Persuade me - Part 1 - Ramsay x Reader

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For gothicrose444

The journey to Winterfell had been an uncomfortable one; and one that neither of the passengers in the coach really wanted to make. Sure, that the last place that any sane person would really want to be, was the great northern castle. That, and the old lord and his daughter had no desire to come face to face with the young man that the whole of the north knew was responsible for not only the death of his father; but also, his father's bride and new baby son.

Ramsay Bolton.........what was there to say about the bastard son of the Lord of the Dreadfort, other than the fact that he was a true sadist. A man that took true delight in hurting others. A ruthless, amoral, dishonourable and completely depraved individual. A demon spat out from the Seven Hells, that had wrapped itself in the guise of a man. Yet if they wanted to keep their lands and property safe, they had no other option than to go and speak to the wild eyed monster himself.

"You know.........I still expect to be greeted by old Eddard when we get there; Lady Catelyn by his side and that long row of children of theirs, trying their best to not look as though they would rather be doing anything else..........." The lord chuckled absentmindedly, as the great castle got ever closer. The old man remembering back to better times, when Winterfell was ruled by the wolves.

"Yes........I would rather be seeing Robb, Jon and Sansa, than that insane, murderous............"

"(Y/n), please...........I know how you feel; but you cannot say such things once we get to Winterfell. Ramsay would quite happily kill you if he were to hear you say anything against him; anything that might anger him. Please, my dear heart, I have no desire to lose you. All we have to do is persuade Ramsay to help us with some of his men, and we can leave here." The lord beseeched, as he leant forward and took his daughter's hands in his. Squeezing them carefully.

(Y/n) knew that her father was right. With the increase in the bands of robbers roaming the land; unscrupulous men that that were prepared to do anything, to hurt anyone they had to. Mercenaries and sellswords that would happily take money to destroy all her family had built, something had to be done. Yet given that they didn't have enough men to control and fight off these new threats, the only man that they could turn to was Ramsay Bolton............

"I promise that I will be on my best behaviour, father. I will not tell the new Lord Bolton, that I believe that he is a vile, odious, contemptuous..........."


"I promise..............." The lady said again, giving her father the best reassuring smile that she could muster; the air around them becoming colder as the shadow of Winterfell fell over them.


(Y/n) had never feared going to the great castle before; but as she and her father were escorted to the great hall to be presented to Ramsay, she couldn't help but feel dread build in the pit of her stomach. Just like her father, she could remember Winterfell as it should be. When the old wolf had still been its lord, they would visit often; (Y/n)'s mother and Lady Catelyn had been good friends, and Eddard and her father had fought together during Robert's Rebellion; and she..........she had always liked the younger Sansa and Arya. Always liked how the handsome Robb would pay her attention; and how Jon would watch her from afar, his cheeks glowing bright red whenever she caught him looking. But now that world was gone, her own mother, Eddard, Catelyn, and Robb now with the gods.

"My lord.............." The man that had escorted them through the castle said, as he and the guests made their way into the hall.

"Lord Corrad and Lady (Y/n)..............." He added, (Y/n) feeling her heart drop, as Ramsay turned from the window to look at her and her father; a thin smile creeping across his features. A smile that made (Y/n) fear for her life. A smile that spoke of nothing but wickedness.

Rumours were always rife in not only the north, but in Westeros as a whole; rumours that (Y/n) knew better than to take with anything but a pinch of salt. But the stories about Ramsay, she was sure paled in comparison to the truth. That fact, in truth, was far scarier than the fiction surrounding him. Yet she had to be strong, she could not let the new Bolton lord see that he scared her; the lady more then sure that evil creatures such as him, got stronger through fear.

"Lord Corrad.........I hope that your journey here was a good one........" Ramsay said, as he moved across the hall, and offered the older man his hand.

" was, thank you, Lord Bolton. And may I introduce my daughter, (Y/n). I do not believe that you have ever met............." The lord replied, watching as Ramsay released his hand and moved to his child. The young lord taking the lady's hand and raising it to his lips. Looking up at her through his thick, dark lashes, as his lips lingered for just a little too long.

"We have not, my lord; thought if I had known that the lady was such a beauty, I would certainly have tried to meet her sooner." Ramsay replied, moving his body so that it was almost pressed up against hers. The feared bastard well aware that the older man would love to tear him away from his child; but also knowing that the man knew what he would do, if he dared.

"Now............" Ramsay continued, as he finally moved away from the lady and took a seat at the large table.

"Why don't you tell me why you have come to Winterfell..............?" He continued, gesturing for the lord and his daughter to sit. The dark eyes of the Bolton bastard never leaving (Y/n), as she took a seat across from him.

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