Sea maid - Part 2 - Tormund x Reader

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"You, (Y/n). Me Tormund." Tormund tried to explain. Patting his chest as he said his name. Hoping that the exquisite maid would understand what he was saying.

"Toe mund............" The sea maid replied, as she placed her hand on his chest. A broad smile gracing her visage, as the big red man nodded his head and took a seat next to her on the bed. The maid grabbing for a fur and using it to rub at her tail.

"Legs...........?" The Wildling enquired, as fur met shimmering scales. (Y/n) looking up to him, her bows furrowed, as she thought about the word.

" get legs if ya dry ya tail?" Tormund expounded, as he pointed at his limbs. The sea maid giggling as he shook his legs.

"Lags........Lags........Toe mund..........." An agreeing reply came, before the maid went back to drying her tail. The big man watching as the scales slowly began to fade, to be replaced by a pair of rather shapely legs. Tormund's eyes growing even wider, as a now very naked woman smiled at him.

"Lags.............." The maid grinned, copying Tormund and shaking her new appendages at him. Tormund feeling his heart jump into his throat, as she wiggled a little closer, and reached out her hand. The maid looking at her fingertips in confusion, as she quickly touched his beard.

"Toe mund..............." The maid continued with a seductive hum, as she moved a little closer and wrapped her arms around his waist. Pulling him down over her.

"I knew it wouldn't take her long.............." A voice came. Tormund huffing as Rowna returned far too quickly to her tent.

"Incorrigible things, they are. Can't help emselves." The old woman continued, as she pulled the pair apart and covered the naked maid with furs. The two females beginning to converse again, in whatever language it was that sea maids spoke. Tormund adjusting himself, as he stood and watched the pair. Tormund sniffing, as the two looked up at him and Rowna began to laugh.

"What is................?"

"She want's ta know how you are made of fire but ya don't burn her............" The old woman finally said, as she brushed some of (Y/n)'s drying green hair away from her face. Rowna laughing again, as Tormund just looked at her.

"Ya hair........ya beard. She thinks that they are fire." The pale haired female explained, before turning her attention back to the maid. It appearing as though Rowna was explaining him to (Y/n). The elder woman pulling at a strand of her own hair, as well as the maids green locks. The maid finally smiling and nodding.

"She said she's never seen a man with hair as red as fire before. Never seen a man as big as the sea. It seems that you've definitely made an impression. Good, that means that she really won't bewitch ya. So, ya can help me show her around when she gets used ta those legs of hers." Rowna continued, as she slowly got to her feet.

"But fa now, ya can leave us to it." The old woman added, as she pushed Tormund through the flaps of her tent. The big red head finding himself confronted with seemingly every man in camp, all wanting to know more about the beautiful creature that would be calling their world, home, for the foreseeable future.


Tormund hadn't been able to sleep. He had been watching Rowna's tent all night, to make sure that no one entered. Not that Rowna wouldn't have made them regret it if they had; but he didn't want to take a chance. After all, if the old woman was right, and (Y/n) hadn't bewitched him, he hadn't fallen under her spell, because she was meant to be his, then he was going to make sure that no other man even tried to get close. Tormund imagining all the strong and handsome sons and daughters that the maid could give him. What that beautiful body of hers would feeling like, beneath him. What beautiful sounds she might make, as he showed her what it was to be loved by a man.

Suddenly there was a commotion from outside. Tormund quickly getting to his feet to see what it was all about. A smile coming to his lips, as he opened his tent and saw Rowna, and a now fully clothed (Y/n). The sea maid wobbling a little as she walked arm in arm with the older woman. The large Wildling making his way out and finding himself engulfed by a warm pair of arms.........and legs.

"Toe mund...........lags..........(Y/n) walk." (Y/n) explained, as she clung to him. Tormund laughing, as he placed his hands under her backside and looked at her. The big man ignoring the jealous glares and mutterings of everyone around them as she kissed his nose.

"I've taught her a few words that she wanted to know.............."

"Toe mund...........pretty. Toe mund fire........(Y/n).......water." The maid interrupted, as she took some of her hair and pulled at his beard. Tormund not knowing what else to do, other than nod his head and smile in agreement.

"Well, now we have that over with, we can show her tha rest of tha camp. And it would be better if ya made her walk. She has ta get used ta those legs of hers." Rowna added, as she pushed her way passed the other Free Folk and joined the pair. Tormund just smiling, as (Y/n) continued to wrap herself around him.

"I don't mind carryin her. Don't want her ta get tired out............Not from walkin, anyway.........." Tormund replied, a huge smile spreading from ear to ear. Rowna just shaking her head, before moving off into the rest of the camp with Tormund and the maid in tow. Tormund laughing loudly, as (Y/n) continued to try and talk. Letting him know all the other words that Rowna had taught her.   

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