The banner "man" - Part 13 - Jory x Reader

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Once again, as the sun rose, the training area was filled with the sounds of clashing swords and the voice of the swordsman's daughter shouting out instructions, as men continued to practice. Jory had had the best night's sleep since (Y/n) had left his world. The thought that she had agreed to start training him one on one again, giving him a hope that she had sort of accepted the apology that he had tried to give her. That there could possibly be a chance that the friendship that they had had before he had discovered her that night, might be reignited. The Stark captain smiling to himself, as he had blown out the candle by the side of his bed. Jory pulling his pillow to his side and hugging it close; his dreams filled with the images of her form in the wet shirt. Of the two of them together in the bath, his arms wrapped tightly around her body; his lips connecting with the flesh of her neck and shoulder. His ears filled with the sounds of her moans, as their bodies had moved together................

"She is even better than she was................" A voice suddenly said. The captain annoyed that his thoughts had been so rudely interrupted, until he realised who it was that had spoken. Jory quickly bowing, as lord Stark came to his side. The captain also bowing to Robb, as he, Jon and the Greyjoy boy came to sit close by. Jory feeling a sudden twinge of jealousy, as he watched the young men look at (Y/n) move around the training area. The son of the rebellious Balon Greyjoy making a remark to the young wolf, as the two looked her up and down. The captain sure that given Theon's reputation with women, he wouldn't have liked what the younger man had had to say.

"Yes milord. Captain Sharpe does seem to have grown in her skills since she has been at Highgarden." Jory replied, doing his best to forget about the lustful looks of the young kraken. The captain and the lord, watching as (Y/n) demonstrated to the amassed group of soldiers how to go about the latest movement that she had just introduced. Jory's men looking at one another, as the beautiful Tyrell captain spun around, her two swords slicing at the air.

"It's a shame that we only have her and her men for so long. Lady Olenna seems to hold her captain in high regard, and it is more than kind that she has seen fit to allow (Y/n) to remain for as long as she has." Ned continued. Jory not noticing the small smile that pulled at the very corners of the mouth of the Warden of the North, as he realised that his time was truly limited with (Y/n). That before he knew it, she would ride back out of his life. The thought of possibly never seeing her again making his heart crack. The captain wishing that his lord had never said anything. That he hadn't remined him that she would one day have to journey back to Highgarden.

"Yes, is a shame............." Was all that Jory could reply. The captain to busy watching the beautiful woman at the heart of the action, to see Ned softly shake his head.

Ned and Catelyn would have to have been blind to not notice how the young Cassel had been since the child of Guthrie Sharpe had left Winterfell. How he had become quieter than normal, once he had not been able to find her and bring her back. Nor were they blind to the new change that had occurred in the captain of the household guard since (Y/n) had stepped foot back in the northern castle. And it was obvious from the correspondence that had been sent between the two great seat of power, that lady Olenna had seen the same things in (Y/n) during her time in Highgarden. Catelyn saying that they should assist, and despite Ned stating that they should leave this up to the two captains, when it had come to his wife and the matriarch of the rose, his opinion had been drowned out.

"Though................." Ned continued, Jory quickly turning to look at him.

"I am sure that the lady and I could possibly come to some arrangement, that might see Captain Sharpe return to Winterfell permanently.............." Ned added. Jory staring at him in disbelief. The captain about to say something, until another voice came from behind him.

"My lord............." Jory looking around to see a bowing (Y/n).

"Ya men are very good, Captain Sharpe. Not as good as you............"

"I assure you, my lord, that your men will perform just as well, before I have to return to Highgarden. I made my lady a promise................"

"Yes, I am sure, (Y/n). But if I could take you away from ya duties for a moment, I would like to discuss with you what we spoke about before ya left. The training of my sons and Theon................."

"It would be my honour, my lord. I had the privilege of being able to pass on some of my father's techniques to Ser Loras, before we journeyed north. So, to also train your sons and Theon.............."

"Good......then why don't you come and join us? I am sure that Jory here can watch over the men. My wife would very much like to meet you..........." Ned interrupted, offering the female captain his arm. (Y/n) looking between the lord and Jory, before hesitantly placing her hand in the crook of Ned's arm, and allowing him to lead her away. Robb, Jon and Theon close behind. Leaving a still shocked and confused Jory to carry on the training of his men.  

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