Take it slow - Part 2 - Sandor x Reader

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For Em2966

"I'm no Ser............" Sandor replied with a gruff huff, using his foot to push out one of the other chairs at the table. The young woman slowly taking a seat. Her smile never leaving her lips as she looked at him across the table. The Hound had seen many a pretty smile, on many a pair of beautiful lips, and by now he had learnt to tell the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one. One that was there to fool others or cheat them out of their gold. Sandor sure that in the dark city, a real smile was a rare thing. Yet this girl before him, this girl was presenting him with this rarity. She was giving him a real smile, and a look that suggested that she was not scared of his scarred face. That she wasn't scared of him.

"Ya new..........." Sandor suddenly stated, as he picked up his ale and took a drink.

"Yes, um.........I only arrived in the city the other day.............."

"Ya know who I am............?" Sandor interrupted. (Y/n) slowly nodding.

"Yes........... You're Sandor Clegane......... Some of the others told me about you. Told me about you and some of the other men that I might meet............."

"What did they tell ya..............?" Sandor interrupted again, as he leaned across the table.

"They told me that you were called The Hound. They said that you are the kings dog; they told me about your scarred face and that you were scary, and you did nothing but kill....................."

"Then why ya come and sat with me.............?" Sandor growled, as he banged his tankard down onto the table. The big man not actually meaning to do it, knowing that what she had been told was nothing to do with her; but it was just instinct by now to react in such a way. His brows furrowing, as the young woman across from him didn't even flinch. Her eyes merely falling to her hands in her lap.

"I.........well, I didn't believe them..........I thought that it was awful to say that you were the king's dog. And..........where I come from, scars are not something that are to be ashamed of. Most wear them with pride. They prove that you have lived. That they have experience. That, and I have always thought it better to judge a person through my own experiences with them, rather than from the idle gossip and chatter of others. But you have my apologies if I have said something that might offend you.........I will see if one of the other girls will come and entertain you." (Y/n) explained, as she slowly got to her feet and turned to leave.

"Sit!" Sandor commanded loudly. The Hound ignoring all the others in the brothel that had turned to look at him. The young woman smiling slightly as she retook her seat. Finding herself glad that the big man wanted her to stay.

"You got a room..........?" Sandor continued, before downing the rest of the ale that was still left in the tankard.

"Um.........yes...........would you like to go..............?" The Skagosson replied. Her heart beating a little quicker, as the large man got to his feet and grabbed her hand, pulling her to join him. The pair quickly making their way past the other patrons and girls.


Sandor kicked the door of the room closed with his large boot. The wooden ingress protesting with a loud crack, as it slammed shut. Admittedly, he did want to fuck this (Y/n). She was beautiful, and her well-proportioned form was certainly having an effect on him. The big man having to adjust himself as his cock pushed against the inside of his breeches, desperately wanting to escape its confines. But more than that, she intrigued him. She didn't seem to be scared of him at all. Not by his looks, his reputation or his demeanour. She had sought him out, despite what the other girls had told her about him. She hadn't moved when he had growled and smashed his tankard onto the table. And she had said that she didn't like him being referred to as that atrocious little shit, Joffrey's, dog.

Slowly he made his way over to her. Her hands reaching up to start to remove his clothes. Sandor catching her hand, as it became obvious that she had no idea what she was doing. An embarrassed blush heating her cheeks as she fumbled with the material.

"You done this before...................?"

"No............but I promise I won't disappoint. I will do anything you wish..........." (Y/n) replied, as she carefully pulled her hand from Sandor's, and went back to trying to untie the leather armour that covered his body.

"Sit on the bed." Sandor ordered softly, as he once again removed her hands from his body. (Y/n) nodding before making her way to the bed. Taking a seat on the corner.

Sandor had to admit that he couldn't work this girl out. She had no fear of him, but it was obvious that she was nervous. That she wanted to make a good impression. The Hound only able to imagine what the whoremonger had said to her before she had joined him. What implied, subtle threats he might have made to the new girl. Sandor quite convinced that other girls, girls that may have caused Baelish some problems, or didn't do what he had wanted them to, had been made to disappear by the Master of Coin.

"Do ya want this............?" Sandor asked, as he took a seat next to her.

"It doesn't matter whether I want it or not. Lord Baelish bough me. I have been told what I have to do. And, even though I do not know you, I believe that I would rather my first time be with you than any other of the men that I have seen or heard about. If you don't mind me saying, I think that despite all the rumours that surround you. Despite your gruffness, I would say that beneath all of that, is quite a kind man and you would be good to me. So, yes, I want this. I want you, if you will have me." (Y/n) confessed, as she turned to look at him, placing her hand on his scarred cheek. Sandor for once not feeling the need to remove it. To not fight the gesture.

"Aye. I'll have you.........." Sandor replied, as he carefully pressed his lips to hers, before pushing her back onto the bed. 

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