Dance of love - Part 1 - Bronn x Reader

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First part of a request for shoot_shitx2.

Bronn looked at himself in the mirror. He had spent a small fortune on the outfit. Something that he thought that he would never do. But he hoped that it would be worth it. That despite what he was, and what she knew of his life, (Y/n) Lannister would finally see that he wasn't just an amoral, sarcastic, gold hungry, drunk, whore fucking asshole. No, he wasn't just that. Well.......ok.......that pretty much summed up exactly what he was. But he hoped that the younger lioness could show him how to become more. How he could become a man that she could be proud to call..........husband. The sellsword sure that there was no better lady to have as his bride than (Y/n) when he finally got his castle.

"And what are you dressed up like that for...............?" Tyrion enquired with a chuckle, as the sellsword walked into the lion's room and helped himself to wine.

"What..........what's wrong with it?" Bronn asked, as he looked down at himself before taking a seat.

"Nothing, if you want to impress the cheapest whores on the Street of Silk. Is that what you're going to do? Has Baelish got some new girl, who is so naïve that that will impress her............?"

"What? No...........I'm goin ta tha celebration that ya father's throwing with ya. And I'll have ya know, this cost me a fortunate................"

"Really, then I would say, my dear Bronn, that you have been robbed. Personally, I would go and try and get your, or should that be, my gold back." Tyrion chuckled again. The chuckle turning into a laugh, as Bronn huffed.

"And what do you mean, you are going to the celebration? This is usually the night you go and spend all the gold that you cost me, in Baelish's brothel. I mean, apart from the wine, there is no other reason for you to be there. Afterall, it's not really your thing. My father is only doing this in order to scrutinise all the eligible young men. I wouldn't even be going myself if it wasn't for the fact that I know I would never hear the last of it if I didn't. Though I do wish to be there for (Y/n). I know that she isn't looking forward to it at all. She knows that this is just so father can find someone to sell her off to. But........ahhhhhh that is why you want to go................." Tyrion smirked. Bronn wondering if the little man had finally seen through all his bravado and realised that he had actually fallen in love with his sister. The sellsword preparing himself to deny everything.

"You want to go to this thing because you know that where there are eligible young men, there will also be eligible young woman. You're hoping that one of them might fancy a little bit of rough." Tyrion chuckled. Bronn breathing a sigh of relief and just smiling in agreement.

"Well, I suppose that I can't blame you. But I think that we will be needing one or two.........make that three more drinks before we make our entrance............." The little lord continued, as he held out his glass for Bronn to refill.


"You look beautiful milady." The handmaiden cooed softly, as she looked through the mirror at the lioness.

"Thank you Elya................."

"Any young man would be proud ta catch ya eye tonight." The older woman continued, as she put the finishing touches to her mistress's elaborate hairstyle.

"I'm sure that there will be more than one lord that will want ta take ya hand for tha love dance. Just the end of tha night, ya might be betrothed.............." The maid continued cheerily, as she leaned over and gave the lioness a kiss to the cheek.

"Yes........I am sure..........." (Y/n) replied. Doing her best to smile despite the fact that she wanted nothing to do with this evening's "celebrations". That she wanted nothing to do with the young lords that would be eyeing her and the other young women present, like they were little more than pieces of meat. That all she wanted to do was curl up in bed and hope that all this would pass her by without anyone, especially her father, noticing that she wasn't there. But she knew that there was no way of getting out of this. That, as Elya had pointed out, she might just find that by the end of the night, she was betrothed to some fool that she didn't know, never mind like. The lioness doing her best to fight back the tears that wanted to fall.

"Thank you, Elya. Could you give me a few minutes, please............" The lioness asked. The handmaiden smiling and curtsying, before she left the room. (Y/n) slowly rising from the seat in front of the mirror and making her way over to the window.

She couldn't help but be annoyed at herself. She couldn't help but be annoyed at Tyrion. him. Her life had been so much easier before her brother had brought that accursed man back to Kings Landing with him. She knew that one day, just like he had her older sister, her father would sell her off to a man that he believed would increase the power and reach of their family. And (Y/n) had come to terms with that. But then he had sauntered his way into the castle, with that smug grin of his, and turned her whole world upside down.

How could she, out of all the men that called Kings Landing, that called the Red Keep home, have fallen in love with her brother's dumb sellsword. She knew that it was crazy, insane. He was after all, even at his best ass. When he wasn't watching over her brother, he was usually with a whore. He was only interested on gold and had the morals of a...........well, he didn't seem to have many, or should that be any morals at all. Yet, that all said, there was still something about him. It was the twinkle in his eyes and the smug smile. It was the way that he made her laugh and how she felt safe whenever he was around. The way that he didn't give a damn and just did and said whatever he wanted. The lioness all of a sudden realising one day, that she had fallen in love with Bronn. That she had no desire to be with any man other than the scruffy, often dirty looking, arrogant, sarcastic, amoral ass that was the sellsword. Yet she knew that that was impossible. That her father would never allow such a thing. And that as the end of the evening came, the love dance would seal her fate and she would know who she would be forced to marry. The lioness letting out a heavy sigh as she brushed down her gown and made her way to the door. 

Game of Thrones: Imagines and one shots. Book threeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin