Deaths Watch - Part 6 - Tywin x Reader

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(Y/n) circled the young man that had been sent to the Maidenvault by the old lion. The High Crimson Guard snorting in irritated amusement as the boy cowered under her gaze. She had asked the Lannister patriarch to send her a boy with a backbone. A young man with nerve. One that wouldn't snivel like a small, scared child in her presence. Yet what she had gotten was leading her to believe that she would be better off with a lady's maid.

"Look at me, boy." The Crimson Guard ordered. The young man's head flying up, as he heard the harsh demand.

"Do you know how to dress and undress a knight?" (Y/n) enquired. Her brow quirking, as the boy nodded timidly.

"Is that a yes....................?"

"Y..........yes milady..............."

"I am no lady, boy. I do not sit on my backside sewing and gossiping all day. I am to be addressed as, Commander. And if you know how to assist a knight, then do it! I am as much, if not more the warrior than any you have had to help before.!" (Y/n) exclaimed, as she took a seat. The young squire doing his best not to tremble, as he tried to undo the strings that kept the Crimson Guards leather armour together.

"STOP! That is enough. You are quite the most useless thing that I have ever come across. Now, get out!" (Y/n) growled, as the boy fumbled and stumbled. The young man nearly falling over his own feet as he raced for the door. Leaving the Crimson Guard to shake her head.

"I swear that they do not make men like they used to. I feel sorry for the young women of Westeros if that is the kind of males that this world has to offer." (Y/n) chuckled to herself, as she slowly rose from her chair and made her way to the door. Stepping out into the dimly lit corridors and making her way through the building to find the old lion. For if the Lannister patriarch wasn't going to send her someone descent to assist her, then she was going to make his life difficult too. And even though it was against her oath to be touched by a man, the lion was going to find himself subjugated to the position of squire.


"Go away...........!" Tywin growled, as he heard a movement at the door. The lion shaking his head, as he tried to concentrate on the parchments on his desk. The High Crimson Guard had left his rooms in the Tower some time ago, after assuring the Hand of the King, that despite their usual nature. That despite the fact that the Deaths Watch normally kept to itself. Having nothing to do with the Seven Kingdoms. Well............not unless there was a fight involved that was, the Great Mothers wished to learn more about the outside world. That with how the world was turning and changing, it only made sense to ally themselves with some of the stronger Houses in Westeros. That if others saw that there was more to the Deaths Watch than just the ridiculous rumours and stories that surrounded them; if they could learn more about the Houses than what they had been told. Then cooperation between the Deaths Watch and Westeros, could benefit all of them. And since she had left, Tywin had been doing his best to concentrate on all the work that he had to do because of Robert. But, try as he might, the emissary had seemed to have made more of an impression on the Lannister than he could ever have thought. Normally, she wouldn't be the kind of woman that he found himself attracted to. Well, he didn't think so until she had begun to talk. Until she had put him in his place. The old lion finding it strangely arousing. The fact that she wasn't scared of him. Wasn't impressed by his titles or his wealth, was oddly stimulating. And he wanted more of it. He wanted so much more of it. Tywin wondering what it would take for the beautiful woman to break her oath. To commit the ultimate sin, as far as the Death's Watch was concerned, and surrender herself to him.

"High Crimson Guards do not take orders, Lannister. I thought that you would have realised that by now." (Y/n) huffed, as she walked into the room, and made her way over to him. Tywin trying not to smile, as he looked up at her.

"I have things to do, Commander. What do you want now........?" The lion enquired, in his usual gruff manner. The Guard's arms folding firmly across her chest.

"I asked you to provide me with a competent squire to assist me. And instead, you send me a milksop. A wet behind the ear's boy, that appeared to have just been pulled from his mother's teat. So, Tywin Lannister, as you see fit to not furnish me with someone suitable. And as you are the only one in this castle, I have had any real dealings with, it will be you that assists me with my armour. I am sure that even you can do that. And you will continue to assist me with my armour until you send me a squire, that actually has a backbone." (Y/n) informed the Hand. The Guard rolling her eyes, as Tywin got to his feet and leant on his desk. The old lion more than ready to fight with the warrior.

"Save you whining and protests, man. It will only fall on deaf ears. I do not wish to hear that such things are beneath you. That you are the Hand of the King, and you have servants that do things like that. If you had sent me some one decent, I wouldn't have had to come here. Now, the sooner you get this done, the sooner I will leave. And the sooner you can get back to trying to figuring out how badly Robert Baratheon is fucking up the Seven Kingdoms." (Y/n) spoke, before the lion had a chance to say anything. The commander simply turning around and waiting for him to help.    

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