My pet - Part 2 - Dany x Reader

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After the latest meeting with Tyrion, Grey Worm and the others, Dany had offered (Y/n) her hand, helping her pet to her feet. Smiling as Missandei gave her a respectful nod before dropping her eyes; the interpreter as aware as the men present, that the Khaleesi did not like her lover to be looked at. Daenerys only able to imagine what many present, would like to do to her darling. That their intentions were anything but pure when they came to (Y/n). And she would not have it. She would not allow it. (Y/n) was hers and only hers. After all the men in her life, many just wanting to use her purely for her body, the last true blood dragon believed that it must be a sign of wonderful things to come, when she had found her pet.

Dany hadn't been able to believe it when she had first set eyes on the girl that was to be sold as a bed slave to the highest bidder. She was beautiful. A glorious air of innocence surrounding her. And the Khaleesi knew that she had to have her. That she had never desired anyone or anything more than the obviously frightened young woman. The terror and misery in her eyes when (Y/n) looked at her, making Dany angry. But that hadn't been the only effect that her pet had had on her. When she had been forced to remove the simple gown that the slavers had clothed her in, the Khaleesi was sure that her heart would stop. That the beauty from Lys had bewitched her. That she was making her mind fill with thoughts and images that Dany had never had before. Of the two together in her bed. Of her kissing the flesh of the naked girl. Of kissing her lips and hearing her soft moans, as her fingers ghosted over the swell of her rounded breasts and buttocks. Of the two making love, Dany moving down the slave girl's body, until she could taste her. Until they were both quivering, panting, and sweat soaked on the mattress. The queen deciding then and there that she would pay anything that she had to, to call the woman hers.

And so, it was. From the moment that (Y/n) had been led to her. From the moment that Dany had been able to take in the true beauty of her, she had been besotted. Had fallen truly and completely in love. The lady determining that even though it would cause many an issue, she could never let (Y/n) truly be free.

There relationship had begun innocent enough. Dany informing (Y/n) that she was to be her companion. That she was to be by her side. To help her dress and undress. And (Y/n) had done this. Happy to serve the Khaleesi, instead of finding herself in the bed of a man. Yet as time when on, and with every touch as (Y/n) helped her disrobe, Daenerys was sure that she was going to lose her mind. That if she didn't tell, didn't show (Y/n) that she wanted more from her than she might believe, she would never be able to think straight again. The dragon throwing caution to the wind one night, as she had turned and kissed (Y/n). Pulling her body close to hers. Dany at once shocked but then delighted, as she had felt her darling pet melt into her lips. As she had felt (Y/n)'s fingers entangle in her hair. The pair only parting when the need for air became too urgent. (Y/n) nervously taking the hand that her lady was offering, allowing Dany to lead her to the bed. The room filling with glorious sounds, as the queen showed (Y/n) all the things that she had been dreaming of. All the things that she had been hoping they would be able to do together, since the moment Dany had laid eyes on her.

"I saw him looking at you...............again!" Daenerys suddenly said, as she came up behind (Y/n) and kissed her shoulder. The lady's hands moving so that she could pull on the stings that held the tokar to (Y/n)'s body. The soft material delicately falling to the floor, before the Khaleesi wrapped her arms around (Y/n)'s waist. Her fingers absentmindedly drawing soft patterns on the flesh of her lover's stomach.

"Who..........? Who was looking at me................?" (Y/n) enquired softly. Taking one of Dany's hands and raising it to her lips. Kissing it gently, before placing it at her throat. The dragon squeezing slightly, as she nuzzled her face into her darling's hair.

"Tyrion.........Tyrion was looking at you." Dany explained, as she breathed in the scent of her pet.

"The little man.............? I am sure that he means nothing by it. Have you told him who I am..........? Have you told him that he isn't supposed to stare............?" (Y/n) chuckling softly, as she felt her lover slowly shake her head.

"Then how is he to know...........? Anyway............I think that he is sweet. He makes me laugh.............I like him................" She continued. Finding herself turned around in the arms of her love.

"You like him..................? you like the others too..............?"

"Of course...........Jorah and Daario are good men and care a great deal for you. Missandei and Grey Worm are loyal to a fault. So why would I not like them? They all only want the best for you. They all want to protect you. So, how am I not to care about them, when they are always there for you, my love?" (Y/n) explained softly. Slowly reaching up and removing Danys own tokar. The queen humming softly, as her bare flesh now pressed against that of her pet.

"You should tell the little man so that he knows. Inform him of who I am. What I am. That I love you more than anything in this world.............But first..............." The beautiful pet continued. Smiling at Dany, as she handed her the lead that came from her golden collar.

"Show me how much you love me................" (Y/n) added. Both women now smiling, as Dany led her to the bed. 

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