The bet - Part 5 - Tyrion x Reader

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(Y/n) dropped herself onto her bed, reaching for one of the pillows and pulling it to her chest; holding it tightly as she thought about what had been said. It was true what she had said to Jaime, that no one in their right mind would listen to the ramblings of a sellsword. And given that the sellsword was a man like the one that guarded Tyrion; Bronn having made quite a name for himself since he had arrived at the capital, one should be less inclined to listen. Yet it was also true that he was right in what he had said, that she didn't think that she could compete with the whores that caught the eye of Tyrion. They knew more about the world than she did, and perhaps that was why he seemed to find them so interesting. That, and well...........the fact that they knew so much more than she did about other aspects of the world, of life.

She had always hoped that, when Tyrion was ready, he would have asked her to marry him. That he would be her first, her only. Yet when Jamie and Tyrion had come upon the scene with Tysha, that hope had left her. She had been so angry at Tyrion, when she had discovered that the little man and the girl that he had rescued, were wed. Angry at Tysha for taking Tyrion away from her. Heartbroken at the fact that despite everything she thought she and Tyrion shared, he had chosen another. And when it had been revealed that Jaime had orchestrated the whole thing just so that his brother could become a man; when she had discovered what Tysha really was, (Y/n) had refused to speak to Jaime for some time. Hurt that he would do such a thing, when he knew that she felt something his brother. Yet, she had never been able to stay angry at either lion for long. The lady finally forgiving Jaime after about the hundredth apology, and Tyrion when the rumours about what old Tywin had had done to his son's bride, came to her attention. But even though she had forgiven them, things between her and Tyrion had never been the same. The youngest Lannister, though they continued to share a friendship, seeming to push her away when he felt that she got too close. Tyrion choosing instead to lavish his attentions on the women on Lord Baelish' brothel. Any emotions he might feel, drowned in copious amounts of wine. And with Bronn by his side, his antics had only seemed to have gotten worse.

Slowly, (Y/n) sat up, brushing the tears from her cheeks; only to have them followed by more. She so wished that she could go back; that she could close her eyes and then open them again to find that all this had been a dream, that she was in fact still young. That she would be able to leave her rooms and find Tyrion, and they could laugh as they had used to do. That she would be able to walk in the gardens with Jaime and not feel the ache in her heart that she did now. But she knew that she couldn't. That the world, that fate had taken its twists and turns, and nothing could ever be as it had been. That all she could do was ignore the words of the sellsword, and hope that the next twist in life, might work in her favour. Might bring her some happiness.


Tyrion made his way towards (Y/n)'s rooms. Jaime was right, there was no one that could appreciate (Y/n) like he did. There was no one that could understand her, like he did. And the thought of losing her to someone else, a man that would crush her spirit, made him feel sick. It was true that since what had happened with Tysha, what he had been made to watch by his father, he had become jaded. He had grown to have nothing but disdain at the notion of romance, at true love. Yet in doing this, he had not only hurt himself; but more importantly, more worryingly, he had hurt (Y/n). This one terrible experience making him put up a wall between himself and the lovely lady. Choosing, when it felt as though he was getting too close to her, to fight back his feelings, and go and take out his frustrations on the women on the Street of Silk. But after seeing her when she made her way from the library; after hearing what she had told his brother, he knew that what he wanted to do more than anything, was to make her happy. To make himself happy. To finally break down the wall and confess to (Y/n) how he really felt for her; how he had always felt for her.

Finally, he came to a stop, his heart beating faster as he looked up at the door to (Y/n)'s chambers. If Bronn was right, if Jaime was right, if she really did care for him, then if he could just get his hand to knock on the door, his world might very well change, and this time, for the better. The little lion taking a deep breath and knocking on the door. Swallowing at the large lump in his throat, as he heard (Y/n) calling out for him to enter. Tyrion slowly pushing on the door, and taking a deep breath, before moving inside. The little lion quickly making his way over to her, when he saw the tears steadily trickle down her cheeks. 

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