Pure blood - Part 2 - Tyrion x Bronn x Reader

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"Do you have to ruin everything.........?"

"Not everything, just ya plans of getting that woman, that's all........." Bronn replied with a sniff, as he pushed himself off the column.

"Why don't you just accept that you aren't her type. She likes a man that has brains, which leaves you out............."

"Aye, and she likes a man of stature, which leaves you out............"

"I do have stature, Bronn; it is just that mine is a little more compact than most." Tyrion bit back; the two men still looking at one another.

"Well, we shall see, won't we. When we get her to Lannisport you can try and win her over your way, and watch while I sweep her off her feet.........." Bronn countered, as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Sweep her off her feet..........?"

"Aye. Ya know take her in your arms and carry her..........oh wait........" The old sellsword said with a smug grin. Tyrion deciding to ignore his desire to kick the Master of Coin in the shins, choosing instead to be the bigger man.

"Fine. As you say, we shall see............." The Hand replied with his own smile. Drawing himself to his full height, before nodding at Bronn and making his way down the hall. Bronn watching him as he went. Get this feeling that the little man was up to something, and that he might just have to do more than 'sweep her off her feet', if he wanted to make the beautiful dragon, the lady of Highgarden.


(Y/n) made her way into her rooms and took a place behind her desk. Sometimes it was still hard for her to believe that she was in the capital. That she had been allowed to remain after what her sister had done. Allowed to remain while poor Jon had been banished by Bran. But she was glad that she had; it had meant that she could prove that all of her name were not as bad as people might believe. That she was nothing like her father.......her sister. That, and it meant that she had been able to spend more time with Tyrion; more time getting to know Bronn. The two men having made the fact that her being allowed to remain, had even been given the role of King Bran's Master of Whispers, was still not popular with some, much easier to deal with. The pair always defending her. Always encouraging her; making her feel as though she did belong. The castle in which she had been born, sometimes feeling like a stranger. That the memories that lingered in the stones, belonged to someone else.

Slowly she placed down the parchment that went over what was happening in Lannisport. (Y/n) had to admit that she liked the notion of being able to get away from the capital for a while. To get away from the prying eyes and wagging tongues. And she liked the notion of being with Tyrion and Bronn, while she did this, all the more. She had to confess, only to herself.........well, and perhaps Bran knew too; that she cared deeply for the Hand and the Master of Coin. In fact, she had always hoped that one of them would ask her to be their bride. The dragon well of age to be a wife........a mother. Yet neither one had ever said anything; (Y/n) coming to believe that it was perhaps who she was that was making them not think of her in that way. Perhaps they feared that she would be afflicted by the insanity that seemed to have affected so many of her kin. But whatever the truth, she would at least be able to enjoy some time with them, before Bronn finally decided on the woman that he would make the Lady of Highgarden. And Tyrion.............well, until Tyrion came to believe that he could actually be loved, and found someone that would give him an heir. That would help continue the line of the lion. The dragon shaking the thoughts from her mind, as she went back to doing what she should. The Master of Whispers wanting to have all the information before she, Tyrion and Bronn made their way to Lannisport.


"Now, remember what I taught you about what to do with your dagger if a man..............." Brienne began, as she helped (Y/n) into the carriage.

"Brienne, you don't need to worry, I will have Bronn with me............."

"I was talking about Bronn............." The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard replied. Giving (Y/n) a small smile, as the lady chuckled.

"Well, then I will have Tyrion with me............."

"And you think that the little man is any different............"

"Brienne, stop. Tyrion and Bronn have never been anything but gentlemen with me. That, and neither of them think about me in that way..........." (Y/n) told the female warrior. Not noticing the look on the knight's face, as she did her best to get comfortable. Brienne never able to understand how the lady had not seen the looks in their eyes whenever she was around.

"Well, you still have to be careful. I should be coming with you..........."

"Bran needs you here, Brienne. And, as I said, I will be fine. If anyone tries to do anything, I know Bronn will stop them. And even though I am no warrior, I still know how to use a sword................"

"Ya going in the carriage.............?" A voice asked, before Brienne could say anymore. Both woman turning to see Bronn making his way over with his horse and (Y/n)'s horse, ready to go.


"(Y/n) is allowed to travel in the carriage, if she so wishes, another voice came. A smiling Tyrion coming to join the group. Bronn letting out a huff as the Hand climbed into the landeau beside her; carefully taking her hand and kissing it.

"A carriage is the most fitting way for a lady to travel.............."

"I.......was actually hoping to travel in the carriage for some time, and then ride others.........that way I get to spend time with both of you.........." (Y/n)'s words bringing a smile to Bronn's face. Though still not liking the idea that the dragon would be spending some of the journey travelling, shut in a private carriage, with the little lion. Brienne just rolling her eyes and closing the door of the landeau, before making her way to give the soldiers their last instructions. The Lord Commander watching as the trio and their entourage made their way out of the courtyard. Brienne wondering if one of them, any of them would say something during their time away from the capital. Wondering which of the two men would return to the Red Keep, with the lady finally on their arm. 

Game of Thrones: Imagines and one shots. Book threeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя