Sea maid - Part 3 - Tormund x Reader

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Rowna chuckled, as she watched the sea maid and Tormund. The trio were supposed to be looking over the rest of the camp, but instead, Tormund had found a nice spot and was sat down in the snow with (Y/n); the old woman overhearing that the sea maid was now trying to teach the big man some of her language. It obvious that from the silly look on Tormund's face, that he was already as besotted with the beautiful creature as she was with him. Rowna just hoping that he knew what he was getting into. That if he did accept her love and then hurt her, it could mean madness and the loss of his soul. Though to her knowledge, she had never heard of a man to say no to a sea maid. To love and be loved, the things that seemed most important to the maids of the sea.

They looked like a strange pair. Tormund usually liked his women tough and strong. Formidable women that were fierce and could fight. But (Y/n), as with all her sisters, appeared to be nothing like that. The sea maid not big and strong, but quite delicate looking, especially out of water. The big red man towering over her. But as she had said before, the looks of a sea maid, the innocence and sweetness of their natures, hid their true abilities. The histories saying that their kind had made their way from the sea to fight with the First Men and the Children of the Forest against the Night King and the White Walkers. The sea maids well aware that if the Long Night came, it would destroy their world, just as much as it would the land. The old tales stating that the beautiful women of the water, had fought with valour and a ferocity that none could have imagined; a number of them falling, before the day had been won. So perhaps, despite appearances, the odd pair was more suited than they might appear.


(Y/n) giggled, as Tormund tried to say another word. The sea maid just shaking her head before kissing his nose. The big man believing that he should perhaps leave learning to communicate to the woman in front of him; well aware that he had enough trouble with common tongue, to try and speak anything else. Though he wished he could ask her one thing. Something that he had been at the back of his mind all the previous night; and that was, why...............? Why him? Not that he was complaining that the beautiful creature before him, had, for some reason, chosen him; out of all men, she had chosen him. But still.......

"(Y/n)............?" Tormund suddenly said, as she snuggled into his side. The sea maid burying her cold nose into the thick fur that covered his shoulders.


"Why............?" Tormund continued. (Y/n) just looking up at him. Her confusion obvious.

"Why me.....................?"

"It might sound cold, but she has no choice............." Came another voice. Tormund and (Y/n) looking up to see Rowna smiling down at them.

"It is as if they have a destiny. They can't fight it. As soon as they see the one that is theirs, they know. Sea maids are said ta be daughters of tha Drowned God. That most of those that they are destined ta be with, are tha likes of the Ironborns. All of tha great Houses of tha Iron Islands claim that they have a sea maid as their ancestor. Especially tha Greyjoys. They think it gives em power, a right ta rule cos they can say they have a connection ta tha God. But sometimes, sometimes there are others. Though I never thought that one would ever be connected ta tha Free Folk. Anyway, I didn't think that you'd complain if a pretty thing wanted ya." Rowna explained, chuckling as Tormund just grinned. Her explanation seeming to be enough to appease whatever had been making him think.

"I ain't. I just thought..............." Tormund continued, the rest of his words cut off, as (Y/n) suddenly kissed him.

"Tha thing is, not ta ask why, but what ya gonna do now?" Rowna added. Tormund once again looking up at her, as (Y/n) pulled away from his lips and moved to sit on his lap.


"Aye...........well, once a maid finds her one, she doesn't go back ta tha sea ya know. She can't. She won't just be here until the ice defrosts and she can get back to tha sea. She's here fa good. So, ya have ta ask ya want her.................?" The old woman told him. Tormund turning his attention back to (Y/n), as she just smiled. Fresh images of big, strapping, strong sons, and equally well made daughters, filling the Wildlings mind. Images of her stood by his side, of her beneath him in his bed; of being the only Free Folk able to claim that his woman was a maiden of the sea. A big smile spreading across his lips.

"Like ya said, I ain't one ta turn down a pretty thing that wants me." Tormund replied with a hearty chuckle. The sea maid throwing herself back into his arms, as Rowna explained what Tormund had said.

"Well, we better get back. Hopefully that little spell of hers have worn off. Then we can tell Mance that she won't be leaving, and we can find a place fa her." The older woman explained, as Tormund got himself and (Y/n) from the floor with ease. The three making their way back to the centre of the camp.

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