Fear and love - Part 10 - Joffrey x Reader

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 For NavaMia

"You think that I'm wasting my time, don't you, Sandor?" (Y/n) asked, as she took a seat next to the big man. The seat that her brother had not long since left. The eyes of the lioness and the Hound, looking out onto the now empty practice area.

"Its your time to waste............." Sandor replied, slightly more gruffly than he had meant to.

"I suppose. I know that I should probably just do what Tyrion recommended and run our nephew through at the first opportunity. That I should do it for the good of the Seven Kingdoms, and hope that Tommen will make a better king than his brother. But you see, the real problem is, that both boys have a similar issue...........my sister. She loves her children, but she is warped and twisted; she believes that she is the best player in the game, and happily destroys all those around her. You only have to look at Jaime to see that. If left to her, I truly believe that this city would burn. So, perhaps I should just kill her instead? I don't suppose that Tyrion would have an issue with it. In truth, I don't think that I would have much of a problem either." The lady confessed, as she moved a little closer to Sandor. The big man turning to look at her.

"To be honest, I think that many of Joffrey's issues are of my sister's making. She's not smart enough to know how to raise a real king. And despite the fact that she believes that she is the best of mothers, I truly think that our own mother being taken from us has led her to have a strange view of motherhood. Even given my efforts when he was a boy, it could not make up for the fact that Joffrey was not disciplined. That he was given anything and everything that he wanted. That he was never chastised when he did something wrong. But.........as idiotic as it sounds, I think I can do something to change that. I think that given that I am the only one that that boy seems to fear, seems to have any time for; so, I want to use that. I want to give the boy one last chance. I want to see if he can be the king that we all need........."

"You really think that you can do that.............?" Sandor asked. (Y/n) turning to look at him, a soft smile gracing her features, as she gave him a simple shrug.

"I'm not sure. But if I don't try, I will feel like I let all of us down. I have no intention of letting the kingdom, that so many of my friends have died to protect, be ruled by the man that Joffrey is now. So, I have to do something. One way or another, something has to change." The lioness explained, as she slowly got to her feet.

Sandor did have to admit that he thought there was nothing that anyone could do to change the little shit. That he was beyond all hope and reason; yet if anyone had a chance, it would be the lioness. The warrior reaching up and grabbing her wrist, as the lady made to leave.

"If ya need my help...........just ask................"

"Thank you, Sandor. Really, thank you." (Y/n) replied, before leaning down and kissing the big man on the cheek.

"I don't know what I would do without you............" She whispered into his ear, before rising, and slowly pulling her wrist from his gentle grasp. Giving him one last smile, before she made her way to find Joffrey.


"So..........tomorrow you, Sandor, some of my men and I, will make our way to the villages in the Kingswood. I want you to listen to the issues that face the smallfolk. I want you to see how your people live; to see their hardships. I want you to show them that the people that live in the Great Keep actually care about more things, other than just themselves." (Y/n) said, as she finally finished advising Joffrey on the problems that were occurring beyond the walls of the city, and how she intended to tackle them. The lady moving in her chair slightly, as the straps of her armour dug into her shoulder.

"Do you want me to help you............?" Joffrey enquired, as he suddenly got to his feet.

"What..........? Oh, no, I will be fine. It is not the first time that my armour has dug into my flesh................"

"But you do not need your armour here, aunt. And I would prefer you to be comfortable." Joffrey continued, as he moved to stand behind his aunt's chair. His fingers quickly pulling on the leather straps. Joffrey finding his breath catching in his throat, as the lioness let out a relieved moan. Her skin pleased to no longer feel the rub of the coarse strips of hide.

He wanted this. He wanted more of this. The beautiful sounds that came from her lips, he wanted to be because he was caressing her bare skin. Because he was kissing her breasts. Because his fingertips were exploring every curve and swell of her flesh. He wanted them to fill the room. To get louder and more lustful as he moved himself between her legs and took what so many others before him had feared to take.

Joffrey had hated leaving her with his Hound. He hated the thought of her being with anyone but him. Even when he was young, he had been unable to sleep until she had come into his room and kissed him on the forehead. The times that she was away because of some battle or war that needed to be fought; wars and battles that only she seemed to fight, some of the worst that he could remember. Joffrey always fearing that his aunt would be taken from him. That he would never get to see her again. The little boy refusing to let her go, when she did return to the Keep. Refusing to sleep unless she lay by his side.

"Will you stay with me tonight, like you used to.............?"

"You aren't a little boy anymore Joffrey. You are a man, and do not need to have me close, out of fear that you might lose me.............."

"Please.................." Joffrey pleaded, as he came to her side and gripped her hand.

"Very well." The lioness agreed with a sigh, as she slowly got to her feet.

"But I will only stay until you have gone to sleep............" She added, as she began to remover the rest of her armour. Joffrey smiling, before making his way to the bed.  

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