The witch of Winterfell - Part 4 - Bran x Reader

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(Y/n) chastised herself, as she realised that she had forgotten some of the most important plants for her remedies; that talking to the young wolf the day before, had distracted her from what she had been doing. All night she had been awake, and not just because she had had to watch the bubbling cauldrons; no, she had been thinking about the boy Bran, and the brother that had sent her scurrying into the nearest cover.

It had been nearly two hundred years since a Stark had set foot into the woods; two hundred years that the pact between the wolves and the keepers of the woods had stood. But yesterday, yesterday at least two had made their way into the witch's sanctuary; they had broken the agreement...........hadn't they?

Bran was a young boy, and perhaps his father had not yet explained to him about the woods. Perhaps he didn't understand the importance of the pact. That it had meant peace; that it meant that Winterfell, the wolves, and the villages that surrounded the great castle, had stayed safe for the past two centuries. (Y/n) not relishing the notion that all that could end during her time as the guardian. So, perhaps she should do something that hadn't been done for a very long time, either. Perhaps she should make her way from her home, at the far side of the Witches' Wood, and pay a visit to Winterfell; perhaps she could speak with the old wolf, and discover why his sons had come into the sanctuary. (Y/n) looking out of the small window of the cottage, to see that the new day sun had just begun to fight back the dark of the night. The young witch reaching for her cloak and throwing it around her shoulders, before making her way out of her small home and heading for the woods. The current guardian of the ancient grove, determined to find out what was going on. To find out from the mouth of the lord himself, if the pact between the wolves and her line had been broken. And to find out whether she had to prepare to defend the woods.


Bran jumped out of bed and began to dress. It had only just begun to get light, so he knew that he still had a little time to get out of the castle, before the rest of his family woke to the day. The young wolf more determined than ever to go back to the woods and try and find (Y/n) again. To get another chance to learn more about all the things that lived amongst the trees.

When his father had told him that he could not go back to the woods, Bran had tried to ask why; his father never really giving him an answer. Even when he had asked Robb, all that his brother would say, was that it was just their father's wish, and he should not question it. But Bran did question it. (Y/n) had been so nice to him; she had been sweet and kind, telling him things that that he did not know. So, what could be so bad about going back and speaking to her again? The little wolf quickly finishing dressing, before making his way to the door of his room; poking his head out into the corridor to make sure that it was quiet, before making his way out.


(Y/n) looked up at the huge stone building. Its imposing shadow, looming over her as she drew closer and closer. According to the writings of her ancestors, the wolves had held the castle for eight thousand years. The first stones laid by Bran the Builder during the Age of Heroes. The guardians of the woods, having been happy to live with the Starks, until expansions to the castle had begun. Until men had taken it upon themselves to cut down trees. To destroy what had been growing since the beginning of time. The witches warning the wolves what would happen if they encroached any further into the woods. What it would mean for the family. Some heads of the noble house, heading this warning better than others, over the years. It taking Rickon Stark to finally draw up the pact between the groups, to ensure that peace reigned around Winterfell. Yet all that could have ended now. The peace that had lasted for two hundred years, broken. But (Y/n) was determined to take no action until she had heard the truth from the mouth of the old wolf himself. The witch stopping, as the guards came out to meet her.

"What do ya want here.............?" A large man asked, as he and the other guards looked her up and down.

"I have come to speak with the Lord of Winterfell.............." (Y/n) declared from under her hood. The witch looking up as the men began to laugh at her.

"You have come ta see Lord Stark.......? Be on ya way, woman.........." The man scoffed, as he dismissed her and made to walk away. The big man stopping in his tracks; the other men beginning to mumble, as the witch pulled down her hood and they realised with whom they were conversing.

"I said........I have come to speak with the Lord of Winterfell............" (Y/n) announced again, before taking a step forward. She and the men turning, as they heard a young voice call out her name. A smile coming to her lips, as she saw Bran running towards her.


Bran quietly made his way out of the castle and into the courtyard, happy that he hadn't been seen. Now all he had to do, was get passed the guards at the gate, and then he would be able to make his way back to the woods to find (Y/n). Yet as he got closer to his goal, he saw the guards move out of the gate. The little wolf trying to see what was going on. His eyes growing wide, as he heard the voice of the woman that he wanted to see, calling out that she wanted to see his father. Bran moving out of his little spot, as the guards tried to dismiss her. A smile coming to his lips, as he saw (Y/n) pull the hood from her head, and reiterate that she wished to see the Lord of Winterfell. The young wolf finding himself calling out her name, before running across the courtyard, and out to her.

"(Y/n)............." Bran said again, as he got to the softly smiling woman, and took her hand.


"Come on........I'll take you to my father..........." He continued, before pulling her passed the guards, through the courtyard, and into the castle. 

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