Hanging by a thread - Part 2 - Dream team x Reader

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As I said in the last chapter, I have changed the Fates and their myths around a little just so it sounds better in the story. Hope you forgive me.

"What tha fuck is that.............?" Sandor huffed quietly, as the voice, the singing got a little louder. The light in the distance got a little brighter.

"I don't know. But we're gonna find out." Jon replied. Steadying himself before making his way ever deeper into the black. Ever closer to the beautiful sound and the flickering light.

It made no sense that someone, particularly a woman, would be out here. For those that weren't prepared, the land beyond the Wall meant nothing but certain death. It was a white, freezing cold, bleak wasteland that no one in their right minds would step into. So that, to the Lord Commander anyway, could mean only one thing. And that was that they had found the one that they were after. They had found the one that they had journeyed for days to discover. That they had found the goddess.

Quietly, he and the others made their way down into the depths of the cave. The surroundings getting warmer and warmer as they went. The men beginning to feel stifled by the large, heavy furs that they wore to protect them from the elements that lay beyond the cave.

Suddenly, Gendry came running up behind them. Almost colliding with Tormund as he tried to stop. The Wildling grimacing as he accidentally kicked at some stones, sending them rattling and banging down the little path that they had been following. Jon turning and glaring at the big red man, at Gendry, as the singing stopped.

"What are you doing here?" A sultry feminine voice called out. The men looking at one another, looking to Jon. The Lord Commander swallowing down the large lump that had formed in his throat before he could reply.

"I.........we, have come to find a goddess. One that is called (Y/n), the holder of fate." Jon explained. The young Snow feeling his heart begin to pound in his chest, as once again the world around them fell deafly silent.

"Then, come forward. Lord Commander of the Nights Watch. Come forward Jorah of House Mormont and Sandor of Clegane. Come forward the Lightning Lord and Thoros of Myr. Come forward the son of Baratheon and Tormund named Giantsbane." The woman said. The men looking at one another again, before slowly walking forward. The small flickering light growing brighter and bigger with every step the men took. Growing brighter and bigger until they found themselves in a large room, that was warmed by a great fire. That was lit by hundreds of candles. And in the middle of the well-appointed room, sat a woman. An exquisite woman surrounded by threads of all colours. Another one growing steadily, as she spun it on her wheel. Jon, the others with him, not knowing what to do or say, as the woman turned her gaze from her labours and smiled at them.

"Well, haven't you all turned out to be quite handsome. It would appear that I made the right choice in allowing you to be born. I never have any visitors; so, for so many to turn up at once is quite an event." The woman told them with a slight chuckle, before she stopped spinning and pulled out the thread. Studying it intently for a moment, before drawing a small pair of scissors from a pocket in her heavy, dark blue gown and cutting it carefully.

"One is born." She continued, as she stood up and moved amongst the threads. The lady mussing for a moment before she seemed to find the perfect place to hang it.

"And another one leaves this world." She added, as she took another thread and cut it in half. The pieces dropping gently to the floor before disappearing completely.

"It is the way of all things." The lady spoke again. Her words drifting off into the ether, before she turned to look at her visitors again.

"You.........you are (Y/n)..............?" Jon asked in disbelief. His heart skipping a beat as she chuckled at the question.

"Who else would live in a cave beyond the world that is known? Who else would spin the threads of life. I am indeed (Y/n), the goddess of fate. Now, why don't you tell me why you have come here. Son of a wolf?" The goddess replied, as she moved through the threads. Seeming to be looking for something. The lady suddenly stopping and drawing seven threads between her fingers.

"I.........I have come to ask for your help..............."

"My help? Have I not helped enough? If I am not mistaken, you were murdered by some of your own men, were you not? Yet here you still are. The Lightning Lord has died six times. By lance, by knife, by arrow, by axe, by hanging and dagger, and by sword. Yet here he also still stands. And despite what he and the man from Myr may think. There is only one that controls the threads of life." The goddess retorted, as she carefully pulled down the threads and took a seat back at her spinning wheel.

"You have all had such interesting lives. All of them different. Some perhaps easier than others. Yet in every one of your lives there have been times when you should have died. Whether in battle, in childhood, of starvation on the streets of dark cities. Or because of sheer stupidity and bloody-mindedness. But still, here you all are. And that is only because of the time that I have allocated you. So, tell me, Jon Snow. How would you have me help further?" The goddess enquired, as she looked intently, at the young man.

"There........there is going to be a war. There are creatures.............."

"You speak of the Wights. The dead that walk. The Night King that disturbs and corrupts all those that I have sent for their rest. All those that have lived out their designated span?" (Y/n) interrupted, as she suddenly got to her feet.

"Aye. That I do..............."

"Then, son of wolves, I think that we should speak you and I. The others should return to the front of the cave. There you will find a fire and food." The goddess continued. Jon turning and nodding to the others, before they reluctantly did as the lady had bid. The Lord Commander slowly taking a seat across from the goddess' spinning wheel.     

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