A true Bolton - Part 2 - Roose x Reader

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(Y/n) made her way through the castle. Despite the sickness that she had because of the child growing within her; her father's promise that he would not allow Cley to take her from her home, had put a spring in her step. That, and a night spent with him had always filled her with the most wonderful of glows. Her father's touch like no other mans. The way he felt inside her, intoxicating. The way that he would punish her, praise her, beg her, more addictive than any substance that she could think of..................

"Good morning my dear sister." A voice called out as she entered the great hall. (Y/n) rolling her eyes as she saw Ramsay's smiling face at the end of the large table.

(Y/n) had never trusted Ramsay. She had never even liked him. And she even believed that he had had something to do with her beloved brother's death. The Bolton lady hating the very sight of him if all truth be told. Knowing that is she was given even half a chance. If her father said the word, she would take great delight in slitting his throat from ear to ear. The lady smiling sweetly, as she slowly made her way over to him.

"I am not your sister, Ramsay. You are a Snow. A bastard. And you will always be that, even if my father is foolish enough to ever legitimize you. You will always be the son of some nameless, faceless bitch that my father used for a fuck. I on the other hand am a Bolton. A true, real Bolton. And just because we came from the same seed, that does not make you any better than the flea ridden, mange infested mutts that wander the courtyard. Rolling around in their own filth." (Y/n) hissed disdainfully. The lady producing a small blade and pressing it to Ramsay's throat, as he jumped to his feet. His eyes growing wide as he felt to metal press into his flesh, as his sister moved so that she could whisper into his ear.

"I wouldn't even think about it if I were you. The foolish may believe that you are the one to be scared of, but that is only because they don't know any better. In truth, there is only one Bolton that people should be afraid of, and that............you stinking bastard........is me............"

"RAMSAY!" A voice bellowed. The two siblings quickly turning at the sound. (Y/n) smiling, as she saw the look in her father's eyes. The look of anger that burned behind his now darkened orbs, making her insides begin to twist and turn in an exquisite way. The young woman sure that there was nothing more beautiful than her father when he was irate. Ramsay gasping for air, as Roose quickly made his way over, grabbed him by the throat and crashed him into the wall behind him.

"Did you touch her? DID YOU TOUCH HER?" Roose demanded to know. His son doing his best to shake his head. His eyes catching (Y/n) watching. The true born Bolton smiling as she listened to him gasp for breath.

"You go near her again, and I will kill you myself." The Lord of the Dreadfort, continued as he finally let Ramsay fall to the floor. The young Snow struggling to his feet, as his father made his way over to (Y/n) and looked her up and down.

"Did he hurt you..........? The little one.............."

"All is well, father. Your bastard would not dare touch me. Not if there is a brain in that head of his, anyway. And your grandchild is fine.........."

"My lady.........." Another voice came. The Boltons looking around to see Cley make his way into the room.

"Ahhhh, my dear husband." (Y/n) replied, as she moved away from her father to Cley. Reluctantly allowing him to kiss her on the cheek.

"Is.........is everything alright..........?"

"Everything is fine. Just a little family meeting. Nothing to concern yourself with..............."

"Are you feeling better this morning? The little one............?"

"I am feeling much better, thank you husband. And your child is growing stronger by the day." (Y/n) cooed in reply. A smile coming to her lips. Sure, that she could hear her father growl, as she moved closer to Cley.

"Perhaps we should break fast together in my rooms this morning? There is something of an unpleasant smell in here. It smells like a filth covered dog and it is making me feel a little unwell." (Y/n) continued, as she took Cley by the arm and began to pull him from the room. Medger's heir nodding to Roose before happily going with his bride. The lord able to do nothing but stare as the two of them disappeared.


(Y/n) did her best to smile at Cley, as he had sat across from her. It was true that the young Cerwyn wasn't hideous. In fact, in a certain light, he was quite handsome. And he had always been kind to her. Overjoyed when she had informed him that she was with child. Yet despite all these qualities, Cley just wasn't the man for her. Her father the only one that held her heart. The only man that she wanted to touch her. The Bolton lady shuddering a little as her husband came up behind her and pulled her into his arms. His hands softly resting on her belly. The pair looking out of the darkened window onto rain-soaked courtyard below.

"Have you thought more about me taking you to Cerwyn castle. I do not trust your brother. He'll hurt you.......the baby.................."

"No Cley, Ramsay will not. He may be foolish, but he's not that foolish. He knows that I have my father. That I have you to protect me. And he loves himself far too much to want to die at either of your hands. And the baby, you need not worry about them either. For already, they are as strong as their father." (Y/n) assured as she turned in his arms and placed her hand to his cheek. The young Cerwyn closing his eyes as he felt the warmth of her touch."

"ENTER!" (Y/n) called out, as a knock came to the door. A smile coming to her lips, as her father entered and glared at her husband. The lord fighting back the urge to storm over and rip his child from the undeserving embrace of Cley.

"I would like to speak with my daughter.........in private..........." Roose announced. Cley looking to his bride who gave him a reassuring kiss to the cheek before he let her go. Nodding respectfully to Roose as he left the room. (Y/n) deciding that there was one thing more arousing than seeing her father angry, and that was seeing him jealous.    

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