I don't like sharing - Bronn x Reader

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(Y/n) looked up at him. Her legs wrapped tightly around his waist. Her nails digging into the taut muscle on his back, as he thrust hard into her. Oh gods, why did he have to be so good at this? Why did he have to live up to the reputation that he always boasted about? If he had been mediocre, she would have done this once, and then just pretended as if it had never happened. After all, she was a lady, a Lannister, and who would believe a common sellsword if he claimed to have had her. But he wasn't mediocre. He was, in her opinion, and probably his own, amazing.

It was as if he had been made just for her. His body fitting hers perfectly. The noises that he was able to elicit from her, like none she had ever made before her little brother had brought the man back to the Red Keep with him. Before he had introduced the two of them. Before the first night that he had knocked on her chamber door. The rogue leaning against the jamb as she had opened the ingress. Giving her one of those smiles that she knew so well by now. Giving her one of those looks that told her that he knew exactly what she wanted, and he was perfectly willing to give it to her, before pushing his way into the room and closing the door behind him. Her chambers from that night on, being filled with lewd moans and groans. The air heavy with the sweet stench of sweat and sex.

Tyrion had  told his sister of his new bodyguard's dubious reputation with the fairer sex as she had dined with him one evening. The younger lioness scoffing at his words, telling her little brother that he had no right to judge. No right to say such things, given the fact that he had spent more time and gold in Baelish's brothel than any other in Kings Landing. That he had once claimed to be the god of tits and wine. Yet she did have to admit that the thought did concern her. She didn't like the idea of sharing, well, not him anyway. And despite the fact that she had never said it. That he would never say it. She loved him and despised the idea that during his visits to the Street of Silk with her brother, he had partaken of the services that the naked women in Baelish's establishment offered. The lioness knowing that before he had come to her chamber that night, he was as frequent a visitor to the whores, as Tyrion was.


Bronn looked down at her. A soft smile pulling at the corners of his mouth, as she wrapped her legs tightly around his waist. A lustful moan coming from deep inside him, as he felt her nails digging into the taut muscle on his back, as he thrust hard into her. Oh gods, why did she have to be so good at this? Why did she have to make him feel like this? If she had lain there like most high born ladies were said to do, waiting for him to finish so that she could get back to more important things, he would have done this once, and then just pretended as if it had never happened. After all, she was a lady, a Lannister, and not likely to make too much of a fuss if he had gone back to his normal life. But she wasn't anything like any other high born woman. Any other woman if truth be told. For she was, in his opinion, amazing.

It was as if she had been made just for him. His body fitting hers perfectly. Her form sheathing his in ways that he had never felt before. The noises that she was able to elicit from him, like none he had ever made before her little brother had brought him back to the Red Keep with him. Before he had introduced the two of them. Before that first night that he had knocked on her chamber door. Bronn leaning against the jamb as the younger lioness had opened the ingress. Giving her one of those smiles that she claimed only he could smile. Giving her one of those looks that told her that he knew exactly what she wanted, and he was perfectly willing to give it to her, before pushing his way into the room and closing the door behind him. Her chambers from that night on, being filled with lewd moans and groans. The air heavy with the intoxicating odour of sweat and sex.

He had been there when Tyrion had told his sister of his rather dubious reputation with the fairer sex , as she had dined with them one evening. The sellsword smiling behind the rim of his glass, as the beautiful woman scoffed at his words, telling her little brother that he had no right to judge. No right to say such things, given the fact that he had spent more of his time and their family's gold in Baelish's brothel than any other in Kings Landing. That he had once claimed to be the god of tits and wine. Yet Bronn did have to admit that he knew that the thought of him in the brothels with her brother did concern her. He knew that she didn't like the idea of sharing, well, not him anyway. And nor did he. The jealousy growing inside him whenever he saw her speaking to another man. When he would hear her laugh at something some handsome lord had said. For despite the fact that he had never said it. That she would probably never say it. He loved her, and despised the idea that her father was talking about marrying her off to some unworthy, fat old lord, or pathetic heir in hopes of furthering his power and standing, just as he had with her older sister. But he had determined that he wouldn't allow that to happen.

"Bronn...........oh gods.............I.........I'm going to................"

"Cum, love..............let me feel ya..........." Bronn groaned in reply, as he picked up his pace. Pushing himself inside her, harder and deeper until he came too. His seed spilling inside her, as they held one another tight.

"Marry me." Bronn whispered in her ear, before pushing himself back up. The lioness looking up at her lover in disbelief.


"Marry me. Ya father has been talking about it. Might as well marry me." Bronn confirmed, as he dropped to her side and pulled her close.

"And what makes you think that I would agree to marry a rogue like you?" (Y/n) asked, doing her best not to smile as she drew patterns on his bare chest with her fingertip.

"Cos ya love me..............."

"Oh, I do, do I? And what would make you think that?" The lioness enquired, as she turned her gaze up to look at the smugly smiling sellsword.

"Ya wouldn't put up with me if ya didn't. Ya wouldn't defend me when no one else would. And ya wouldn't scare any woman off that got close to me, with that growl a yours." Bronn chuckled in reply, as he placed his finger under (Y/n)'s chin and brushed his thumb over her bottom lip.

"I can't help it. I don't like sharing. Especially sharing you.............."

"Nor do I..............."

"Oh, so then the rumours are true. You have warned off a number of young men that have got close?" (Y/n) giggled, as Bronn let out an uncomfortable cough.

"They were just misunderstandings.............."

"So, they misunderstood you when more or less threatened to gut them if they got to close to me again." 


"Well, if you put it that way............" (Y/n) replied with a sigh, as she slowly got up from the bed. Doing her best to hide yet another smile.

"What? Where ya going.........?"

"If you had said that you had threatened those young men, because you loved me, and hated the idea of me being with another man, I would have said yes to your proposal. I would have defied my father. My family. And happily wed myself to the biggest scoundrel of a sellsword that there is in the Seven Kingdoms. But, as you didn't...........it would appear that I will have to go and find myself a man that will." (Y/n) explained, as she pulled on her light nightgown on and made her way to the door. Only to find the way barred. A large hand pushed against the door.

"I would happily kill any man that looked at ya sideways. I would die defending ya if I had to. I would defy ya brothers, ya sister, that little shit Joffrey and ya father ta claim ya as my own. So, marry me, cos I have no intention of sharin ya with anyone else." Bronn hummed into her ear. (Y/n) moaning, as his rough lips connected with the soft flesh of her neck. As his weathered and calloused palms pushed the gown from her shoulders. The soft material dropping effortlessly to the floor.

"Well, if you put it that way, I suppose I will have to say yes. Because I have no intention of sharing you with anyone either." (Y/n) replied, as Bronn turned her around and lifted her into the air. The sellsword taking his lioness back to the bed. Both happy to know that they would never have to share again.

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