It can't be - Part 7 - Bronn x Reader

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(Y/n) marched out through the mass of men. Each one of them looking up as she stormed past. Quite shocked to see a woman in their midst. Yet the lioness didn't notice. And even if she had, she wouldn't have cared. She hadn't given a damn about what others thought in many years. (Y/n) too angry, to think about anything other than making her way back to her little campfire so that she could continue to fume.

She hadn't been this angry in years. She hadn't felt so insulted in years. Yet a few moments in Tywin's presence had changed that. But what annoyed her most, was the fact that she had found that despite the years, Tywin was as handsome as he had always been. That he was as commanding as ever. And the lioness hated herself for being drawn to that. That she had, even if only for a moment, found herself falling into his eyes. Feelings that she had thought were long gone, beginning to bubble to the surface again. Feelings that she didn't want. She had only agreed to take the role with her nephew, because she wanted to get to know him a little better. To perhaps even meet the twins, despite what she had heard about her niece in particular. And, well, to be honest, it was easy gold. It would certainly be an easier job than she had in years. She would get a roof over her head, food in her belly, somewhere comfortable to sleep and access to one or two bottles of good wine. None of which she was averse to. Yet, taking on the role of Tyrion's bodyguard did mean, as she had said, that she and Tywin would see more of one another. The lioness just hoping that the feelings that she had noticed, were only temporary. That soon they would once again fade. For she knew that if her cousin did show any affect towards her, that it would simply be because she was the image of Joanna, and not because he actually cared for her.

With a bump, (Y/n) sat on the log that she had placed next to her fire. The lady picking up the arrows that she had previously not been able to retrieve. A sigh leaving her lips, as she caught sight of the man that was coming towards her. She hadn't said anything to Bronn during their time with Tyrion. And to be honest, he hadn't really tried to speak to her. But she already knew all about him. She had met many men just like him over the years. Men that were unscrupulous. Men that were more or less willing to kill anyone or anything if they were offered the right amount of gold. A sarcastic, amoral, asshole that thought that women had only been put in this world to wet his cock. But that said, she had found herself liking him. Found that despite all his glaring faults, there was something about him. Found him to be quite brave and highly skilled. And there had been more than one occasion that she had had to stifle her laughter at one of his comments or remarks. More than one occasion that she had wanted to bite back and just have a good old-fashioned argument with the other sellsword. Well, that, and he wasn't the most hideous man that she had ever seen.

"So...........ya a woman then.........?" Bronn sniffed, as he took a seat on the other log. The sellsword not waiting to be invited.

"Yes.........what gave it away..........?" The lioness replied sarcastically. As she placed the arrows back into the quiver.

"And ya a Lannister. Tha little man's aunt................?"

"My, my, my, news certainly does travel fast, doesn't it? Was there something in particular that you wanted, Bronn, or did you just come here to ask me things that you already know the answers to?" The lady enquired, as she turned her attention to the man sat across from her. Bronn simply shrugging before pulling two apples from his pocket and throwing one to (Y/n).

"Why didn't ya say anything?" Bronn continued, as he pulled a small knife from his boot and used it to cut a wedge from the piece of fruit.

"You are quiet the nosiest man that I have ever met. But it you really must know; I learnt long ago not to tell anyone who or what I am. Not even my own nephew. If people don't know about what lays beneath the hood, then I am only judged on my skills with my sword and bow. I make more gold that way. Not too many lords would want to hire a woman to do their dirty work. But a mysterious sellsword dressed in black, that has managed to garner quite a reputation for themselves over the years, well, that is a different matter. And until my hand was forced earlier this evening, I had no intention whatsoever of changing that. Of being here any longer than I had to be. the gods have seen fit to make my identity known, I might as well take advantage of the opportunities that it has afforded me." (Y/n) explained, as she took a bite of her apple. The lady doing her best not to chuckle as she watched Bronn. It obvious that the other sellsword was thinking. And given what she had previously heard come out of his mouth, the lady had no idea what to expect.

"Aye. I heard......................"

"What? No sarcastic comment? No crude remarks. No snide insult? Well......I must admit that I am disappointed. I would have thought that discovering that not only was I a woman, but also a Lannister that is having to take a job as her nephew's bodyguard, would have given you more than enough ammunition for one of your mocking tirades............."

"I heard about ya.............." Bronn interrupted. Throwing the core of the apple into the fire.

"I'd heard tha stories about ya over tha years. Even seen ya on tha battlefield once or twice. Never thought I'd get ta meet ya in person though. When ya walked into that tavern I was planning on buying ya a drink before the little man walked in.................."

"So, you have no issue with me working with you to protect my nephew then..............?"

"Not one that I can think of. Not at the moment anyway." Bronn sniffed, as he slowly got to his feet.

"Ya want ta get a drink?" He continued. The sellsword making his way over to the lady and offering her his arm. Sure, that between them they could sniff out a bottle of wine somewhere.

"That's the best offer I have had in a long time, Bronn." The lioness replied, as she allowed him to escort her through the camp. (Y/n) not sure whether this evenings turn of events would work out well for her. But at least a drink with Bronn would take her mind off her thoughts of Tywin. 

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