The bet - Part 4 - Jaime x Tyrion x Reader

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"Why would you listen to the likes of a sellsword, (Y/n)? You are far too intelligent............" Tyrion heard his brother ask from behind the closed door. The little man feeling his heart drop, as he heard the lady he had come to find, give a teary reply.

"It was more that it just came out of the blue. There I was, just looking for a book, and he comes up to me and says what he said. But its not just that...........its.........its that he is right, isn't he? Since what happened with Ty...........well, since his marriage, Tyrion only looks to whores for some kind of affection. It makes him blind to the fact that there might actually be someone that truly cares about him. Someone that doesn't make sure he can pay before............." (Y/n) sniffed. The little lord, at that moment, not sure who he was angry at the most.......Bronn, or himself. Yet her words.......that he was blind to the fact that someone cared about him...........Did she mean........? Could she mean...........?

"(Y/n).........? Do you mean.................?" Jaime enquired. Asking the question that his brother could not. The breath catching in Tyrion's throat, as he waited for an answer.

"I mean nothing, Jaime. I'm sorry. I was just...........I was just thinking out loud..............." (Y/n) replied. The youngest lion feeling his heart drop again. Tyrion knowing that perhaps he had been fooling himself, when he had hoped that she would come out and confess that she loved him.

"You're right, I shouldn't have listened to a word that man said. Who in their right mind listens to the ramblings of a sellsword? A breed of men well known for their exaggerations, especially when it comes to their own abilities. From what I have heard tell of Bronn, he was probably bored and decided to have some fun at my expense." The lady continued; her voice sounding a little cheerier than it had been just a moment before. Tyrion having to agree, that if there had ever been a man that liked to expound on his own abilities, it was Bronn.

"Thank you for listening to me, Jaime. I know there is nothing worse than trying to deal with a sobbing woman. And I'm sorry for making you think that it might be to do with Tyrion............"

"There is nothing to be sorry for, (Y/n). You know that I am happy to see you any time I can. You are one of the only people I know that I can trust; one of the only people that looks on my brother with anything but disdain, whether he deserves it or not. You are not just a friend, you are my family..........." Tyrion heard his brother counter. His mind going back to all the times that the beautiful lady had been there for him. All the times that she had defended him when Cersei would spit her venom. All the times when he felt that there was only one person in the world that would ever truly love him.

"And you don't have to go. Stay, we can talk some more.............."

"You are a Kingsguard, Jaime. And given that, I am sure that you have better things to do; but, thank you. Maybe the next time the queen does not require her most loyal guard, you and I could walk in the gardens like we used to before we grew up, and the world became so serious.............." Tyrion moving quickly around the corner, as the door to his brother's rooms opened. The youngest son of old Tywin, poking his head out just enough so that he could see Jaime kiss (Y/n) on the cheek, before watching as she made her way along the corridor.

"You can come out now, she's gone............" Jaime said, crossing his arms and leaning against the jamb of his door, as he waited for his brother to appear. The older lion doing his best not to laugh, as Tyrion came from around the corner with a very sheepish look on his face. The same look he would sport, when he was younger, and he knew he had done something wrong.

"How did you know..............?"

"Its (Y/n). When I realised that she wasn't upset because of something that you had said or done, I knew that you wouldn't be far behind her. If there was one thing that you always hated, it was knowing that she was upset.........drink?" Jaime continued, as he moved out of the way of the door. Tyrion nodding his head at the invite, and slowly making his way into his brother's rooms.


"Jaime............?" Tyrion began. Nodding his head in thanks, as his older brother handed him a glass of wine.


"Do you think..........that (Y/n) might............."

"That (Y/n) had been talking about herself when she said that there might actually be someone that truly cares about you? Of course. You might be the smart one, Tyrion; but she was right when she said you are blind. (Y/n) has loved you for years. I blame myself for ruining what could have been between the two of you. If I hadn't done what I did with Tysha..........."

"If I hadn't married her............." Tyrion countered, before taking a large gulp of wine.

"Well, yes......I had not planned on that. I had just wanted to help. When I chased off the attackers, I knew that I should have just left things up to you. That eventually you would have gained the courage to ask (Y/n) to marry you. But by then, it was too late.............."

"Its not your fault. But after Tysha, I didn't feel as though I deserved (Y/n). She should have better. Someone that can appreciate her.........."

"But there is no one that will appreciate her like you do. There is no one that can understand her, like you do. You have made mistakes, brother.......we all have. But that doesn't mean that you don't deserve to be happy now. That she doesn't deserve to be happy. And I think that there is only one thing that you should do..............." Jaime interrupted. Placing a reassuring hand on Tyrion's shoulder. Tyrion nodding in agreement, before downing his drink and getting down from his chair.

"Jaime............." The little lord said, as he got to the door.

"Thank you.........." He added. Giving his brother a smile, before leaving the room and setting off once more to find (Y/n). Jaime sitting back in his seat and hoping that this time, nothing came between his brother and the woman that really loved him. 

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