The banished woman - Part 5 - Tyrion x Tywin x Reader

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" will stay right where you are." (Y/n) said, as she looked up at Tywin. Her hand gripping onto Tyrion's and holding him back, as the little lord next to her, went to get down from the stone bench.

"Tyrion is your son, Tywin; therefore, should be spoken to as such, not as though he were a servant, or smallfolk. And he and I were not finished speaking; so, he is going to remain with me. If you wish to converse with me, perhaps we can find another time..............." (Y/n) continued, before getting to her feet and smiling down at the young lord.

"Come, dear one, you can show me the rest of this lovely garden." The lady continued, giving Tywin one last warning look, before Tyrion followed her and got up from the bench; the little lord offering her his arm as they made their way down the path. Leaving Tywin to feel as frustrated as (Y/n) would always leave him, since she had agreed to stay in the capital.


"Are you ever going to talk to him...............?"

"Who, dear...................?"

"(Y/n), don't................" Tyrion retorted, knowing that playing the fool was not really the lady's style.

"Fine...........I will speak to your father when I am good and ready. I am not in the mood at this moment to listen to anything that he might have to say. The only reason that I remained in Kings Landing, is because of you and your brother and sister, not your father. I have no idea why he would want to speak to me in the first place. He has already spewed some ridiculous rubbish to me when I met you all unless he comes up with something else............"

"What ridiculous rubbish..............." Tyrion interrupted, as he came to a stop and looked up at (Y/n).

"It was nothing......................."


"He sort of............asked me to marry him. He banishes me and then asks me to marry him. Can you think of anything more ridiculous...........?"


"Yes Tyrion, marriage..............."

"And that is ridiculous.........?" Tyrion countered, as he grasped (Y/n)'s hand.

"Well.......yes, of course it is. Why would I marry a man that banished me from a place that I loved, from the children that I loved, as soon as he found out that I was with his child? I loved your father, more than you can ever know, Tyrion. I was never the kind of woman to just jump into a man's bed if I didn't feel anything for him. And your father...........your father is the only man that I have ever.......that I have.............He told me he loved me too; swore that he would always love me. That he would do anything for me, But.........but when reality came calling, all Tywin Lannister could think of, was the only thing that ever really mattered to him, and that was his name, the name of his House; not you, not your brother and sister, not me or the lives that were growing inside of me...............just himself. And men like your father, well, they never change. So, yes..........the notion of me marrying your father, is ridiculous. Now, if you will excuse me, I promised your sister that I would join her and the other ladies for tea, and I should get changed." The lady explained, leaning down to kiss Tyrion on the cheek, before making her way back into the castle.


Tywin made his way through the castle, if he was going to get to talk to (Y/n), he was going to have to take matters into his own hands. She had become stubborn over the years, nearly as stubborn as he was, so he was going to have to do something. He was going to have to stop letting others come between them; be they his men, who were no good at undertaking his orders, his children with Joanna, or his children with her. No, this required something much more hands on; the old lion making his way to (Y/n)'s rooms; pushing his way through the door and waiting for her to return.


(Y/n) made her way back to her rooms to change, her teeth gritted. It wasn't that she was annoyed at Tyrion, for asking about what she and his father had discussed; she was annoyed at herself.........she didn't know. Perhaps staying had been a bad idea, she wouldn't miss Kings Landing when she left; it was a vile place that stank to the heavens, full of corruption and vice, and she was sure that her children wouldn't miss it either. It was true to say that Blane and Barden seemed to be getting on well with both Tyrion and Jaime. (Y/n) only now realising how much all her lovely boys had in common, despite the fact they had not known of one another, until only recently. But as far as Tywin was concerned, her children had still not taken a liking to him. In fact, they seemed to want to keep her and the old lion apart, more than anything; (Y/n) wondering what they would think if they knew the secret of their true lineage. If they knew that the old man that they didn't have much time for, was actually their real father.

Eventually, she made it to her rooms, her hand resting on the handle of the door for a moment. (Y/n) had to confess that she didn't really want to join Cersei and the other ladies. Gossip and lemon cakes had never really been her thing; but she had promised, so go she would. Her hand pushing open the door before she slowly made her way inside. The lady turning as the door was forcefully closed behind her. (Y/n) turning to see Tywin standing in front of the ingress; his arms folded firmly over his chest.

"I think that it is high time that you and I spoke................." 

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