Tyrion's protector - Part 2 - Tyrion x Reader

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It's good to be back 😊

Tyrion groaned. To say that his head was throbbing, would be a massive understatement. It feeling as thought the thundering hooves of a thousand horses racing into battle, were currently doing so, inside his skull.

One of the last things that he could remember was being down on the Street of Silk enjoying the attentions of a rather comely and exceptionally well-endowed young woman. The little lord sure that he would have to pay her another visit in the future. But then...........well then everything became a little..............no, make that a lot hazy. He could sort of remember winding his way back towards the Keep singing all manner of dirty songs at the top of his lungs, with a bottle of wine in one hand and a glass in the other. Then he was sure that he had apologised most profusely to one of the many rats that scurried around picking at the rubbish that had been thrown out into the alley, for stepping on its tail. But after that................

And then he remembered the sweet child that had come to his rescue in the gardens. (Y/n) having helped him to his feet and back inside the Keep before he could be spied by too many prying eyes. Before the information of his current drunken and debauched faux pas, could get back to the ears of his already disapproving or should that be hate filled father. The young doe making tears come to the corners of his eyes, as she told him that if she was bigger, stronger, that she would protect him. That if she could be the next to sit on the Iron Throne, that she would make it law that no one could be cruel to him ever again. And despite his banging head, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself about the whole thing. How she had been trying to pull him into the Keep by his feet. The image seeming as fresh now, as it was at that moment.

It was true that Tyrion knew very little of love. Of what it was to be cared about and for; but from the moment that (Y/n) could walk; from the moment that she could talk, it had been obvious to all that the little girl loved him. Much to her mother's annoyance. And he in turn loved his niece. The little man never knowing why or how his sister could treat the beauteous little creature as if she were nothing. How she could seem to care so much for her other children but treat a darling child like (Y/n) with such disdain. The young doe in some ways reminding him of himself. It seeming as though Cersei wanted her daughter, as much as Tywin wanted him.

Slowly he rose from his prone position. Another deep, guttural, pained groan leaving his lips as he opened his reluctant eyes. The young lion finding himself in his room, the heavy curtains over the window drawn tightly and his bed covered in the softest furs that were in his room. Tyrion once again chuckling to himself, as he carefully swung his legs over the side of the bed. The diminutive lord well aware that he would have not done all this himself. That normally when he returned to the Keep in such a state, he would just drop, face first, onto his bed in all his clothes; his muddy boots marring the clean sheets as he slept off the effects of his night. So this..........all this care and attention could only have been lavished on him by his niece. Tyrion, determining, as his bare feet met the floor, that he would have to make this right. That he would have to do something nice for (Y/n) for having to find him in passed out, stinking of a night of alcohol and whores. For having come to his rescue and as always, being his little protector. But first, he needed a drink...............only to help him with his hangover, of course.


"The child needs disciplining................" Cersei hissed, as she looked at her daughter. (Y/n), as always, standing with her head high as her mother spat her usual venom filled vitriol at her.

She had known that her escaping from the clutches of her maids would get back to the ears of her mother. That she would pay for living her life for a few moments, unbound by expectation and duty, and here she was, stood in front of her father and grandfather. Patiently awaiting the judgement of Solomon. Or should that be, the judgement of the portly man that sat on the throne and the old man that stood to his side.

Admittedly this wasn't the first time that she had found herself in such a situation. Every time that she did something that her mother didn't like, (Y/n) would find herself dragged in front of her father and grandfather. And each time her father would ask her for an explanation, while the old lion looked down at her disapprovingly. The young doe knowing that today was going to be no different. (Y/n) fighting back a small smile, as she heard her father huff at his wife's comment. A comment that Cersei seemed to make every time her oldest child did anything that she didn't.............no, make that any time that (Y/n) did anything.

"Yes, yes................" Robert replied to his wife's remark. The King still doing his best not to smile, as he turned his attention to his beautiful daughter, that stood with her usual grace and composure in front of him.

"Well, (Y/n)................? You know that you shouldn't run away from your maids. Now, where were you.................?"

"She was with me..........................." A voice interjected. Those present turning to see Tyrion make his way into the throne room. The little man stopping as he reached his niece's side.

"My apologies, your grace. (Y/n) was in the library with me. I had promised to tell her all about the histories of our families. I though that she had informed her maids of where she would be.................." Tyrion explained, as he looked between father and daughter.

"Yes, I am sorry uncle, father. I was excited and forgot to tell my ladies that I was going to the library to meet Uncle Tyrion. I am very sorry. I didn't mean to make them worry. I didn't mean to make you worry. I didn't mean to make mother.................I didn't mean to give mother another cause for concern............." (Y/n) agreed. She, like her father, doing her best to not smile, as her uncle gave her a quick wink.

"Well, I think that explains everything. There is no need to discipline a child for wanting to learn. No need to punish her for her excitement. But in future (Y/n), make sure that you tell your ladies where you are. We don't want to have to go through all this yet again, do we..............?" Robert said, as he slowly got up from the throne. The king making his way down the steps and over to his daughter. Placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Now, why don't you go and really learn something about our family, and you can come and tell me all about it later?" Robert continued quietly to his child and her uncle. (Y/n) and Tyrion nodding respectfully before the two left the room. Leaving the King to deal with the complaints from his wife.  

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