Not worthy - Part 1 - Thoros x Beric x Reader

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"Where is he?!" (Y/n) demanded to know, as she made her way over to Beric. The Lord of Blackhaven not really having to ask whom the female warrior was referring to. But he thought that it would be fun anyway.

"Where is who..............?"

"Don't you give me that, Dondarrion. You know exactly who I mean; that.......that.......that damn priest. I swear that this time when I get hold of him, I am really gonna kill him. So you are going to have to stop getting yourself killed, cos he won't be around to bring you back." (Y/n) explained, as she looked around; sure, that the Red Priest was hiding somewhere.

Beric couldn't help but laugh to himself. It was not the first time that the very attractive, irate woman had threatened to end Thoros; and he was very sure that it wouldn't be the last. Well........that was unless his old friend couldn't keep away until (Y/n) had had time to calm down, that was. The lightening lord had to admit that (Y/n) and Thoros were a strange pair; their differences though being the things that seemed to bring them together as friends. Beric didn't mean to be unkind, but Thoros was a failed drunk priest; a gluttonous and lust filled man, who had become a companion to King Robert Baratheon while he drank and whored himself into a stupor. Thoros happily joining him in that stupor. And then there was (Y/n), she was the sober one of the Brotherhood; always telling Beric that she preferred to be in control. That she liked to have a clear head, as, as she put it, you never knew when something might happen. And unlike Thoros, she was not known to overindulge in other wants or desires; not that some of the other men hadn't tried to persuade her. Not that Beric hadn't thought about it himself; but it was those things that seemed to make their friendship work. It was her soberness that calmed Thoros when he had a full wine bladder in his hand; that seemed to draw his attention away from other things. Though that didn't mean that Thoros didn't still go a little wild every so often; and given the look in (Y/n)'s eyes, this evening had been one of those times.

"What has he done this time...............?"

"What has he.............what has he done? I will tell you what he has done; he left me to pick up the pieces again. It was going to be a quiet night, he said; me, him and a few of the others having a night at the tavern that we found in that village. The next thing I know, a few quiet ales turns into a full on fist fight and I see Thoros going up the stairs with a woman in tow, taking advantage of the chaos; a rather unhappy, very large man making his way after them. I follow them up there, Thoros jumps out of the window, and I am left to deal with the woman's husband. So, this time.........this time I am going to kill him, and Lord of Light or no Lord of Light, I am not going to be stopped.........." (Y/n) explained, about to storm off and locate the priest, only to find her wrist caught by Beric.

Really, the lord should probably let her go; (Y/n) and Thoros always seeming to enjoy a good fight between them. And whether it was with words or swords, these things never seemed to get out of hand. But there was something different about this; something that told Beric that the female warrior, was not joking this time. And given the look in her eyes, he knew that she needed time to calm down and think.

"I need you to go on watch. I'll go and find Thoros........." Beric told her; holding up his hand, as (Y/n) began to protest.

"Watch.............leave Thoros to me." The lord reiterated. (Y/n) letting out a sigh, before leaving him.


Thoros quickly made his way back to where the rest of the Brotherhood were camped. He had to get back to find out if (Y/n) was alright. The last time he had seen her, was before he had fallen out of an upstairs window, thankfully into a large pile of hay that was placed next to the tavern; though that had not stopped him from banging his head and being knocked unconscious.

He had been glad that she had agreed to join him and some of the others at the tavern. In all honesty, he would have preferred it that it had just been him and (Y/n); but he was not sure that she would have agreed to that, not given what she knew of his past. He had not exactly lived a blameless, pure life; and he had a sense that if he were to tell her that he had feelings for her, real feelings, feelings that he had never had for another woman, then she might not believe him. He had a reputation, he was seen as a bit of a rogue, so despite the much treasured friendship that he and (Y/n) shared, he had to admit that he didn't feel worthy of her, or her love. And leading the rather willing looking barmaid up the stairs, and away from the danger of the fight when it had started, certainly wouldn't have helped. Yet that didn't mean that he didn't hold out hope. The Lord of Light had given him a chance, a chance to be more, do more than he had done in his earlier life; and Thoros believed that (Y/n) was a part of that chance. That the god had sent her to prove to him that there was such a thing as love; but feeling that love and proving to (Y/n) he was worthy of it in return, were two very different things.

"There you are........." A voice called out, the priest turning to see Beric.

"I have been looking for..............."

"(Y/n), is she alright? Did she get back................?"

"Oh, she's back. But I think that you better come with me." Beric replied; the look in his friend's eyes telling the priest that he wasn't to expect a warm welcome from the beautiful warrior. 

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