The bastard and the orphan - Part 3 - Jon x Reader

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"Jon...............?" (Y/n) called out in reply. The air going silent for a moment before the ancient gates slowly began to open. A sharp gust of frigid air and flurry of snow forcing the granddaughter of the blacksmith to shield herself; finally looking up, as she felt a hand placed on hers. (Y/n) looking down to see Jon.

He looked tired, and so much older than the last time that she had seen him. The day that he had left her to journey to the Wall, he had been so young, so innocent. Yet now, now that innocence was long gone. What he, what their world had been through since then, had obviously taken its toll on him. The gods only knew that everything had taken its toll on her too. But that didn't mean that she still couldn't see the boy that she had loved so long before. That she couldn't still see the handsome bastard that had been her friend.


Jon looked up at (Y/n). She was of course older than the last time that he had seen her. When they had said their emotional goodbye, before he had made his way to the Wall with Tyrion Lannister. But age hadn't made her any less beautiful. When they had parted, they had been little more than children; he was innocent, naïve to a lot of the world. Though now all that was gone. The death of so many people that he cared for, discovering who he really was, and the war had all taken their toll; had aged him and made him world weary. Yet, as the orphan looked down on him, Jon felt the years and the stresses roll away. A smile slowly making its wat onto his lips.

"(Y/n)...........what are you doing here..............?"

"I came to see how an old friend was doing. That, and I don't seem to have been able to find a place in this new world. So, I hoped that I might be able to find something here." (Y/n) explained, as she allowed Jon to take the reins from her hand and led Ruby in through the gates. Men dressed in black watching her, as Jon helped her down from the saddle. Jon, for a moment, holding (Y/n)'s waist and looking into her eyes as her feet hit the frozen floor. The Northman feeling as though the world around them had stopped; that they were back at Winterfell, sat in the hay in the stables, laughing as they rolled around. The laughter stopping, as Jon grabbed hold of the beautiful orphan and moved on top of her, their lips slowly meeting.........

"Well.........what do you think...............?" (Y/n) enquired softly, breaking the spell that Jon had cast upon himself.

"Do you think that you could find a place for me...........?" The orphan added with a smile. Jon returning the smile, before holding out his arm for her to take. Gesturing for one of his men to take the orphan's rather impressive mare to the stables.

"I think we could find something. But first, come and talk ta me. We have a lot ta catch up on." Jon replied, as he led his friend into the castle.


"Thank you." (Y/n) said, as Jon passed her a cup of wine. The granddaughter of the blacksmith thankful not only to be able to warm herself by a fire; but also, to be able to see Jon again. Happy that he remembered her.

"So..............I would ask you what has happened to you since you left me that day, to journey north with the little man. But, I think that most know, Jon Snow..........Or should I call you Aegon Targaryen now.............?"

"No..........Jon. I'm still just Jon Snow, the bastard you knew.............."

"But, you're not, are you? You are so much more than the sweet, innocent, naïve boy that I knew. You are the last of House Targaryen. Were the 998th Lord Commander of the Nights Watch, Warden and King in the North. A man that returned from the dead and was............and was the lover of the Mother of Dragons. I would say that all that makes you so much more than the boy I knew. Wouldn't you...............?" (Y/n) interjected, before taking a sip of the wine. Jon slowly nodding his head, as he took a seat.

"Then what about you..............? Sansa told me that you fought against the Greyjoy forces and then the Boltons when they took Winterfell." Jon finally replied, wanting to change the subject. Not too interested in talking about himself.

"Me............? Oh, well, I really am still the (Y/n) that you knew. The same orphan........When you left, life carried on for us as much as it had done before; though there was certainly something missing. As far as the Greyjoys and Boltons were concerned, Lady Sansa is right; I had never been trained formally with the blade, as you know, but what with practicing with you and watching you, Robb and Theon, I sort of picked it up. I used what I had learnt, and killed as many of them as I could; but I couldn't stop them from slaughtering my grandparents like they were little more than pigs. Eventually, they overwhelmed me, and dragged me down to the dungeons. I think that they would have just left me there to rot if it hadn't been for the fact that I managed to struggle free and gave that bastard, Ramsay, a bloody nose. After that, I was set aside for his special treatment; but, if you are going to imprison the granddaughter of man that forged the manacles that bound her wrists, and the locks and bars of the cage your keeping her in, you should really check that she doesn't have the keys on her person, before you lock her up." (Y/n) explained, as she finished her drink and put the empty glass on the table next to her.

"After I got away, I wandered for a little while, got myself lost; and then........well, then, I ended up back at Winterfell for the battle. I nearly got killed but.............then..........I somehow got drawn into following other down to Kings Landing. Once everything was over, I tried to find a place in what was left of the capital, but it didn't feel right. I would have gone back the Winterfell, but..............but there are too many ghosts. And I don't think that I could face it without knowing that I could walk into the smithy and see my grandparents. So, now here I am, in hopes that an old friend might remember me, and take pity on me." The orphan continued, as she turned her gaze from the fire to Jon.

"So.........what do you think? Do you have a place for someone that knows how to wield a smithy's hammer. I promise, I can be very useful." (Y/n) added with a hopeful look. Jon leaning across and taking her hand.

"I could never forget you, (Y/n). And ya have a place here for as long as ya like. Now, lets try and talk about happier things." Jon told her, refilling her glass, before their thoughts went back to the times when they had both been young. 

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