It can't be - Part 13 - Lannisters x Reader

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Tyrion had sat, having to listen to his sister rant and rave about what she had just found out. Angry at him for not telling her and Jaime sooner that their aunt, their mother's sister, her twin, had been right under their nose for some time. Complaining that it was as much their right to now the lady, as it was Tyrion's; more so in fact, as he had been the one to kill their mother in the first place. Tyrion just glad that there had been a plentiful supply of wine, as he just sat back and took it. The youngest Lannister more than used to Cersei's bile and venom when she spoke to him. When she mentioned their mother. The little lord noting though, as his sister's words drifted off, and turned into some kind of dull background noise, that his father hadn't said a word since (Y/n) had left the room closely followed by Bronn. The old lion just sitting in his chair and looking out into the room. Jaime suddenly coming into the conversation and trying to be the voice of reason, the only thing that brought Tyrion back to the moment.

It was true that he and his aunt had spoken on a number of occasions about her introducing herself to the twins. Tyrion telling her that he was sure that they would love to know. That they too would like to get to know her better. Admittedly, he had said all these things more for Jaime's sake than Cersei's, but the thought had been there. His aunt always telling him that the only reason that she was there, was because of him, not for the twins. But assuring him that when and if the right time came, she would reveal herself to the rest of her family.

He could understand her anger. His father always wanted his own way, and if it wasn't his way then he would change it. He would use his power, influence and gold to get others to bend to his will, and if they didn't............well, it wouldn't end well. And here he was, getting his own way again. Causing all kinds of problems. Yet he did have to admit, seeing his aunt threaten his father. Seeing the disbelief on the twin's faces, had been quite amusing, now that he had chance to think about it, and the room wasn't going to be filled with the clash of swords. The little man wondering if there had been a fight, whether the two sellswords would have won out, or his brother. Tyrion having a feeling that if it came down to it, he would have put his dragon gold on his guards, as Jaime fought with honour, and as he had found out at Eyrie, neither Bronn nor his aunt seemed to know what that was.


Jaime sat in his chair. He was stunned to say the least at what he had just seen and heard. At the revelation that the sellsword that he had met when his brother had returned to the Keep, was in fact his aunt. And even more shocked that she had drawn her sword and pointed it as his father, before he had pointed oathkeeper at her.

He couldn't help but shake his head as he listened to Cersei go off on one of her usual tirades against their brother. Admittedly, he did think that she had a point this time. That they should have been informed sooner of their brother's new female guards' true identity. That they had as much right to know her as Tyrion did. But he couldn't help but feel angered as Cersei once again brought up the fact that their mother had died giving birth to Tyrion. Jaime always hating it when she did that. He being the only one on the family that seemed to understand that none of what happened had been his brother's fault. That what had happened could happen to any woman when they gave birth. Jaime calling out her name and trying to cool her. Her rant only going from that to something else. The oldest son of old Tywin gratefully taking a glass of wine from his brother as he let out a sigh. Sure, that Tyrion was hoping just as much as he was, that Cersei would run out of steam very soon.

"If you are so concerned with the fact that your brother knew of her true identity and you didn't; perhaps now that you do, instead of talking about it, you should actually go and speak to your aunt." Tywin suddenly remarked. His daughters aggrieved tone finally registering in his mind.

"Yes.............I think that's what we should do." Jaime agreed, as he got to his feet. Thankful that someone had been able to stop his sister from going on any longer.

"Where will she have gone..............?" The Kingsguard continued, as he looked at his little brother. Tyrion getting down from his own chair.

" she is with Bronn, I can think of only two places. She is either in my rooms drinking, or..............

"Or what..................?" Cersei snapped.

"Or she is in the practice area imagining that she is finishing off not only father, but also Jaime. And then she would be off getting drunk........" Tyrion replied. Smiling up at his brother as Cersei stormed past and threw open the door to the room. The brother's following close behind, leaving their father to once again drift off into his thoughts.


(Y/n) made her way down to the stables. She had determined to escape the city. To escape her family. As much as she had grown to really like her nephew, and as much as she had come to appreciate Bronn, the idea of staying, of trying to explain why she had become what she had become. Why she had chosen to leave so long ago, was something that she didn't want to do. Admittedly Tyrion had taken the idea that she had vanished because she had been in love with his father and didn't want to hurt her sister, quite well. But that was Tyrion, (Y/n) not sure how the queen in particular would take the disclosure, especially given what she had been told by Tyrion and heard around the Keep about the lioness. And as much as (Y/n) prided herself on not being scared of anyone, she had to admit that she did quite like her head situated on her shoulders and not on a spike on the battlements. So, off she would go. Back out onto the roads. The lady taking her saddle and placing it on her horse. A voice stopping her before she could do any more.

" are leaving again................?" 

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