Curse - Part 6 - Bronn x Reader

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"Ah, yes. How...........what, when why and who. The age-old questions. Well, surely you have heard the stories about me. The tall tales and scary stories? The cursed lioness, that will pull you beneath the waves if you venture to close to the water. That will take your soul if ever you were to see her ..........That would eat you and spit out your bones............Of course, you have. You wouldn't have followed my brother if you hadn't. If you weren't intrigued. But if you expected me to be the creature of those stories, I am afraid that I will have to disappoint you. I have been cursed for a long time now, and not once have I ever pulled anyone to their death, taken their soul, or eaten anyone. I am still who I was before the day I came of age. Nothing has changed that. I am still just a Lannister. And some would argue that was curse enough...........(Y/n) began to explain. A soft chuckle leaving her lips, before she took a sip of the wine in her glass.

"The true story is really rather boring and just quite sad............Before I was born, a small village rebelled against my father's rule as Warden of the West. The place was of now real concern. Really little more than a few buildings and a little bit of land. But Tywin Lannister being Tywin Lannister, couldn't have that. It was an affront to his name. His manhood. My father not liking the idea that the smallfolk that lived there would dare question him and his rule. So, one day, he took his men with him, and made the journey to the village. Once there, he had his men kill most of its inhabitants. He had the buildings burned. The place wiped off the maps. Yet before he left, an old woman cursed him, or should that be me..........She informed him that my mother would give birth to a second daughter. A gifted and beautiful daughter. But on the day that that daughter came of age, she would no longer be a lioness. But a child of the old gods. A child of the seas, rivers and brooks. My father running her through with his swords after she had uttered her curse. His men ensuring that they finished off the rest of the smallfolk. That there was no one left. Not long after my father returned, my mother fell pregnant with me. And what with Tyrion's birth after mine, and our mother passing away, father forgot all about the old woman. Forgot all about her curse until the day I came of age." The lady continued. A heavy sigh leaving her lips, as she turned her attention to the little fire in the hearth.

"It's silly isn't it..........the day that should be the start of the rest of your life. A day that would normally lead to marriage and children of your own, instead led me here..............My father had organised a large celebration. A way to show off his daughter to the Seven Kingdoms. But in the middle of everything, something happened. I began to feel unwell, as if I couldn't breathe. Then my hands started to change. Skin forming between my fingers. Tiny scales appearing. I ran from the party. Ignoring my father's calls. Ignoring everything but the urge inside me to get to the bathhouse. Once I was there, I tore the clothes from my body and jumped into the water. When I was submerged, I found I could breathe, but I also found myself as you saw me when I came from the water. No longer a lioness, but a child of the old gods. Of seas, rivers and brooks." The lady continued. Discretely wiping away the tears that pricked her eyes.

"Tyrion was of course the one that found me. He would always find me when he was young. He never liked me out of his sight for long. I think he saw me a little as the mother that neither of us had got the chance to know. He thought I was wonderful. But my father on the other hand............he had me whisked away. Hidden. The old lion not wanting anyone to know what his daughter had become. Finally, he found a place for me here, as close to Kings Landing as he dare. And here I have remained. The only ones to come close being my brothers and father..........." The lioness finished. Doing her best to smile, as she turned her attention back to her visitor.

"But if ya can look like this............."

"I am afraid that I can only stay like this for so long. I can only stay on land for so long before the call of the water becomes too much. Before I begin to struggle to breath. So, I normally only come here when I know that Tyrion or Jaime will be coming. Usually with something that we can enjoy together, or something that I might need. So, now you know the truth. Now you know the real story of the cursed lioness. I'm just sorry that the story isn't more interesting." (Y/n) answered, as she finished her drink. Bronn grabbing the bottle and pouring some more of the wine into her glass.

"Can't ya do anything about it...........?" The sellsword enquired hopefully, as he topped up his own glass.

"Not that I know of. And the only woman that I could have tried to make amends to for my father's actions, was put to the sword before I was even conceived. Over the years my father has spent a not so insignificant amount of gold on trying to............fix me, shall we say. To remedy what he had caused. Yet nothing worked. And I am as cursed today as I was the day this happened. More so if I am to be truthful. I didn't want to tell Tyrion when he came yesterday, but........the pull of the sea is beginning to become too strong. It is getting harder and harder to come back here. To want to change back to this. And I fear that soon...........soon I won't want to come back at all. Won't be able to come back............." The lioness explained sadly. Bronn instantly downing his drink in one gulp as he heard her confession. The sellsword feeling angry at her father. Feeling angry at fate for the little joke that it seemed to be playing on him.

Of course, this would happen. He had just found this glorious creature. He had just found the most breathtaking woman that he had ever seen in his entire life. A woman that had made him feel things that he never thought possible, before he had even met her in person. The lioness looking up at him as he got to his feet and took the drink from her hand. Two words leaving his rough lips before he crashed them into those of the lioness and pulled her into his arms.

"Fuck fate!"  

Game of Thrones: Imagines and one shots. Book threeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora