Tyrion's protector - Part 4 - Bronn x Reader

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Bronn didn't know how he had ended up like this. How he had ended up on his back in the dirt of the arena floor, with a angry looking doe pinning him to the ground with a dagger at his throat. But no, wait one moment, he did know, she had cheated, and he couldn't be more turned on if he tried. The look in her eyes, as the thin blade dug a little further into the skin at his throat, was at once a little scary, but more importantly, incredibly erotic. The smell of their combined sweat mixed with the dirt of the floor, his new favourite odour.

He had never realised until this moment, how well endowed the princess was. It was obvious that she had become quite an expert at concealing her figure over the years under men's clothing and leather armour. But at this moment, his eyes could barely drag themselves away from her heaving bosom that he could see through her shirt, as she tried to control her anger and catch her breath. Bronn sure that the sight was one of the best that he had ever seen.

The sellsword would freely admit that he had found the princess to be beautiful from the moment that she had rushed over to greet her uncle on his return to Kings Landing. But the sight of her now............oh that.............that was something much more. She was breathtaking, exquisite, perfect in mind, proportion and skill. And for a lady that had never known what it was to fight a war, to face an enemy that really wanted to kill her, she had still fought as if she had.

The whole thing had progressed as normally as any fight would, well, that was once Tyrion had got his arse out of the way that is. The little man having rolled his eyes before taking a seat on the steps out of the way, when it had become quite obvious that his niece was not going to listen to him, any more than Bronn was. The youngest Lannister just begging them not to kill one another. But as the lady parried his every thrust, countered his every moved, mirrored his every step and rained blow after blow down on him, the sellsword had found himself thinking that Tyrion might just be right. That under the right circumstances, this daughter of the old stag might just be able to kill him............might.........

But then............the upper hand. The lady falling with a bump onto her backside. The arena going quiet for a moment, before the doe had dropped her head into her hands and begun to cry, to sob. Bronn shaking his head before making his way over to her and offering her his hand. The sellsword caught completely by surprise, as she had grabbed his hand, and smiling broadly at him had pulled him forward and kicked his legs out from under him. So, here he was..........on his back, in the dirt. But for once, he found that he didn't mind.

"Ya cheated..................." Bronn hummed, as he looked up at (Y/n). His grin getting a little broader, as she pushed her chest closer to his, accentuating her cleavage all the more.

"I know......................."

"Ya don't fight with honour............"

"Then that makes two of us, doesn't it.............?" The doe retorted. Her eyes never leaving the face of the sellsword, nor her dagger, his throat.

"Ya know, I've said this to a lot of women, but this is tha first time I've ever meant it............I think I'm in love; and given half a chance, I would fuck ya right here, right now..............Hell, I might even marry ya." Bronn said, his grin never leaving his face, as the steely gaze of the princess, became a look of shock and disbelief. And also, a hint of something else that suggested that she might just be softening to him.

"Alright you two. I think that is quite enough." Tyrion's voice suddenly came, cutting through the tension that had descended over the sellsword and princess.

"I think that you can get off him now, my dear. I believe that you might just have taught him a lesson..................."

"Oh, aye...............that she has. But I'm sure that there are a few more things that she could show me, and vice versa. And I'd be delighted to show her.........any time she likes." Bronn chuckled. The princess huffing indignantly, as she reluctantly removed her dagger from his throat and climbed off him.

"The lesson.........sellsword..........is that you should never underestimate a woman. Especially not one that has the blood of stags and lions running through her veins." (Y/n) retorted angrily. Giving the still prone Bronn one last glare before turning to her uncle.

"Your sellsword isn't as good as his boasting would have others believe, uncle. But if you insist and keeping this grinning fool around, perhaps you could explain to him that manners cost nothing, and are better received around here than the cheap whores that he beds. Now, as I can only imagine what you two have planned for the rest of the evening, I will take my leave." The lady continued, before bending down and kissing her uncle on the cheek. Tyrion and Bronn watching as she made her way back into the castle.


"Stupid sellsword............crude, rude, unpleasant, egotistical..........(Y/n) grumbled under her breath, as she washed the dirt, sweat and dust from her body. Draping her head and arms over the side of the bath and mumbling a little more.

"Said I cheated............of course I cheated, I knew that he would if he was given half a chance. Said that I fought without honour..............why would I fight with honour when fighting him? That arrogant, lewd, amoral...........pig of a man. I only fight with honour if those I fight have honour themselves. He wouldn't know honour if it bent over and sucked his cock. Why uncle Tyrion keeps him around, beggars belief.............." The doe grumbled. A heavy sigh leaving her lips, as she sunk a little deeper into the water. Her mind going to what he had said.

"But..................no, there are no buts. He was just saying those things to try and distract you. One of his tactics. He was attempting to make you forget yourself. I mean.......... where is he now? At a whore house on the Street of Silk or in his rooms with one on top of him, that's where. That hardly sounds like love to me. And..........and we don't like him anyway. He isn't our type.............is he................?" (Y/n) told herself. Her words drifting off as she mused for a moment. Her thoughts going to the look in his eyes and that smug, annoying grin of his. The princess suddenly jumping out of the bath, deciding that it was high time that she familiarised herself with the dark underbelly of the city; and the Street of Silk in particular. Getting a sudden urge to see what actually went on, on one of her uncle's little trips out of the Keep. 

Game of Thrones: Imagines and one shots. Book threeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz