Nameday - Part 8 - Bronn x Reader

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Bronn made his way through the dark corridors, that were lit periodically by softly crackling torches. He and Tyrion had been at Casterly Rock, for days now; but whereas the youngest lion had been invited to spend time every day with his sister and the children, he was yet to be summoned. Not that he felt that he could blame the lioness for not wanting to see him; but in his defense, she had refused to marry him, as much as he had scoffed at the notion. Yet it had not been long, before he regretted that decision; and now that the children, his children had been born. His children that were somewhere in this huge, drafty castle, he was regretting it all the more. Though, to his mind at least, it would appear that (Y/n) had had no second thoughts about a marriage. That she did not regret rejecting the notion of being his wife.

Tyrion had of course come back with news, informing him of the children. How they did have his eyes, and small tufts of hair, that was the same colour as his. Yet he had never said anything about (Y/n) being willing to see him; being willing to let him see the children. So, after another day of just sitting around, while Tyrion was off, enjoying himself with the new, little family; Bronn had decided that he needed wine. Lots and lots of wine. That he was going to get drunker than he had ever been before. He was going to block out the thoughts of the lioness and his offspring for just one night; but first, he had to find said wine.

Suddenly he stopped, as a sound filled the long corridors, as well as his ears. It was a sound that he had heard before. A sound that he would hear whenever she was happy............(Y/n) singing. It was something that he and the family knew all about; the fact that the lioness would sing softly, whenever she was filled with joy, or contentment. Bronn treated to her gentle, dulcet voice, as she would lay in bed, with her head resting against him; his fingers combing through her hair, while she stroked the hair on his chest. It was always something that made him smile; always something that provided to him, that he had done a good job, during their time together. And it was pulling him too her. The sellsword following the sound, until he found himself at a door. Bronn reaching up and placing his hand on the wooden ingress; hesitating for a moment, before pushing it open.


(Y/n) placed Aranna back in the crib, before picking up Markas; carefully carrying her son to the chair that she had made as comfortable as possible. She knew that it was not usual for a lady to nurse her own children, but she had never claimed to be usual. And she did not want the twins to look to a nursemaid, as if she was their mother. No, (Y/n) had every intention of caring for the little ones, herself. Of showing her children all the love that she and her siblings, had never really known.

Slowly she took a seat and brought her son to her bared breast; Markas settling, as he began to drink. (Y/n) couldn't stop herself from smiling, as she looked at the beautiful boy in her arms. Her twins had made her happier than she could ever have thought; and now that Tyrion was with her, things had only got better. The chance to spend time with her brother, making her feel less alone. As if she was not so far away from the life that she had known for so long. Yet she was still to decide about Bronn. There was something comforting about knowing that he was in the castle. She had never felt the need to be afraid, when he was close by. And even though she knew that he could, perhaps, at times, exaggerate on some occasions about things that he had done; (Y/n) had never doubted his skill with a blade, nor his ability to fight. And she knew that if anyone was foolish enough to attack the castle, Bronn would be right there; the thought of him in full flight on the battlefield, making a song come to her lips. The lady getting lost in the melody; closing her eyes as she continued with the song. She was so lost in fact, that she didn't notice that someone had come into the room.


Bronn stood silently in the doorway, watching as (Y/n) sat in the chair, nursing a child, and singing softly. He was sure that she was more beautiful than the last time that he had seen her; the lioness appearing to glow, as she rocked back and forth. What he wanted to do, was rush over to her; he wanted to kneel before her, take her hand and look up into her beautiful eyes. He wanted to apologise for what and who he was. For denying her, denying himself; denying the fact that he, that Bronn could, and had actually fallen in love. That he had fallen in love with her, and despite his reputation; despite all he had had others believe, he wanted nothing more than to be the man, the husband, the father, that she and the children deserved.

Suddenly (Y/n)'s eyes opened, as she heard a noise. The breath catching in her throat, as she saw the man that now stood in the room. The lioness unable to say anything for a moment; not sure whether to be angry or pleased at the fact that he was there. Her heart beating a little faster, as he moved closer.


"Hello, luv............" 

Game of Thrones: Imagines and one shots. Book threeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang