It can't be - Part 8 - Tywin x Reader

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Kings Landing............Despite the fact that she hadn't seen in years, it had changed very little since she had last been there. Since she and Joanna had been ladies-in-waiting to the future queen, Princess Rhaella Targaryen. It was still grey, and she was sure that she could smell it from where she was. The female sellsword pulling her mount to a halt, as the group got closer to their destination.

That life. The life she had shared with her sister, with Tywin in the capital, seemed like it belonged to someone else now. That she wasn't, and never had been that young woman. She had been a sellsword for so long now, for most of her life in fact, that it was hard to remember anything before that life. Hard to remember when she hadn't had to fight to survive. When she hadn't had to kill to stay alive. The days of the best wine, lemon cakes and beautiful gowns made of only the finest and softest materials, long gone.

During the time travelling back to the city, she had done her best to avoid Tywin, or maybe it was he that was avoiding her; but either way it worked, and the feelings that had suddenly begun to rear their ugly head, had slowly died down. The lioness taking the time to get to know her fellow sellsword and nephew better. (Y/n) finding that she really did like both of them a great deal. Sure, that she was going to quite enjoy looking after her sister's youngest child.

"What do you think.........Has is changed...........?" A voice enquired. The lady smiling as Tyrion and Bronn drew their horses to her side.

"It doesn't appear to have changed at all. But there again, places like Kings Landing don't, do they? It still looks like a shit hole. Full of vice and corruption..............."

"I'm quite looking forward ta tha vice part myself." Bronn interrupted. Both the Lannisters chuckling, as the male sellsword smiled at the thought of having some pretty little thing sat on his cock.

"I am sure you are. Perhaps that is how we should separate our deal with the vice and I'll take the corruption.........."

"Sounds good ta me........and I'll get paid for it........" The male sellsword agreed. Giving the lioness one of his usual cheeky winks.

"When was the last time you were here?" Tyrion questioned. Doing his best to change the subject. The little man not liking the way that Bronn seemed to look at his beautiful aunt.

"Long before you were born, nephew. Long before your brother and sister were even thought of. I have done my best over the years to avoid this city like the plague. To avoid going anywhere near my old life. There were just too many ghosts to want to revisit it, and unfortunately ghosts can't be killed with a sword. And I only like things that can be killed. You know where you stand with things that can be killed." The lady replied with a smile. Her smile falling, as she watched the old lion, and his men make their way past them. Tywin completely ignoring the trio as if they were nothing. As if they didn't even exist. The lioness finding herself huffing. Annoyed that after all he had done to find out who she was. After the well-paid interrogation he had put her through. Now that he knew, it was as if he didn't care. Though she didn't really expect anything else. It was Tywin after all, and even though she might have been the spitting image of her sister. That was one thing that she would never be. And he would never care.

"Has he spoken to you since............?" Tyrion suddenly enquired. As he and his two new bodyguards watched the Lannister bannermen continue to pass them by.

"No, and nor do I want him to. I told him everything that he needs to know that night. Everything that he wanted to know. The only reason that I am still here is because of you. And as I informed him, from now on, where you go, I go nephew. Now, why don't we follow this lot, and perhaps when we get to the city you can introduce myself and Bronn here to the cellars of the Keep." (Y/n) replied. Tyrion happily nodding in agreement, and Bronn deciding that he liked the little man's aunt more and more. And that they had much more in common than he might have imagined.


Tywin had watched as (Y/n), Tyrion and his new sellsword rode along together. He hadn't said a word to her since that night. But it wasn't that he didn't want to say more, to ask her more about her confession. To try and discuss her about her being back with the family. It was more that she had conspicuously been impossible to find when he had gone to look for her. Tyrion not even sure where she was when he had stormed into his son's tent. That, and he wasn't sure how much it would cost him for a further conversation with his cousin. Tywin having a feeling that by the time she was done with him, the Lannister fortune would all belong to the lioness, and he would be left a pauper in the streets, with only rags on his back. And he was well aware that there was no point in trying to threaten her or scare her into talking to him. The old lion not blind to the fact that his cousin was in no way afraid of him. That he could threaten to have her killed, and she would simply laugh in his face. She had become everything that he would expect of a sellsword. She was nothing like he could remember. His eyes lingering on her, as she pulled her horse to a stop and looked over the city, as it came into view. Not able to imagine what she could be thinking. The old lion knowing how long it had been since she had probably seen the city. That the last time that she was most likely there, was when she and Joanna had been the ladies-in-waiting to the Targaryen princess. Tywin huffing under his breath, as his son and the sellsword moved to her side, all of them laughing. The Lannister patriarch doing his best to ignore the trio. Ignore his cousin as he and his men rode past on their way back to the capital. The old man determining that one way or another, he would come up with some way of talking to her once they were all in the Keep. 

Game of Thrones: Imagines and one shots. Book threeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora