Things we do for love - Part 3 - Theon x Reader

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The battle had seemed to last forever. The sounds of clashing swords, of thundering hooves. The screams and moans of dying men, filling even the darkest corners of the great northern castle. Not that anyone in the room had noticed. The screams of the lady filling the room, as her child tried to make its way into the world louder than anything. Her maids rushing backwards and forwards with clean linen and hot water. Encouraging the she wolf as best they could. Tears rolling down the older women's cheeks, as (Y/n) cried out for a mother that had been so cruelly taken from her. For a sister that could be dead, but most of all, when she had screamed for Theon. For a husband that would never be the same as he had been before Ramsay had played his sick little games. For a husband that might not care for her anymore and may have died in the battle that had raged.

Yet now, now everything outside the room was deathly quiet. Yet, despite what this quiet could mean, there was not one woman there that would take this moment away from the new mother. All of them watching as (Y/n) held her little bundle close. The she wolf cooing softly over the sweet little boy that sported his father's eyes. The lady sure that she had never seen anything as beautiful in her life, as her new son.

"Milady..............." A maid said nervously, as she stepped forward.

"Yes, Liana........." (Y/n) replied. The she wolf never moving her gaze from her slumbering son.

"The over.............."

"Yes. Liana. I can hear.................." The lady agreed, before placing a soft kiss to her child's forehead.

"He could come back, milady..............."

"No! No, Ramsay will not be coming back. He can't. For my child's sake, he can't. My brother will have defeated him. I heard the sounds; I am sure of it. I am sure that it was Jon. He was shouting. He was beating Ramsay............." (Y/n) protested. Tears rolling down her eyes, as she looked between her maids and her child. The worst notions beginning to go through her mind. The thought of Jon losing. Of never getting to see him again. Of the evil Ramsay dragging her sister and husband back to Winterfell in chains. Of him strapping Theon back onto the cross and having her watch while he took great delight in completely destroying what was left of her husband.

"But if he does........the boy........we should take him away. We can think of something to tell him. Mysa knows a good family. They will care for him milady." Liana told (Y/n), as she slowly took a seat next to her lady.

"Yes..........yes I am sure. But just let me keep him for a little longer, please. If Jon has lost, I cannot take losing my child, as well as my family." (Y/n) told her maid. Reaching out to take the older woman's hand.

"Of course, milady. Milah will go and keep a watch. If Lord Bolton should return............"

"Yes........thank you Liana." (Y/n) replied, as she placed a kiss to the older woman's cheek.


Ramsay had retreated back to Winterfell. Yet Wun Wun had been able to break down the great castles gates and allowed the forces loyal to the Stark's, to overwhelm what was left of the Bolton garrison. The wicked bastard of the Dreadfort managing to mortally wound and kill Wun Wun, before offering Jon an opportunity to face him in single combat. Ramsay unsuccessfully trying to kill Jon with arrows, before he had been overpowered. Jon's rage almost pushing to beat the Bolton lord to death. Only the sight of Sansa stopping him finishing the job.

"We need to go and find (Y/n), Jon. She could have had the little one." Sansa said softly, as Theon raced over to them. Jon ordering his man to imprison Ramsay, as he nodded in agreement. The three quickly making their way into the castle, only to be met by one of (Y/n)'s ladies.

"Milah? Is everything...........?" Sansa asked nervously, as the woman hugged the younger she wolf before curtsying to Jon. A relieved smile gracing her lips, as she saw Theon.

"The gods be praised. We feared that.........when everything went silent.......... But my lady.........she, she didn't doubt you. She said that you would win. That the Bolton.............."

"Where is (Y/n)........?" Theon interrupted, as he stepped forward and caught the woman by the arms. Almost shaking her as he waited for her answer.

"My lady is in her rooms. The little one.............."

"The little one. You mean........the baby.............."

"Yes milord. A boy................." Milah managed to reply before Theon let her go and ran down the corridor. Jon going to follow, only to find himself stopped by Sansa.

"Let them be together. We can meet our nephew later." Sansa said, before taking Jon by the arm, and leading back outside to check on his men.


Theon stopped as he got to the door of (Y/n)'s chambers. His heart pounding violently as he looked at the wooden ingress. It seemed to him as though he hadn't seen her in what felt like a lifetime. And the last time he had, she had promised to do whatever Ramsay wanted her to do, as long as he didn't hurt him. Theon still feeling the shame of not being able to protect his wife. That, and did she still love him? Could she still love him after what he had done. What Ramsay had made him. Yet as he heard a soft cry from inside the room, all those dreaded thoughts left his mind. Theon almost breaking down the door. The kraken stopping again, as his eyes fell on an exhausted looking (Y/n), and the murmuring bundle in her arms.

"Theon! Leave us........please............" (Y/n) exclaimed, before turning to her maids. The woman curtsying before quickly exiting the room. Tears coming to the she wolf's eyes, as she looked up at her husband. Theon unable to do anything but stand there. Amazed that despite the fact that (Y/n) was tired, she looked more beautiful than she ever had.

"Would.........would you like to come and meet your son? I haven't........I haven't named him yet. I had hoped that you would like to do it.........." (Y/n) finally managed to say, as she looked between her son and husband. Theon swallowing at the large lump that had formed in this throat before girding himself and slowly making his way towards the bed. Cautiously taking a seat on the side. The kraken sure that his heart would explode with joy, as he looked down at the little creature in (Y/n)'s arms.

"He looks like you." Theon said quietly. As he hesitantly reached forward and nervously touched the tiny boy.

"That's funny, I thought he looked like you. He has your eyes........." (Y/n) chuckled. Softly hushing her son as he began to grumble.

"Do you still love me, Theon...........?" (Y/n) suddenly asked. Theon looking at her. The Iron born more than a little confused by his bride's question.

"Do I still love you.........? How could you ask me that, (Y/n)? It is I that should be asking you that question. After all that I have done. The fact that I will never be able to..........that I am no longer the man you married............"Theon replied, as he carefully reached up and placed his hand on her cheek. Slowly brushing away the tears.

"I love you as much now, as I did the day that I married you. As I have loved you all my life. I will not pretend that I have forgiven you for what you have done. I don't know if I ever will. But I will always love you, Theon. No matter what. And I don't care that you can't...........all I want is to have you and our son in my life for the rest of my days." (Y/n) replied. More tears falling, as her husband pulled her into his arms.



"I think that we should name him after your father. I think we should call him Eddard." Theon explained, as he held (Y/n) tighter. His eyes moving to look down at his son. A smile coming to his lips as he felt his wife nod in agreement. The kraken knowing that he would do anything it took to have (Y/n) forgive him. And that he would spend the rest of his life doing anything for her love. 

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