The Jackal - Part 2 - Tyrion x Reader

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"Lord Tyrion." (Y/n) replied, as she bowed respectfully.

"How are you today.........?" The little lord continued. Tyrion inwardly chastising himself for sounding for foolish.

"I er............I am well, thank you, my lord. Can.......can I be of assistance?" The Jackal replied. (Y/n) not quite sure where this conversation was going. Especially given that she knew that he had been watching. That he had seen her older brother knock her to the floor.

"I was.........well. I was just hoping that I would be able........oh my, what have you done.........?" Tyrion said. A little part of him glad that the blood from her wound had begun to seep through her shirt, because in truth he couldn't think of a good reason, other than the fact that he really wanted to talk to her.

"You are injured..........."

"It, its nothing, my lord............." (Y/n) answered. The youngest Clegane not wanting to say that she was aware that he knew quite well what had happened. That he had been there when she had been injured. The Jackal not wanting to let the lion know that she was more than aware that he would come and watch her whenever she would practice by herself. That he would look on whenever she would spar with Sandor, for fear that if he knew, he would stop.

"It doesn't look like nothing to me. I insist that you allow me to take you to a Maestre..............."

"Dear gods, no............I wouldn't let any of those men touch me. Especially Pycelle. I know what he gets up to when he thinks that no one else is watching." (Y/n) quickly interjected with an air of disgust. Her nose scrunching up as she thought about the hands of the Grand Maestre creeping over her flesh. The sight causing Tyrion to chuckle. The young Lannister himself having no intention of letting the, as his brother so succinctly called him 'grey sunken cunt', anywhere near the beautiful Clegane.

"Then I must insist that you allow me to help............."

"My lord, I assure you that I....................."

"Please, (Y/n)........................" Tyrion interrupted, as he held out his hand for her to take.

"Please let me help you............." The lion continued, watching nervously as (Y/n) looked between his hand and his face. A smile coming to his lips, as the Jackal slowly nodded and slipped her hand into his. Allowing Tyrion to lead her through the halls.


"Please sit." Tyrion told her. Gesturing for (Y/n) to take a seat, before making his way over to a large water pitcher. Pouring some of its contents into a bowl and grabbing a clean cloth then making his way back over to where the young Clegane sat.

"May I........?" The little lion enquired. (Y/n) nodding and allowing Tyrion to pull the shirt from her wound. The Jackal hissing slightly, as his fingers brushed over the injury.

"This is deep. How did it happen...............?" Tyrion asked, as he soaked the cloth in the water and began to try and clean the blood away.

"You know how............" (Y/n) replied how. Her eyes closing, as the words slipped out of her mouth.

"I don't...................."

"Why do you come and watch me, my lord................?"

"I don't.................."

"Yes, you do. I see you all the time. You think that I don't notice. That I don't see. But I assure you that I see and know more things than you or anyone else would realise. Whenever I practice by myself, you are there. Whenever I am with Sandor, you hide in the shadows and watch. And you were there today. You know I was distracted. That I let my guard down and Sandor caught me with his sword. So, I ask you again............why do you come and watch me, my lord.........?" The Jackal told him. Knowing that now she had let the secret slip, that she knew that he watched, she might as well find out why.

Tyrion looked into (Y/n)'s eyes. It wasn't that she seemed angry with him for spying on her, not at all. Yet what look there was in her beautiful eyes, he couldn't quite put his finger on. Though he did feel like he had to explain himself. But whether she would like the explanation, he didn't know.

"Well..............." The young lion began with a heavy sigh. Throwing the bloodied cloth into the large bowl of water.

"You are right, I do come and watch you." He continued, as he got down from his chair, and made his way over to a small table upon which sat a jug of wine and some glasses. Tyrion pouring himself and (Y/n) a drink, before making his way back over to her, and handing it over.

"I..........I watch you, because I have never met another woman like you. You fascinate me. scare me. You are everything that I have come to expect of the name Clegane. You huff and growl. You pretend that you don't care about anyone or anything. But I know that there is more to you than that. I have seen how you protect your brother. How you protect others. How you stand there with dignity, when that odious nephew of mine berates you. And I have also seen the passion that lays behind your eyes. A passion that I would very much like to explore.................." The lion confessed, as he slowly and tentatively raised his hand and placed it on (Y/n)'s cheek.

"Do you know why I was distracted. How my brother got the better of me.......?" The Jackal enquired. As she peered at the man next to her. Tyrion shaking his head.

"You! I knew that you were watching. And I couldn't stop thinking about you. I let my thoughts get the better of me, and I dropped my sword. You see, I see something in you too. Something other than your family name. I see a man like no other I have ever met. A man that can make me smile, laugh, when no one else can. I man that knows about the world. More than just how to fight. More than just not how get yourself killed on some blood-soaked battlefield for some bastard that calls himself a lord or king. And........and I like that. I like that despite how the world, how your own family treat you with such disdain, you continue to annoy them all by waking up every morning, and just being you. And I like you............." (Y/n) added, before slowly leaning in. Tyrion doing the same. A mere chink of light separating them, before (Y/n) suddenly hissed in pain.

"Perhaps we should take care of that wound of yours before we continue this....?" Tyrion smiled, as the Jackal nodded. The young lion pulling the bloodied shirt a little more from her form, before picking back up the cloth. Sure, that after he was done, he would finally get the chance to explore her hidden passion. 

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