The Great Pretender - Part 8 - Petyr x Reader

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"Do you have something to do with this............" Tywin demanded to know, as he stormed into the room and shook a piece of parchment in his son's direction.

"This........what this, father?" Tyrion enquired, as he and Bronn looked over at the irate older man.

"This.......I have received word that Prince Oberyn will be arriving in Kings Landing tomorrow. Did you invite him.............?"

"No father. I think that you will find that it was I that invited the prince." A voice came. The three men watching as (Y/n) made her way into the room. Happily accepting a glass of wine from a grinning Bronn.

"And just why have you invited Oberyn Martell................"

"There are a few reasons why. One, I suppose, is that this shit heap is in need of some livening up. And who better to do that, than a Dornishman. Especially when that Dornishman is the prince. And........I think that this little visit will serve as an olive branch between our two families. I promise that I am going to do my best to show the prince a good time while he is here. To let him see that Lannisters can be trusted." (Y/n) explained. Giving her father a kiss on the cheek before taking a seat next to her brother.

"Is there anything else, father?" (Y/n) enquired. Tywin simply screwing up the note and letting it fall to the floor.

"Do what you must..........." The old lion answered gruffly, before making his way from the room. The door slamming behind him.

"Why have you invited Oberyn here?" Tyrion asked, as he looked at his smiling sister.

"I thought ya were supposed ta be smart........." Bronn interjected with a laugh, as he finished his drink and refilled his glass.

"She's bringing him here ta fuck him..............."

"You aren't as stupid as you look, are you." (Y/n) chuckled in reply. Raising her glass in salute to the sellsword.

"Ah, yes..............?" Tyrion nodded. Finally understanding what his sister was up to.

"I mean, it was either Oberyn or Bronn........or maybe even Sandor. But.......I am afraid that Oberyn won due to his reputation, which is worse than either of yours. So, who better to be found with than the prince. Baelish's reputation will be in tatters, and I will finally get my annulment." The lioness explained with a smile, as she took a sip of her wine.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea (Y/n)...........?"

"Please brother, have you ever really known me have a bad one? Petyr will hate the idea of it being known that his wife was found with the man that has fucked half of Westeros. Especially when he himself hasn't known that pleasure. But, if he still refuses to give me back my life, then I had hoped that Bronn might be the next to er............come to my aid shall we say." She replied, giving Bronn a sly wink.

"Aye. Any time ya like darlin. Just say tha word and old Bronn here will be giving you all the aid ya need, as hard as ya need it.............."

"Will you please not talk about fucking my sister in front of me. Its bad enough having to be there when you two practice fighting. I swear that it is just an excuse to touch one another. That the only sword you want to really play with is the one in Bronn's breeches.............." The youngest lion interrupted. Shaking his head, as his sister leaned across and placed a quick kiss to the sellsword's lips.

"Now, that would be a fight I could really get into..........." The lioness cooed. Giving Bronn another suggestive wink. Allowing him to refill her glass. A small smile coming to her lips, as he whispered into her ear.

"Me too......................."


Petyr paced his rooms. He had received word that the Prince of Dorne would be arriving in the capital the next day. The whoremonger also informed that the visit was at the behest of his wife. The Master of Coin kicking at the parchment that littered the floor. At the things that he had knocked to the floor as he had heard the news. His anger getting the better of him, as he realised what the lioness was planning. How she now intended to have not only their marriage questioned, but also his manhood.

Rumours were still rife in the great Keep. Rumours that the mockingbird was still to bed the lioness. That he had not taken what was his yet, because he feared her. But he had still refused to give up on his endeavour. Still refused to give her the annulment that she wanted. Refused to be bested by her. He had waited so long. Waited for the perfect moment. Waited for just the right information, information that would allow him to make her his. Yet now she was, she had done everything she could to stop him. And just to add insult to injury, she had invited the Dornish prince to the capital to drive the final nail into his coffin. The Master of Coin sure that his bride would "accidently" be found with the Dornishman's cock buried deep inside her. The mere thought of it sending the usually cool and calm whoremonger into another angry frenzy. A jug of wine and glasses being thrown across the room. Shattering as they hit the wall opposite. Petyr gasping for air, as tried to settle his ire. For the first time having to admit that he didn't know what to do next. That he had no idea how to get to speak to his wife without ending up with a dagger in his side, either by her own hand, or from a member of her family. How he could make her believe that despite his reputation. Despite what she may believe about his reasons for wanting to marry her. He had, even though he had tried to deny it, fallen in love with the lioness when he thought that love for him was impossible. When he had thought he could no longer love because of Catelyn.

Slowly Petyr stood up straight and brushed down his clothes. He knew that there was little point in going to speak with her now. That she would already be with her imp of a brother and his sellsword. The Master of Coin just hoping that he could come up with something before the Red Viper had the pleasure of knowing the lioness in ways that he could only dream of.  

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