Here we go again

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Hi all. 

So here we are, my third book just for Game of Thrones. If you have read my other books, and are following me to this third one, then thank you so much for sticking with me. If you are new, welcome, and if you are interested, I would love for you to have a look at my first two books before you read this. Also, as I said at the end of book two, I have a tendency of writing my stories in different ways, so I thought that I would do a Game of Thrones book where I put all my finished short stories together so that it makes it easier for you guys to read. As I finish more, I will be able to add more to that book. It is called, Game of Thrones: Short stories. The cover picture is as below. 

I will just be continuing to do what I do. Creating even more chaos for the residence of Westeros and Essos.  More and more crazy capers for all our favourite characters. I hope to add new characters such as Drogo, Missandei and Tommen, as well as anyone else that I can come up with something  for.  

I will of course be finishing stories that I have already started and working on more requests. Apologies if I haven't got to yours yet. But I promise that I get there in the end. 

So, as always,  I will do my best to make you laugh and maybe even cry a little. But either way, I hope you will continue to follow me through my Game of Thrones adventures. 

Quinn XX 

Game of Thrones: Short stories.

Game of Thrones: Short stories

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Game of Thrones: Imagines and one shots. Book threeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora