The old lion and the doe - Part 4 - Tywin x Reader

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Could I just ask, do you guys think that I write too much? Do I update too often? I sometimes don't know whether writing so much is a good or bad thing. It's just that I have so many ideas, and once I write them down, I just have to share them with you all.  IDK, maybe it's me over thinking again :) 

Tywin watched, as the naked form of the doe rose from his bed. Taking his shirt and placing it over her head as she made her way to the window. The material dropping effortlessly over her curves. Oh, what he wouldn't give to be as young as Jaime, as Tyrion. To be able to turn back time so that he could once again be in his prime. So that he could prove to (Y/n) that he was the only lion, the only man that she would ever need. So that they could grow old together. But life was what it was. And she seemed content with things as they were. She seemed to be happy with him. With the age difference. So, he knew better than to question things.

As soon as the doe had arrived at the Red Keep from Dragonstone, she had turned his world upside down. She had made him feel things that he hadn't felt since the day that Joanna had been killed by his youngest son. Made him believe that anything was possible. She had shown him how to love again. That he could have the chance to father children that wouldn't be a complete disappointment.

"I have decided that I quite like Kings Landing. I like it enough to stay. I do love Dragonstone, but the only thing that spoils it, is my father. I swear that he grows colder and blunter as he gets older. I once heard that Loras Tyrell describe father as having the personality of a lobster. Personally, I believe that he was being far too generous. There are things that live at the bottom of the Smoking Sea that have a more pleasant character than Stannis Baratheon. That is why he inspires neither love nor loyalty from his peers like Robert and Renly do. That is why the smallfolk care little for him. That is why I care little for him. Sometimes I think he hates me. Even when I was young, he would often look at me with little more than contempt. For so long I was unsure as to why he disliked me so much, how he could hate his own child so much. And then I realised, it was because I was more like my uncles than I was him. More like Robert especially. My father may have accepted the king's wishes when he granted the dominions, yet he has never truly forgiven Robert for handing the Stormlands and Storm's End to Renly. And he complains nonstop about how underprivileged and underappreciated he is. In my opinion, he is little more than a pouting, petulant child that sulks because he didn't get what he wanted. And I have no desire to lay my eyes on him ever again." The doe said. Tywin not sure whether she was speaking to him or not. The old lion slowly rising from the bed and making his way over to her. Tywin wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back to his chest. His lips brushing over the flesh of her neck.

"You will be staying in Kings Landing, my love. There will be no need for you to return to your father or Dragonstone. As my bride, the rightful place for you is by my side." Tywin hummed. A small smile coming to his lips, as (Y/n) moaned under his touch. Her hands holding tightly to his arms, as the two stood there and looked out onto the city that lay far below.

"I can only imagine what my father will say when I send word that I am to become the new lady Lannister. That I will be remaining in the capital. I wish I could be there to see his reaction. I am sure that most of it would be apathy. In fact, I think that he will be glad to not have to look at me again. But..........I think a little part of him will be angry. And I do so love to see him angry........" The doe replied, as she breathed in her lover's scent. Sighing happily, as Tywin kissed her neck.

"What you do will no longer be a concern of your fathers. The city before us will be yours. You will be the Lady of Casterly Rock. The wife of the Hand. We will marry in the Great.................."

"No, Tywin........................." (Y/n) interrupted. Turning in his arms so that she could look up into his eyes.

"I do not need some great ceremony. I do not need dignitaries from across the Seven Kingdoms. I do not need the small folk to witness our nuptials. I just want it to be we two and the Septon................."

"But did you not say that you wished to tell all that there was a Lannister wedding to plan for..................?" Tywin mused jokingly, as he smiled down at his bride to be.

"I did...............But I don't want to wait any longer than we already have. We have wasted too much time as it is. And if, after our rather.......... vigorous and satisfying activities, I am already carrying an heir, I wish to know that it will be looked upon as every inch a lion. That, and I do no desire to give people the time to plot against our allow words to be whispered in dark corners and ever listening ears." The lady explained. Tywin not having to ask her what or should that be who she meant when she spoke of "people". The old lion sure that Cersei would not take kindly to him marry again, and especially not to (Y/n). For not only would she be his bride, but the doe would also be usurping Cersei's place and becoming the lady of Casterly Rock. And as Jaime had taken the oath and Tywin had no desire for Tyrion to be seen as his heir, any child that was produced with (Y/n) would be seen as the next in line. Another fact that he was sure would anger his daughter.

"Very well................then we wed now. We will marry under the eyes of the Seven and then inform my children and your uncle of the marriage. For what the gods join, let no man.........or woman, tear asunder." Tywin agreed as he kissed her on the forehead. Happy with the notion of having (Y/n) as his bride as quickly as he could find a Septon and the service could be performed. The old lion determined that nothing would come between himself and the doe any longer.  

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