Soulmate - Part 2 - Gendry x Reader

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Now I started this in my second book, so I hope that you will forgive me for taking so long to come up with this next part. Sometimes the characters go quiet in my head, and I have to wait for them to speak to me again. So, I do hope that you enjoy this now that Gendry has come back.

"Come, you look tired. And you are soaked to the bone. Gendry will take your mule and cart around to the back. We need to get you to the fire. Get you some dry clothes." Tobho said, taking (Y/n)'s other hand and pulling her away from his apprentice. (Y/n) finding that her hand didn't want to leave that of the young man.

"No, no. Please, Tobho. I am perfectly capable of moving my cart. And as I said, mule isn't averse to biting people if he doesn't know them. But......but perhaps he could help with my bag? It has clean dry clothes in it. And if he could bring that in............."

"Of course, of course. Gendry. Go with (Y/n) and help her with anything she needs. But be quick, this place needs to be cleaned before you go to bed." Tobho ordered. Gendry nodding, as he reached once again for the old cloth and wiped the sweat from his brow. (Y/n) averting her eyes, as the cloth made its way down to his bare chest. The glistening drops that trickled over his well defined muscles, glinting like rubies in the glow of the fire.

(Y/n) had seen many things on her travels. Many sights that had amazed her. Many that had scared her. She had met many people from many places. Many intriguing, and often beguiling men that most women would easily lose their heart to. Yet all that said, she was sure that she had never seen anything like the young apprentice. (Y/n) finding her heart beating a little quicker, as Gendry followed her out of the shop and into the rain soaked street.


"Ya a blacksmith?" Gendry asked, as he watched the beautiful young woman grab hold of the reins and pull the mule behind her. Following after him, as he led the way to the back of the shop. Led the way to the place that he himself slept. The young apprentice knowing that for a little while, the mule and he would be getting better acquainted.

"Yes. I suppose I had no choice though. My family have been smiths for more generations than I care to remember. And as I was the only child born to my parents, my father and grandfather decided that I should carry on the tradition despite my gender. All hoping that when I met my soulmate, I would then be able to pass on the skills to any son that I may have. But as I told Tobho, I don't have a soulmate. So, I suppose that the art of my family will die with me." (Y/n) explained, as she pulled her mule and cart into the stables. Taking the tack from the grumpy old animal and hanging it on the wall, before she climbed up on the cart to retrieve her bag.

"Why don't ya have a soulmate. Is there something wrong with ya...........?" Gendry blurted out. The young man coughing uncomfortably, as (Y/n) suddenly appeared and glared at him.

"Are you always this impertinent, or is it just with me? Why are you so interested anyway? I doubt that your soulmate would want you to be asking such things of another woman. She'll probably end up hitting you around the head with a skillet." (Y/n) countered, before returning to the inside of her covered cart. Things banging and clanging as she pushed a few more items in her bag.

"I don't have one." Gendry replied quietly. His voice, annoyingly for him, proving still loud enough for the young woman to hear.

"Then I would ask the same of you. Why don't you have a soulmate? Is there something wrong with you?" (Y/n) scoffed, as she took a seat on the little wooden bench on the wagon. The smith, almost burying her head in the bag as she delved to the bottom. Obviously trying to find something of importance.

"If you really must know, I do not have a soulmate, because I don't have a soulmate. Since the day I came of age, when you should begin to feel the emotions of your mate, I have felt nothing. No pain, no joy. No sadness, no hope, just my own emotions. And I have finally come to accept that there is no one out there for me. That this life is what I make it, and I do not have to rely on someone else to make me happy. And given the fact that I don't have a man that thinks that he can tell me what I can and cannot do, I have been able to do things that most other women could only dream of. I have seen things that most could only imagine. Travel to places that most haven't. So, if you want my opinion, we would all be better off without a soulmate." (Y/n) explained, triumphantly holding up an elaborate bracelet that she had finally found, before slipping it onto her wrist.

Gendry couldn't help but watch her. Couldn't help but feel sorry for her. To see a girl so beautiful be so jaded at such a young age. Though he had to admit that he wasn't much better. That he himself was as cynical about the idea of a soulmate. It wasn't that he didn't want one. But just like the girl on the cart, he had never felt anything. Though even if he had, what did he have to offer a mate? He was a nameless bastard. Not even recognised by whatever man may have fathered him, to be allowed to call himself Waters. And even if a woman could see past that, all he could give someone, was a spot next to him on the pile of hay that he would now be having to share with a rather gruff looking mule.

Suddenly (Y/n) stopped. A strange feeling washing over her. An emotion so strong that she felt as if she were drowning under its weight. It was a sensation that made her want to cry. That made he heart feel as though it were about to break. But the most concerning thing was, she realised that it wasn't hers. Her eyes turning to look at the young man that was now leant up against the wall. The look on his face mirroring how she was sure she must appear.

"Stop it!" (Y/n) commanded, as she jumped down from the cart and stood before Gendry. The apprentice getting an unexpected feeling of his own. The feeling of concern and slight irritation fighting his own feelings of loneliness.

"Stop what?" Gendry replied, as he stared at the young woman from Essos.

"Stop feeling lonely. Feeling sad. Feeling sorry for yourself. I don't like it, its awful. Stop." (Y/n) retorted. Her voice again commanding. The sensation not something that she wished to feel.

" do ya know I feel like that?" The young apprentice asked, as he grabbed hold of her arms, and held her tight.

"I................I don't know.................." Was all she could reply, before (Y/n) found herself in Gendry's arms. The apprentice holding her tight, as emotion after emotion began to bombard the confused pair. 

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