Little wolf - Part 2- Robb x Reader

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A second part for Actioninfinity. I couldn't resist more cuteness. 

(Y/n) leant against the wall, doing her best to catch her breath. She had only just made her way out of her bedroom so that she could find Robb, and already she was exhausted. Her maids coming up behind her to make sure that she was alright. The older women not only concerned with the wellbeing of their lady, but with the fact that the heir to Winterfell had told them earlier, not to let his beloved wife leave the room. Robb as well as everyone else in and around the castle knowing full well that (Y/n)'s time was due. Yet the young wolf's bride could be rather stubborn when she wanted to be. And the notion of having to sit in bed all day, once again, was more than she could take. She knew that the maestre had only advised that she stay confined to her bed for her own good. That Robb had only enforced the advice, because he loved her. But it was so boring just sitting under the furs. So boring just looking at the same four walls. And even thought Robb would come and check on her every chance he could. Even though Catelyn, Sansa and Arya would come and see her all the time. Even though Jon would come and make her smile, and even Eddard would see if she was well, she had had enough.

"Milady, ya should go back to bed............"

"I should do many things, Valeris; but going back to bed is not one of them. I am sure that the little one can survive a walk." (Y/n) replied, as she continued to catch her breath. Her hand resting on her now very round belly.

The little one.............(Y/n) was sure that whatever child she was carrying, it certainly wasn't going to be little. She seemed to have gotten so big so quickly. It feeling as though she were carrying a horse. That the little creature had more than two legs as it kicked her whenever it heard the sound of its father's voice. Whenever it heard the sounds of its grandparents or aunts and uncles. And now she was just praying for her child to be born. Wanting to hold it in her arms, instead of carrying it inside her.

"Nyra........go and get lord Stark..............."

"No, Nyra don't." (Y/n) ordered, as she pushed herself away from the wall, and straightened her night gown.

"I can go and find my husband myself. I need some air, and if I don't see something different, I think that I might just lose my mind." The lady continued, as she looked between the two maids. It obvious that neither liked the idea. Both of them not sure if there was actually anything that they could do to change her mind, as (Y/n) slowly began to walk again. The lady more determined than ever to prove to Robb, maestre Luwin and everyone else, that no matter how far into her pregnancy she was, she could still do things by herself. And that she could most definitely walk the short distance to find her husband.

Suddenly she stopped again. Yet this time it had nothing to do with her being tired. It more to do with the small puddle of liquid she now stood in. The liquid that was trickling down her legs. The maids shouting for help, as they both took an arm, and took (Y/n) back to her bed. Other shocked servants racing off to find Robb, to find the maestre, to inform the family that a new little wolf was soon to arrive at Winterfell.


The entire family waited outside the rooms. The only one being allowed in, being Catelyn. Eddard, Jon and Theon doing their best to calm Robb whenever he heard his wife scream out in pain. Whenever any noise would come from the other side of the door. Sansa doing her best to keep her younger siblings entertained, as they could do nothing more than wait.

It felt as though it had been hours since he had received word from the servants that his wife's time had come. That soon he would not only be able to take his wife in his arms, but also his child. Robb sure that he has never had so many emotions flow through him as he had, as he raced back to his room. As he had had, when he had sat on the bed next to (Y/n) and took her hand. Doing his best to assure his bride that everything would be alright. That she and the little one would be fine. Yet as he heard another scream, Robb was beginning to wonder. He was beginning to feel afraid. Afraid that he would not only lose the love of his life, but also the child that she was carrying.

"She'll be alright, Robb." Jon began, as he placed his hand reassuringly on his brother's arm.

"(Y/n)'s strong, and she has ya mother and Luwin in there to help her. If anyone can do this, she can." Jon continued. His older brother jumping to his feet, as yet another, louder scream rang out. Jon and Theon holding him back as Robb tried to make for the door.

"But what if she isn't, Jon..........? What if I lose her.................?" Robb fought back. The young wolf doing his best to fight back the tears. Doing his best not to see the concerned looks that Jon and Theon were giving one another. Neither of them knowing what to say in reply. Both of them know what (Y/n) meant to Robb.

Then suddenly, there was another cry. Yet this cry was not from (Y/n). It was the cry of a newborn taking its first breaths in the world. Ned coming up behind his oldest son and pulling him into his arms. Everyone looking at one another, as that cry was joined by another. The smiling face of Catelyn appearing moments later, as the cries died down.

"I think that there are one or two.......three people in here that would like to see you." His mother said, as Jon and Theon let Robb go. Robb placing a kiss to his mother's cheek before he quickly made his way into the room. His heart skipping a beat, as he saw an exhausted but happy (Y/n) sat in the bed. Each arm filled with a little bundle. The young wolf quietly making his way over to the bed and placing his lips to (Y/n)'s before taking a seat next to her.

"Well, it looks like we might have our hands full, my love." (Y/n) smiled, as Robb looked at the two beautiful children that she was holding.

"Robb, may I introduce to you your son's, Brandon and Benjen Stark." (Y/n) continued. Robb finally allowing the tears to roll down his cheeks, as he heard that (Y/n) had named their sons after his uncles.

"I think that the whole of Winterfell is going to have their hands full with these two." Robb smiled, as he carefully took the babies from (Y/n) and held them close. The Winterfell heir sure that he had never seen anything more perfect than the three people with him in the room. The young wolf silently promising to protect them all with his life. Knowing that with these two new additions, there would always be little wolves in Winterfell. 

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