My dear priest - Part 2 - Thoros x Reader

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"Ya lookin at her again." Anguy noted, as Thoros dropped onto the floor next to him.

"Who her............." The former Red Priest retorted, as he took another drink. Doing his best to pretend that he had no idea what the young archer was talking about.

"There is only one her around here. (Y/n), ya lookin at (Y/n) again. And why are ya pretending ta be drunk? I can tell ya not. If ya were really drunk, ya would have started singing that song about that young lady from Bravos." Anguy replied, as he took the wine skin from Thoros' hand and took a drink.

Thoros had to admit that he was a little surprised. He had never realised that the younger man was quite so observant. But it was now obvious that he was wrong. The former priest wondering if any of the others had noticed. If Beric had noticed the way that he would look at the beautiful Dondarrion.

He knew that he was pretending to be drunk so that none of the others would think anything of it when he would finally make his way to where (Y/n) sat. That they would just laugh, as he took a seat next to the lady and placed his arm around her shoulder. Thoros sure that the others, that her brother would just think that his forwardness was due to the effects of the alcohol, and not because he just actually needed an excuse to be close to her.

Thoros wasn't sure what his friend would think about the feelings that he harboured for his younger sister. But he did have a notion that despite how close they were and what they had been through, Beric wouldn't approve. Firstly, the lord knew of his past. About his drinking and whoring during his time in the temple. During his time with Robert Baratheon. Secondly, she was younger than him by a number of years. And thirdly, he could recall how Beric had talked about how he had wished that he could have persuaded (Y/n) to agree to a match with some young lord. A man that could look after her and protect her. Even naming the oldest lad of Eddard Stark as a possible husband. Thoros sure that friend or not, Beric wouldn't take kindly to the idea of him taking the maidenhood of the Lady of Lightning, before she found that husband. Not that he had thought about it, of course. Alright, maybe once or twice. Fine.........basically he had thought about it every night since he had met her. Thoros eyes never leaving the lady, as she went back to sharpening her sword after speaking with her brother.

Anguy couldn't help but shake his head at the Red Priest. Thoros had never been backwards at coming forwards before. The archer recalling all the stories that the older man had told him about the women that he had bedded. So why talking to (Y/n) should be any different...........but he had to suppose it was. (Y/n) was a lady, not a simple whore. She was strong, smart and beautiful. But most of all, she was the priest's best friend's younger sister. Anguy sure that that was why Thoros would use the excuse of being drunk to allow him to get close to her. Beric already having threatened several men that had got a little too close to the exquisite lady.

"Ya should really go and talk ta her. I might not have had as many women as you, but I've seen how she looks at ya. It's tha same look that ya giving her now." Anguy continued. Thoros shaking the wonderful thoughts about the Lady of Lightning from his mind. The priest realising that he really had underestimated his young friend. But before Thoros could argue or agree with the archer, he watched as (Y/n) got to her feet and placed her sword back in its sheath. The lady making her way towards the entrance of the cave.


Beric took a seat across from where Thoros and Anguy sat. The Lightning Lord finally realising that he had been blind, and it wasn't due to the fact that he only had one eye. Until this moment, he had failed to see that Thoros would look at (Y/n) in the same way she would look at him. The look not one of lust that a man would give a whore, but a look of, dare he say, love. Beric deciding that perhaps that it would be wrong to stand between them. That given their lives, and the fact that any day could be their last. What would be so wrong with allowing his sister and friend to enjoy some time together. Beric doubting that even if he had been able to arrange a marriage for her with some safe lord, (Y/n) would have run away to join him, and ended up with Thoros anyway. Beric well aware that his sister had always had a liking for a scoundrel.

Suddenly (Y/n) got to her feet. Placed her sword back in its sheath and made her way to the entrance of the cave. Beric deciding that now was a good a moment as any to try and bring the two together.

"Thoros.........." Beric called out. Thoros reluctantly turning his gaze from the sway of (Y/n)'s hips.

"Follow her. Its not safe out there." The Lightning Lord called out. Thoros nodding in agreement. Grabbing his wine skin back from Anguy before picking up his sword and making his way outside.


(Y/n) took a deep breath of fresh air. Closing her eyes, as the rays of the late afternoon sun creeped through the thick canopy and warmed her skin. As much as she loved her brother. As much as she cared for the other men, she occasionally needed to escape the confines of the cave. She had never classed herself as being the most ladylike of women; but there were things that the others did that were not the most pleasing. So, no matter how dangerous it was to be out of the cave, it was something she needed to do. The lady finally taking a seat near the mouth of the cave, just like Beric had told her.

"Mind if I join ya?" A familiar voice came. (Y/n) smiling, as she looked up a now apparently stone called sober Thoros. Slowly nodding and patting the ground next to her. The Red Priest placing his sword to his side, as he took his place next to the lady and offered her the wine skin. 

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