It can't be - Part 2 - Tywin x Tyrion x Reader

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"It can't be..............." Tywin gasped, as he looked up at the face. A face that he hadn't seen in what felt like forever. A face that took him back to a different time and place. One where he had been happy. One where he and Joanna had had their whole lives ahead of them. A face that reminded him of all that he had lost.

"It can't be............" Tywin said again. As the sellsword looked back at him. Emerald eyes meeting emerald eyes. Pale, long hair falling in curls over strong shoulders. Tyrion looking in disbelief between his father and his protector. At the beautiful, older woman that had been revealed.

"It is nice to see you again too, Tywin. It has been far too long. Far too long............."

"But you can't................."

"Can't what? Be alive? Did you think that I had died long ago? Perhaps hoped that I had died? Well, I am sorry to disappoint you, but I am no ghost. I am very real." The woman interrupted. Her eyes set firmly on the old lion. Tywin for the first time in his life, lost for words.

The last time he had seen her, they had both been young. He, she and Joanna had been young. Yet when he had announced that he would be marrying Joanna, she had disappeared from Casterly Rock never to be seen again. Up until this moment that is.

"You look surprised, Tyrion." The sellsword continued, as she turned her attention from the father to the son.

"Did you not think that a woman could be a sellsword..........? That a lady couldn't be a sellsword? I don't suppose that your father ever told you about me, did he? No, of course he didn't, why would he? I was of no concern to him. But now, given the fact that Tywin has forced my hand, I think that it is only right that I should introduce myself. My name is (Y/n) Lannister. Daughter of Jason Lannister and Marla Prester. I am your aunt, Tyrion. Your mother's twin sister." The lady announced with a small bow. A soft smile gracing her lips, as she looked down at the dumbfounded little man.

"I hadn't meant to be at the tavern that day. In fact, I wouldn't have been if my horse hadn't thrown his shoe. But when you walked into that place, I knew that I had found my way there for a reason, and that I would do everything I could to protect you for your mother's sake. Yet now that I have returned you to your father, I should probably go. There is nothing here for me." (Y/n) continued, pushing away the bannermen, before making her way to retrieve her dropped arrows and sword.

"No! Please!" Tyrion exclaimed, as he scrambled to his feet. The little man reaching out his hand and taking that of his aunt. Tywin still unable to say anything, as he continued to look at his cousin.

"I would like you to stay. Even if it is only for a short time. I would like you to tell me about yourself. About how you became............"

"How I became this? How a daughter of House Lannister became nothing more than a humble sellsword that sells her skills to anyone that has enough gold to afford them. Sells her bow and sword to the highest bidder. I am afraid that it is a sad story. One as old as time itself. But, I think that it would be nice to know a little more about my nephew before I go. More than the stories that I have heard of the Imp of Kings Landing. So, if you can offer me a good glass of wine, perhaps I could be persuaded to stay a little while." The lady interrupted. Tyrion smiling up at her.

"Good wine is what I do." Tyrion replied. His hand refusing to let go of hers, as he led his aunt to his tent. Tywin's eyes never leaving the pair, as they disappeared through the throng of soldiers.


Tywin sat there. Just sat there. Unable to say anything. Unable to think about anything The last time that he had seen (Y/n), she had been more of a lady than any other he had ever met. More of a lady than even Joanna had been. The old lion sure that the only steel that (Y/n) had ever held in her hand, was a sewing needle. Yet here she was, a sellsword. Returning his son to him, along with the other, rather dubious rabble that had followed Tyrion.

When she had disappeared that night, all of them had feared for her safety. All of them feared that (Y/n) had been taken by some unknown person. An extensive search for the lioness proving fruitless. Tywin doing his best to comfort Joanna as she had cried. His soon to be bride fearing that something had happened to her beloved sister. That she would never see her twin again. And so, she hadn't. Her death, thanks to Tyrion, putting pay to her hopes of being reunited with (Y/n). Of finding out why her sister would leave her when she had just had some of the happiest news of her life. When she had a wedding to plan.

But now, now the lioness had reappeared. So different to the woman that had vanished. Her form and presence much stronger, bolder than it had been in their youth. The look in her eyes telling Tywin that she had become more than just a simple lady. That she had become a true lioness.

"Milord. Are you alright?" One of the bannermen enquired. Tywin looking up at him. The old lion finally shaking the shock from his mind, before slapping away the hand that the man was offering.

"I am fine. Go and wait outside my son's tent. Make sure that lady Lannister does not leave. I want her brought to me once she has finished with him." Tywin growled, as he got to his feet and stormed back to his own tent. The Lannister patriarch having a few questions of his own for his cousin. 

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