Not worthy - Part 4 - Thoros x Reader

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"What do you want?" The female warrior enquired briskly, before retaking her seat. Thoros noting that she had sat with her back towards him. It obvious that she was still to calm completely.

"I thought we could talk..............."

"Talk..........? Talk about what...........? I do not think that you and I have anything to talk about...........priest............" (Y/n) retorted, stabbing the tip of her sword into ground, repeatedly. Thoros having known her long enough to know that he really should just leave. That he should probably give her a little longer by herself. But he had to explain, and he couldn't help but feel that if he allowed her to stew on the evening's events; then her mind just might make the whole thing worse, than she already thought it was. The Red Priest taking a chance and moving a little closer.

"We could talk about this evening. We................."

"This evening...............?" (Y/n) interrupted, as she quickly turned and glared at him.

"This evening...........? You mean, this evening when we were supposed to be having a quiet time at that tavern. Just a few drinks so that we can forget about the world for a little while. This evening that turned into a full-on fist fight, which your, rather inflammatory comments started; that you then used as an opportunity to go up the stairs with a woman in tow, taking advantage of the chaos. And then, when said woman's huge and very angry husband follows after you, you jump out of the window; leaving me to pick up the always. Is that the evening that you are talking about..........?" The warrior huffed. Thoros able to see the fire in her eyes, before she abruptly turned her back to him, once again.

"Yes, that this evening............" The priest responded with a slight chuckle. Hoping that the light hearted comment, might lighten the mood. But given the fact that her fingers had just gripped tighter to the hilt of her sword, Thoros thought better of trying that again.

"That is funny, I thought I had just summed it up quite succinctly; and given that, I don't believe that there is anything else that we need to say about it. Only that I am sorry that the fight didn't keep the woman's husband busy enough, to allow you time to do what you had planned. Goodness knows, from what you have said, she missed out on something quite special............" (Y/n) scoffed, really not in the mood for this. Refusing to let the tears that were pooling at the corners of her eyes, fall. The female warrior believing that the priest did not deserve them. That other women, like the one that he had taken upstairs, could weep for Thoros, for she would not.

Thoros sighed. It was not the first time that he had upset, that he had angered (Y/n); in fact, he was quite good at doing both, but usually she would forgive him in the end. She would shake her head and roll her eyes at him, once she had calmed down, and things would go back to normal. The pair falling back into their usual routine. Yet this time, this time it was obvious that something was different; it not feeling as though (Y/n) wouldn't get to the point of shaking her head and rolling her eyes. That she might actually never forgive him for this, and nothing would ever be the same. And this..........this was a thought that shook him to his core. For despite all the women that he had met, that he had known and bedded, he had never, ever, felt for one of them, as he did for (Y/n). The notion of losing her for doing something decent and trying to get the woman away from the fight, feeling like a slap in the face. That he was being punished. But whatever the case, he could not allow this to come between them. He would not let this incident take her away from him. So, despite the anger that he could feel radiate from the female warrior, he knew that he could not leave. He knew that he had to tell her his side of the story.

"I wasn't taking her upstairs for what you think.............."

"You have no idea what I think, Thoros............" (Y/n) bit back. Growling slightly under her breath, as she felt the priest get closer.

"And you can keep the more vivid details about what you were really intending to do, to yourself. I am not interested................."

"I was trying to stop her from getting hurt.............."

"Is that what you are trying to call it..........stopping her from getting hurt....... while you pushed her skirts up around her waist and stuck your cock inside her! Please Thoros, I am neither blind nor a fool............." The warrior hissed, as she spun around and glared at him. Finding it hard to believe that he was trying to excuse what he had done, in such a way.

"And let us just say that you were just trying to stop her from getting hurt. Why would you care? A woman that you had never met before tonight, you choose to protect over a woman that you have known for so long. A woman that has been there for you, that has stood by your side in every fight; that is your friend. You chose to protect her, over me............To leave me to fight, and possibly get hurt, while you took her away............"

"You are a warrior, she was not................"

"So, because of that, I get left................?" (Y/n) interjected, as she quickly got to her feet and stormed up to him.

"You don't think that sometimes I need to be cared for.......that I don't need to be protected? That I don't want you to see me as a woman and not just another of the Brotherhood? That I don't need to know that you feel something for me........that I am important to you. That you love me, as much as I love you.................." She continued. The tears that she had been refusing to let fall, now quickly making their way down her cheeks. Thoros standing there for a moment; her words filling him mind. She..........she loved him. (Y/n), the most wonderful woman that had ever come into his life, loved him. The priest deciding that actions spoke louder than words, as he pulled her into his arms, and crashed his lips into hers.

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