My pet - Part 1 - Dany x Tyrion x Jorah x Reader

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First part of a request for Browser95. Now, this first part is all Jorah and Tyrion, but it is just a build-up. The next part is the most important and will be all Daenerys and the reader character. I hope you enjoy

Tyrion had once again watched the beautiful woman that sat on a large pillow next to the dragon's side. Dany's hand never moving from her shoulder all the time that they had sat there, other than when she caressed the quiet woman's hair. Even though the little man had been in Mereen for some time, the Khaleesi, nor anyone else, had explained who or what the woman was. And he was becoming more and more intrigued by her. More and more confused as to the relationship between the two women.

She was an unusual thing. As exquisite, if not even more so than the queen herself. Yet unlike with Daenerys, where men were falling over themselves to be noticed by the pale haired Targaryen, when it came to the woman that never seemed to be away from her side, it was as if no one dared to look at her. That if they did, something dire would happen to them.

Since he had been brought to the lady by Jorah, Tyrion had never heard the woman say a word. Only watched as Dany would whisper into her ear. The beauty always simply nodding and smiling in reply. But what had made his brows furrow the most, was the golden collar that lay around her neck, and something, that he would say looked every inch liked a leash, that fell down her back. And it had finally got to the point where he had to find out what was going on with the woman that was the queen's constant companion. And the only one that he could think of asking, was the disgraced lord that had brought him there in the first place. The young lion drinking down the last of his wine, before making his way out of the room.


Jorah looked up, as a knock came at his door. He didn't normally get visitors, not at that late hour anyway. The former Lord of Bear Island slowly getting to his feet and making his way to the ingress. His brows furrowing, as he saw the little lion standing in the doorway.


"Tell me about the woman..................."

"Woman...........? What woman................." Jorah countered. Doing his best to ignore the little man rolling his eyes at the comment. Tyrion entering the room and taking a seat. Making it obvious that Jorah wasn't going to get away with that, and Tyrion was not going to leave until he knew everything. The warrior letting out a deep sigh, before taking a seat across from the lion. Coughing uncomfortably, before he began.

"The woman of which you speak, is called (Y/n). And she.................she is.............she belongs to the Khaleesi................."

"Belongs? As in, she is a slave..................?" Tyrion interrupted. Shocked by this information. Especially given the queens usual thoughts on slavery. On freeing all those that found themselves in that unfortunate situation.

"No! Not a is difficult to explain...................."

"Oh, please try. I am all ears..................." The little man interrupted, as he leaned back in his chair and got comfortable. Now knowing that there was more to this than he would ever have thought.

"(Y/n) had been sent from Lys to the mainland to serve as a bed slave to anyone that could afford the price that was being demanded for her. As a maiden, she warranted a higher price, and was expected to achieve it, given her beauty. But before she could be sold to anyone else, the queen stepped in. Daenerys did have every intention of freeing her, she did, but..................but things happened. When it came to it, she couldn't let (Y/n) go. She has become obsessed with her. (Y/n) is not allowed out of her sight. To do or go anywhere without Daenerys. That is why she sits next to the queen. Why she is always next to her. She is the queen's lover. Some might say that she is the queens everything. No one is supposed to look at (Y/n). No one is allowed to talk to her. I have seen how angry Daenerys can become when people do. I have seen how possessive and jealous she can be......................"

"And the collar around her neck. The leash.................?"

"They............well they are a sign that (Y/n) belongs to the queen. That she is hers. The queen calls (Y/n) her darling.........her pet.............." Jorah explained. The man that had once sold captured poachers into slavery to fund his wife's lavish tastes, appearing slightly uncomfortable by his words. Uncomfortable because of the expression on the Lannister's face. It obvious that Tyrion was shocked by what he had heard. That he was taken aback.

Tyrion sat there for a moment, contemplating what he had just been told. A little part of him finding it hard to believe that Daenerys would do something like that. That she would free so many others from their bonds, but keep the person she loved, bound. But he had only heard one side of the story. The words of a third party. The words of a man that wasn't allowed to speak, or even look at the woman in question. Tyrion well aware that what went on behind the closed doors of the bedchamber, could be a very different thing. That what actually went on between the two women, was known only to them. The little lord sure, that despite the fact that it was (Y/n) that wore the collar, it sounded as though it was actually the queen that was bound to her and not the other way around.

"Would you like a drink.............." Jorah enquired, as he got to his feet. The old knight hoping to lighten the mood on the room. Relieved when Tyrion let out a soft chuckle.

"I thought you would never ask...................."  

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