Mistakes - Part 10 - Tyrion x Reader

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"Tyrion!" (Y/n) exclaimed excitedly, as she raced into the little lord's rooms. Tyrion finding it impossible not to smile, as his sister pulled him into a hug before turning her attention to Bronn. The sellsword ignoring the murderous glare from the young Lannister, as he held (Y/n) for just a little longer than Tyrion thought appropriate.

"I was coming straight back from the kitchens just as I promised, and guest what..............I bumped into your father. He is so sweet." (Y/n) continued cheerily. Tyrion and Bronn looking at one another, both quite sure that no one had ever called Tywin Lannister sweet before. Tyrion doubting that even his own mother had ever described him as such.

"He asked me to remove my cap. I told him that you had said not to, but I really couldn't say no once I realised that he was your father. And then he asked me to go with him. I went to the Tower of the Hand. Me, in the Tower of the Hand. I told him how you had found me. How I didn't want to be there. What Lord Baelish had said I had to do. But he said that he believed me when I told him that I had not done anything. He said that he owed my mother for a gift that she had given him a long time ago, and that he would pay her back by watching over me. I asked him if I could stay near you. I told him how wonderful you and Bronn had been to me, and he found me a room not far from here. The other servants were dressing it when I left. I say other servants.........but your father said that I don't need to be a servant. That he will find me something else to do. I just hope that my new duties won't keep me away from you two." (Y/n) explained. Her slightly chaotic thoughts seeming to tumble out of her mouth, as she took a seat on the corner of Tyrion's bed. A bed that had been hers since she had arrived at the castle.

"And I met someone else too................" (Y/n) continued. A dreamy, faraway look coming to her eyes. Tyrion and Bronn looking at one another again. Both men already aware who else (Y/n) had met.

"And who would this someone else be............?" Tyrion asked innocently. Shaking his sister from her thoughts.

"I met your brother. I met Ser Jaime. Oh Tyrion I think that he must be the most beautiful man I have ever met...........I mean.........you and Bronn are beautiful too, of course, but your brother........your brother is just...........Your father wasn't too happy when he came into the room. He wasn't happy when he fell onto me, or followed us either............"

"Jaime fell onto you?" Tyrion interjected. Sitting up a little straighter in his chair. The diminutive lord not sure what to think, given the look that he had seen in his brother's eyes when he had spoken about (Y/n) earlier.

"It was an accident. I was walking around the corner with your father, and your brother bumped into me. The next thing I know I was on the floor, and he was on top of me. He does have quite the most wonderful eyes I think that I have seen, and his smile.............."

"And what happened.........?" Tyrion interrupted again. The little lion surer than ever, that he was going to have to do all he could to keep (Y/n) and Jaime apart.

"Your father got very angry. He shouted at him, and I don't know why because it was only an accident. But I think that it was because he followed us that made your father the angriest. Your brother said that he wanted to offer me condolences on the death of my father. I didn't know what he was talking about, but Lord Tywin explained that you had told Ser Jaime the story so that I wouldn't be embarrassed about where you found me." (Y/n) replied. The young woman giving Tyrion a very appreciative smile.

"That is something else I need to thank you for, Tyrion. If I didn't already have enough to thank you and Bronn for. I hate to think what your brother would have thought if he knew that truth. What he would imagine I was if he knew that you had found me in that awful place. What he might believe I had done. But thanks to you, he actually believes that I am a lady. He even called me Lady (Y/n). Can you imagine, me a lady?" (Y/n) giggled. Neither Tyrion nor Bronn able to stop themselves from smiling at the sound. Sure, that the innocent laugh was the most pure and perfect thing that either of them had ever heard. The soft noise quite the most infectious of sounds.

"(Y/n)..........." Tyrion began, as he placed his glass on the table next to him. The diminutive lord quickly trying to think of the best way to keep his beautiful, virtuous sister, away from their brother, for as long as he possibly could.

"I know that my father has a room for you. And I am certain that he will ensure that it is one of the nicest in the Keep. But............."

"But what............" (Y/n) enquired, as she moved from the bed, and knelt by Tyrion's side. Her brows furrowed, as she saw the sad look on his face.

"But..........well...........I was hoping if you would agree to stay here at least one more night? I know that I would feel better. That I would rest easier if I knew that you were safe. And..........and I would feel safer if you were here too." Tyrion explained, as he reached for (Y/n)'s hand. The little lion giving his new sister the best sweet, needy and pleading look he could muster. A discrete smile pulling at the very corner of his lips, as (Y/n) happily nodded in agreement.

"Of course, if that is what you want. I owe you everything Tyrion. I owe you my virtue and probably my life too. If it will make you feel better, of course I will stay here. And if it is only for tonight, I will still have my new room to look forward to tomorrow." (Y/n) agreed. The young woman smiling, as her little saviour, brought her hand up to his lips, and kissed her knuckles. Tyrion breathing a sigh of relief, as he knew that he had a little longer to think of a better way to more effectively keep (Y/n) and Jaime apart.

"Thank you, (Y/n). Now, why don't you tell us more about what you and my father talked about?" Tyrion replied. (Y/n) taking a seat back on the corner of the bed, before regaling the pair with more of the tale of her and the sweet Tywin Lannister. 

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