It can't be - Part 3 - Tyrion x Reader

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"Thank you." (Y/n) said, as her nephew handed her a glass of wine before taking a seat across from her.

" are the one that killed my sister..........." The sellsword began. The lady instantly feeling regret as she saw the look on Tyrion's face.

"Please, I'm sorry Tyrion. I didn't mean it like........I have been on the road for far too long. I have been on my own for too long too. I fear that I have lost the art of speaking with others. My humour has become a little too dark." The lioness apologised, as she reached over and took Tyrion's hand.

"Not for one moment do I blame you for your mother's demise. Women die in childbirth every day. Be they lady or smallfolk. Death does not see rank or status. It just takes. It is just one of those unfortunate truths about life for women. Though I do hear that your father blames you. That he hates you for being.......well, for being what you are. I wish I could say that I was surprised, but..............even after all these years, I am not shocked by anything that Tywin Lannister does. I have heard of you, you know. Of your brother and sister. Of the queen and the slayer of the Mad King. We are quite a family, aren't we." The lioness continued with a chuckle, as she slowly leaned back in her chair and took a sip of her wine.

Tyrion couldn't help but stare at the older woman. Despite her years, his aunt was still quite beautiful. Her features soft and gentle. Her eyes still bright. The light from the candles making her emerald orbs sparkle softly. The little lord wondering if his mother would have looked the same if she had survived his birth.

"Is my appearance that much of a shock to you Tyrion? Have you never seen a likeness of your mother? Though, for you, perhaps it is like looking at a ghost. It most certainly seemed like that for your father. Your mother and I were identical you see, at least in physical appearance anyway. Though I often thought that she was the prettier. Joanna was sweet and kind. She was the best sister that anyone could ask for. And that's why............."

"Why...........?" Tyrion interrupted, as he moved forward on his chair.

"That is why I left our ancestral home. Why you have never heard of me. Why I am what I am." (Y/n) replied, as she interrupted her nephew's interruption. The lady quickly finishing her wine.

"So, you left, you became a sellsword because of my mother.........?"

"No. I left for your mother. There is a difference. As I said, my story is a sad one. One as old as time. And not something that you probably want to hear................"

"Please, aunt. Please tell me why my father never mentioned you. Why you would leave. Why you would become a sellsword." Tyrion pleaded. The young lion growing more and more intrigued by his aunt.

"Very well...........I left Casterly Rock once your father announced that he intended to marry your mother. And I left because........because I loved him. Because I didn't want to hurt my sister. Because I was a jealous fool that didn't want to see my sister happy with the man I cared for more than life itself." The lioness began, as she reached for the jug of wine and refilled her glass.

"I had loved your father for as long as I could remember. He was always the most handsome of men. Strong. Loyal to the family. And I had harboured hopes that one day his eye would fall on me. But it wasn't to be. Joanna was the one that he loved. When Tywin announced his intentions to wed your mother, my heart broke and I knew I couldn't stay. That despite how much I loved my sister, there was now nothing left for me at Casterly Rock. That it would be better for everyone if I left. And so, I did. I took the cowards way out. That very night, I took what I could fit into a small bag and then made my way out into Lannisport. I must confess that I was a little, no, a lot naïve in the beginning. That I was not prepared for the real world that lay beyond the comforts of the castle. For the struggles and hardships that real people had to face. But I learnt quickly. I had enough gold with me to ensure that I could survive for a little while. With it, I purchased myself a sword and bow, and taught myself how to use them. I became quite good with them as it turned out. So, when my resources began to dwindle, I knew that I had only three options. The first, to return to Casterly Rock and try and forget about your father. To pretend that I was fine with my sister's happiness. Second, I could become what many a woman is forced to become when she finds herself down on her luck. Though my pride as a Lannister would not allow me to become a whore. Or thirdly, I could sell the other skills that I had acquired. And that was the life I chose. For years I have travelled the length and breadth of Westeros, of Essos. I have fought all manner of foes. All manner of wars. I have nearly died more times than I care to remember, yet I believe that I have always had a guardian angel watching over me. An angel that protected me. An angel in the shape of your mother. So, that is why, when I saw you, I knew I had to repay her. That I had to make sure that nothing happened to you." The lady continued, as she finished her latest glass of wine.

"But why didn't my father tell me about you? Why didn't you reveal yourself to me............?"

"As to your father's reasons for not telling you about me, I do not know. Perhaps he just presumed that I was dead. Perhaps he just didn't care. Perhaps he had even forgotten about me. But as for my own reasons...........I learnt long ago to not reveal myself. Its easier to get hired if they don't know that you are a woman. That, and Lannisters aren't exactly the most popular of people. And, in my youth, it was quite obvious that I was a Lannister. Also, if I had introduced myself sooner, I wouldn't have been able to help you as I did. But, nephew, we have spoken too much about me. I wish to know more about you and the others before I go. To learn more about my sister's children." (Y/n) explained. The lioness smiling broadly, as Tyrion offered her another drink. 

Game of Thrones: Imagines and one shots. Book threeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora