on deaf ears. Not that he could blame her. He had realised that he had been cold, cruel. That he had refused to listen to anything that she had tried to tell him. Refused to listen to her reasons for doing what she had done. Though that didn't mean that he had lost all hope. That didn't mean that he wouldn't try and make amends during her stay.


(Y/n) followed behind Jory as they wound their way through the corridors of the great old castle. Lord Stark had been right; she had thrived under the patronage of the lady of the House of the Rose. And she had changed a great deal since she had left Winterfell. The young Sharpe believing that she had finally found her place in the world. That she had finally been able to do what she was meant to do. All the long days, the long hours of training the Tyrell soldiers slowly taking shape. (Y/n) bringing with her some of her best men, to prove to House prove to Jory that a woman could fight just as well as any man. That a woman could train others. That she could be everything that she wanted to be.

She had to admit that she had done her best to protest as much as she could, when her lady had informed her that she was being sent back to Winterfell to continue the training she had started with Lord Stark's men. But Lady Oleena would have, what Lady Olenna wanted. The old woman's last words to her, staying with (Y/n) as she had made her way from Highgarden............ "Show those men what a woman can do my dear....................."

"Here we are." Jory suddenly said, as he came to a stop outside a door and opened it. The two captain's standing there for a moment. (Y/n) looking at Jory from the shadow of her helmet. Part of her wanted to.........she didn't know.........perhaps she wanted to hate him. To do something to hurt him as much as he had hurt her. To take away from him the only thing he knew how to do. The only person that he loved. But another part of her knew that she could never do that. Not just for the fact that she had come to Winterfell as a representative of House Tyrell, of Lady Oleena; but also, because despite the time and distance there had been between she and Jory, her feelings for him had not changed. They had not changed even when she had chastised herself repeatedly for still caring. Not even when she had tried to lose herself in her work. So, here she was, back where all this had started. Back with the man that she still............still loved.

"If ya need anything, Captain Sharpe, I hope that ya remember where my quarters are........" Jory continued, as (Y/n) finally made her way into the room, removed her helmet and looked around. Jory's heart on one hand skipping a beat as he took in her beauty, yet on the other, breaking, as refused to look at him. Refused to say anything to him. Seven Hells, even if she shouted at him, screamed at him. Hit him. It would be better than silence.

"Thank you, Captain Cassel, but I don't think that I will be needing to go to your quarters, do you? Though I would appreciate it if you would have the first contingent of your men in the training yard as soon as the sun is up. If I remember rightly, I have a lot of work to do................Now, if you will excuse me............." (Y/n) replied, gesturing towards the door. A heavy sigh leaving Jory's lips, as the old wooden ingress closed firmly behind him.   

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